Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« on: July 20, 2017, 04:36:29 AM »
Now, the topic of this post is going to be about...

1. The sun
2. Startrails
3. Flat Earth maps, and the distances of the flat earth

My next post is going to be about balloon launches, and fixing the problem of fish-eye lenses. (Spoiler: Fish eye lenses don't distort anything, IF the object passes through the CENTER OF THE FRAME....I will prove that later)

1. The sun

One of the earlier problems of the Flat Earth model was that the timezones simply don't work on a flat Earth. So, flat earthers and in their infinite wisdom, decided to solve the problem by making the sun into a "spotlight" shape, so it only illuminates a part of disc world. Unfortunately for the flat earthers, this "solution" just seems to dig a deeper hole for their "model".

One of the first things I'd like to focus on, is the angle of elevation of the sun on a flat Earth. Since the flat earthers have yet to come up with with an official value of the distance away from the sun, I'll use the value that I see the most...3000 miles. And, in order to determine the angle of elevation, I will use the equinox, where the sun is directly above the equator.

Now, if the sun is 3000 miles away, and at 0 degrees latitude, we can set up an equation to determine the angle of elevation at any given latitude on the flat earth. That equation would be...


a=angle of elevation of the sun
d=Distance (mi) from the North Pole to the equator

Keep in mind that the distance from the North Pole to the equator on a flat earth would be about 6,300 mi. By dividing 6,300/90, we can get the value of the angle of elevation of the sun, per degree of latitude. (Or about 70 mi/degree of latitude)

Now, on the globe Earth the angle of elevation is easy...It's dependent on your latitude. So on one of the equinoxes, the angle of elevation of the sun is simply your 90-x, where "x" is your latitude, in degrees, in the Northern Hemisphere .

Let's plot and compare the two angle of elevations of the sun on a flat Earth, vs. Globe Earth. (Yellow line is globe Earth, while the green curve is the Flat Earth)

Ok, so the flat earthers are WAY off. What's more, is that the yellow line is what we see in reality.

This is one of the things that outright DEBUNKS the flat earth.

That is just one of the simple consequence of basic geometry and trigonometry. If a sun is circling around a flat earth, then the angle of elevations is going to be wildly inconsistent than what we would see if the sun was overhead on a sphere. And unfortunately for the flat earthers, the latter is what we see in reality.

Now I know what the rebuttal of this is going to be....

"Well, this doesn't DISPROVE the flat earth because other factors could be causing the angle of elevation of the sun to be skewed...such as refraction"

I honestly find this ad-hoc excuse to be laughable at best, and worrying for humanity at worst.

If it were refraction were somehow playing a role in the apparent angle of elevation of the sun, Then why is refraction so precisely dependent on the latitude of the Earth?! Why do the gasses of the atmosphere care, when to exactly portray the sun to be dependent on latitude? Refraction simply cannot be the case. And if it somehow were, then the flat earthers have to explain why an observer at point "b" is seeing a refracted sun PERFECTLY as s/he would see at their relative latitude, and an observer at point "b" is seeing the refracted sun PERFECTLY as s/he would see at their relative latitude. Because if that were the case, then refraction can't be distorting the sun equally, to that degree.

This ad hoc excuse simply does not work.

At this point flat earthers can either accept reality, deny reality, or come up with a mechanism to defend their belief. If flat earthers want to keep on beating a dead horse, and keep parroting "Refraction! Refraction! Perspective! Refraction!", then they must show a pattern of the gasses of the atmosphere that are somehow refracting the sun to the point that it is EXACTLY dependent on an observe's latitude.


This is another thing that outright debunks the flat earth, and flat earthers will parrot "refraction" for this once again. But as I've stated earlier, saying that refraction is causing objects to be viewed according to their latitude is just plain wrong. Latitude and refraction are two very different concepts, and are not correlating with one another in any way. Gasses of the atmosphere are chaotic, and random, they cannot show the apparent position of the stars in such a precise and predictable manner.

What's more is that stars in the Northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise around the North Celestial Pole, and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere around the South Celestial Pole.

Believe it or not, I've actually heard some flat earthers simply deny the previous statement, but you can literally either take photos of startrails, or take some time lapsed videos of the stars in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.

If there was some magical sky dome that was rotating around a flat earth, then we would not see stars rotating different directions around 2 celestial poles.

Now, I've heard some flat earthers say that

Well, star trails do not necessarily prove the globe. Saying "star trails therefore globe" is non sequitur

This, again, is quite laughable. Take a camera and plant it on a spinning ball. The trails of the surrounding environment is exactly what we would see on a globe. Now before you copy and paste some random logical fallacy on wikipedia, please read this....

1. Startrails we observe can occur IF AND ONLY IF the observer was on a sphere, with either a rotating sky or sphere
2. Startrails occur exactly as stated in #1
3. Therefore, we live on a sphere

Sure, just looking at star trails alone doesn't prove whether we are spinning or not, but I would love to debate on geocentricm some other time.

Now, most flat earthers are going to attack the If and only if part, probably stating that its a false premise. However, the "if and only if" works BECAUSE of geometry. As you move North or south, the stars drop relative to your horizon by each degree depending on your latitude. There is no other geometrical shape that can give this effect besides a sphere. If flat earthers are truly going to say "it's a false premise", then it is up to them to show how exactly a flat earth (or any other shape) can produce these types of trails.

If not, then till then, The idea of a flat earth is simply NONSENSE

Flat Earth Map, and distance on a Flat Earth

This is my final proof, and while this does not directly prove the globe, it certainly disproves the flat earth.

So, the flat earthers love using the Azimuthal Equidistant projection (AE) as their go-to map to display the flat earth. Unfortunately, by projecting a sphere onto a Polar Coordinate system, there are going to be some major distortions. These distortions will get bigger and bigger the more you go South. Now, bear in mind, EVERY PROJECTION is quite distorted because no matter how you try to display a globe onto a flat piece of paper, you are going to have some major discrepancies. Even the infamous Mercator Projection has some major distortions the further North you go. (Ever wonder why Greenland looks almost as large as the continental U.S?)

So, let's focus on a couple distances. From the two costs of Australia (Red Rock to Leeman), the distance is measured to be about 2281 mi.

Let's see how that would look like, if we were on a flat Earth.

So, the distance between those two point's can be determined by the length of an arc, which is

a*pi*r/180 (This statement is equivalent to s=r(theta), but that requires radians, so we'll use the previous formula for simplicity's sake)

"r" is the distance from the North Pole to the two points. Since the Longitudinal lines are the same on a flat earth, and a globe earth, "r" turns out to be 8278 mi. While the longitudinal separation between the two points is about 39 degrees. Using the formula, the length of the two distances turns out to be

5941 miles.

In reality the distances between the coasts of Australia is about 2281mi, but the flat earth map shows us that the distance is 5941 miles.

Yep. That's how inaccurate the flat earth map is. We can input some more distances using the law of cosines, and show how planes would somehow have to be going faster than the speed of sound over great, fuel-impossible distances and going over some sights that you would never see in reality. But, this post is already really long, so I would like to keep it more simple.

But, I already know the reply of the flat earthers.

Just because we haven't completely solved the map problem yet, doesn't debunk the flat Earth

Actually, it does. Here's why....

You can adjust the degree of separation of the flat earth, but then your latitudinal lines would be skewed. Because if you somehow fixed Australia's size to fit the distance, then the latitudinal lines from the coasts of Australia won't match up with the points that we see in reality. No matter how you try fixing the distance of one point, all other points will then be skewed.

And here's why this is important....

If your model is supposed to REPRESENT THE CORRECT DISTANCES OF REALITY, and your model does not, THEN YOUR MODEL IS WRONG

There is NO rebuttal that could work here, because then you would have to be saying that proportions don't work in reality!

If 1 inch on a map is supposed to represent 10 miles on a map, then that should be the case EVERYWHERE on your map. 1in/10 mi should work in Greenland, and in Australia. Because a/b=a/b no matter where you are. That is simply not the case on a flat Earth Map! Meaning your map is FALSE. And if your map is supposed to represent your model (the flat earth) THEN YOUR MODEL IS FALSE.

It really doesn't get any more simple than that. This is really the final nail in the coffin for the flat Earth, because in order to ad-hoc your way out of this, you would have to be saying that proportions are wrong. So good luck with that.

Lastly, I need to give a boatload of credit to Cool Hard Logic. He runs a great youtube channel, and I highly recommend you check him out.

Thanks a lot for reading, and let me know what you think.


Offline TomInAustin

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Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2017, 02:11:20 PM »
Now, the topic of this post is going to be about...

1. The sun
2. Startrails
3. Flat Earth maps, and the distances of the flat earth

My next post is going to be about balloon launches, and fixing the problem of fish-eye lenses. (Spoiler: Fish eye lenses don't distort anything, IF the object passes through the CENTER OF THE FRAME....I will prove that later)

1. The sun

One of the earlier problems of the Flat Earth model was that the timezones simply don't work on a flat Earth. So, flat earthers and in their infinite wisdom, decided to solve the problem by making the sun into a "spotlight" shape, so it only illuminates a part of disc world. Unfortunately for the flat earthers, this "solution" just seems to dig a deeper hole for their "model".

One of the first things I'd like to focus on, is the angle of elevation of the sun on a flat Earth. Since the flat earthers have yet to come up with with an official value of the distance away from the sun, I'll use the value that I see the most...3000 miles. And, in order to determine the angle of elevation, I will use the equinox, where the sun is directly above the equator.

Now, if the sun is 3000 miles away, and at 0 degrees latitude, we can set up an equation to determine the angle of elevation at any given latitude on the flat earth. That equation would be...


a=angle of elevation of the sun
d=Distance (mi) from the North Pole to the equator

Keep in mind that the distance from the North Pole to the equator on a flat earth would be about 6,300 mi. By dividing 6,300/90, we can get the value of the angle of elevation of the sun, per degree of latitude. (Or about 70 mi/degree of latitude)

Now, on the globe Earth the angle of elevation is easy...It's dependent on your latitude. So on one of the equinoxes, the angle of elevation of the sun is simply your 90-x, where "x" is your latitude, in degrees, in the Northern Hemisphere .

Let's plot and compare the two angle of elevations of the sun on a flat Earth, vs. Globe Earth. (Yellow line is globe Earth, while the green curve is the Flat Earth)

Ok, so the flat earthers are WAY off. What's more, is that the yellow line is what we see in reality.

This is one of the things that outright DEBUNKS the flat earth.

That is just one of the simple consequence of basic geometry and trigonometry. If a sun is circling around a flat earth, then the angle of elevations is going to be wildly inconsistent than what we would see if the sun was overhead on a sphere. And unfortunately for the flat earthers, the latter is what we see in reality.

Now I know what the rebuttal of this is going to be....

"Well, this doesn't DISPROVE the flat earth because other factors could be causing the angle of elevation of the sun to be skewed...such as refraction"

I honestly find this ad-hoc excuse to be laughable at best, and worrying for humanity at worst.

If it were refraction were somehow playing a role in the apparent angle of elevation of the sun, Then why is refraction so precisely dependent on the latitude of the Earth?! Why do the gasses of the atmosphere care, when to exactly portray the sun to be dependent on latitude? Refraction simply cannot be the case. And if it somehow were, then the flat earthers have to explain why an observer at point "b" is seeing a refracted sun PERFECTLY as s/he would see at their relative latitude, and an observer at point "b" is seeing the refracted sun PERFECTLY as s/he would see at their relative latitude. Because if that were the case, then refraction can't be distorting the sun equally, to that degree.

This ad hoc excuse simply does not work.

At this point flat earthers can either accept reality, deny reality, or come up with a mechanism to defend their belief. If flat earthers want to keep on beating a dead horse, and keep parroting "Refraction! Refraction! Perspective! Refraction!", then they must show a pattern of the gasses of the atmosphere that are somehow refracting the sun to the point that it is EXACTLY dependent on an observe's latitude.


This is another thing that outright debunks the flat earth, and flat earthers will parrot "refraction" for this once again. But as I've stated earlier, saying that refraction is causing objects to be viewed according to their latitude is just plain wrong. Latitude and refraction are two very different concepts, and are not correlating with one another in any way. Gasses of the atmosphere are chaotic, and random, they cannot show the apparent position of the stars in such a precise and predictable manner.

What's more is that stars in the Northern hemisphere rotate counterclockwise around the North Celestial Pole, and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere around the South Celestial Pole.

Believe it or not, I've actually heard some flat earthers simply deny the previous statement, but you can literally either take photos of startrails, or take some time lapsed videos of the stars in the Northern or Southern Hemisphere.

If there was some magical sky dome that was rotating around a flat earth, then we would not see stars rotating different directions around 2 celestial poles.

Now, I've heard some flat earthers say that

Well, star trails do not necessarily prove the globe. Saying "star trails therefore globe" is non sequitur

This, again, is quite laughable. Take a camera and plant it on a spinning ball. The trails of the surrounding environment is exactly what we would see on a globe. Now before you copy and paste some random logical fallacy on wikipedia, please read this....

1. Startrails we observe can occur IF AND ONLY IF the observer was on a sphere, with either a rotating sky or sphere
2. Startrails occur exactly as stated in #1
3. Therefore, we live on a sphere

Sure, just looking at star trails alone doesn't prove whether we are spinning or not, but I would love to debate on geocentricm some other time.

Now, most flat earthers are going to attack the If and only if part, probably stating that its a false premise. However, the "if and only if" works BECAUSE of geometry. As you move North or south, the stars drop relative to your horizon by each degree depending on your latitude. There is no other geometrical shape that can give this effect besides a sphere. If flat earthers are truly going to say "it's a false premise", then it is up to them to show how exactly a flat earth (or any other shape) can produce these types of trails.

If not, then till then, The idea of a flat earth is simply NONSENSE

Flat Earth Map, and distance on a Flat Earth

This is my final proof, and while this does not directly prove the globe, it certainly disproves the flat earth.

So, the flat earthers love using the Azimuthal Equidistant projection (AE) as their go-to map to display the flat earth. Unfortunately, by projecting a sphere onto a Polar Coordinate system, there are going to be some major distortions. These distortions will get bigger and bigger the more you go South. Now, bear in mind, EVERY PROJECTION is quite distorted because no matter how you try to display a globe onto a flat piece of paper, you are going to have some major discrepancies. Even the infamous Mercator Projection has some major distortions the further North you go. (Ever wonder why Greenland looks almost as large as the continental U.S?)

So, let's focus on a couple distances. From the two costs of Australia (Red Rock to Leeman), the distance is measured to be about 2281 mi.

Let's see how that would look like, if we were on a flat Earth.

So, the distance between those two point's can be determined by the length of an arc, which is

a*pi*r/180 (This statement is equivalent to s=r(theta), but that requires radians, so we'll use the previous formula for simplicity's sake)

"r" is the distance from the North Pole to the two points. Since the Longitudinal lines are the same on a flat earth, and a globe earth, "r" turns out to be 8278 mi. While the longitudinal separation between the two points is about 39 degrees. Using the formula, the length of the two distances turns out to be

5941 miles.

In reality the distances between the coasts of Australia is about 2281mi, but the flat earth map shows us that the distance is 5941 miles.

Yep. That's how inaccurate the flat earth map is. We can input some more distances using the law of cosines, and show how planes would somehow have to be going faster than the speed of sound over great, fuel-impossible distances and going over some sights that you would never see in reality. But, this post is already really long, so I would like to keep it more simple.

But, I already know the reply of the flat earthers.

Just because we haven't completely solved the map problem yet, doesn't debunk the flat Earth

Actually, it does. Here's why....

You can adjust the degree of separation of the flat earth, but then your latitudinal lines would be skewed. Because if you somehow fixed Australia's size to fit the distance, then the latitudinal lines from the coasts of Australia won't match up with the points that we see in reality. No matter how you try fixing the distance of one point, all other points will then be skewed.

And here's why this is important....

If your model is supposed to REPRESENT THE CORRECT DISTANCES OF REALITY, and your model does not, THEN YOUR MODEL IS WRONG

There is NO rebuttal that could work here, because then you would have to be saying that proportions don't work in reality!

If 1 inch on a map is supposed to represent 10 miles on a map, then that should be the case EVERYWHERE on your map. 1in/10 mi should work in Greenland, and in Australia. Because a/b=a/b no matter where you are. That is simply not the case on a flat Earth Map! Meaning your map is FALSE. And if your map is supposed to represent your model (the flat earth) THEN YOUR MODEL IS FALSE.

It really doesn't get any more simple than that. This is really the final nail in the coffin for the flat Earth, because in order to ad-hoc your way out of this, you would have to be saying that proportions are wrong. So good luck with that.

Lastly, I need to give a boatload of credit to Cool Hard Logic. He runs a great youtube channel, and I highly recommend you check him out.

Thanks a lot for reading, and let me know what you think.

Very clear and concise arguments.   I would love to see some point by point rebuttal.
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2017, 02:54:13 PM »
1. You have chosen to ignore Electromagnetic Acceleration and instead assume that light travels in a straight path. Your argument is valid, but you're not arguing against the Flat Earth Theory, but rather a strawman that you've invented by yourself.
2. Again, EA is not refraction.
3. It appears that you've assumed Cartesian co-ordinates when calculating the supposed Flat Earth distance. Again, not strictly a faulty argument, but you're attacking something different from FET.

Conclusion: If you make up a theory that's designed to fail, it will be easy for you to show how it fails.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #3 on: July 20, 2017, 09:29:10 PM »
1. You have chosen to ignore Electromagnetic Acceleration and instead assume that light travels in a straight path. Your argument is valid, but you're not arguing against the Flat Earth Theory, but rather a strawman that you've invented by yourself.
2. Again, EA is not refraction.
3. It appears that you've assumed Cartesian co-ordinates when calculating the supposed Flat Earth distance. Again, not strictly a faulty argument, but you're attacking something different from FET.

Conclusion: If you make up a theory that's designed to fail, it will be easy for you to show how it fails.

Sure, I just put together an argument going against I've seen most popular flat earthers say on Youtube. 

1. So, you're saying that light is being affected by electromagnetism, and it is responsible for the incorrect angle of elevation of the sun as well as star trails. This is pretty laughable. Feel free to share the mechanism how light is magically being bent to show star trails EXACTLY as we would on a globe, with stars going around 2 celestial poles and in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS. And also, feel free to show how the angle of elevations for the sun, differ so much from reality as plotted here:

See the error between the yellow line (what we see in reality AND SHOULD be seeing on a globe earth), and the green line (what we should be seeing on a flat earth)? So, please let me know the mechanism that light is somehow bending to the point that the green line matches EXACTLY the yellow line.

3. I don't think you've read my entire argument. That's fine, it was pretty long. But here's what I said there...

"So, the flat earthers love using the Azimuthal Equidistant projection (AE) as their go-to map to display the flat earth. Unfortunately, by projecting a sphere onto a Polar Coordinate system, there are going to be some major distortions. These distortions will get bigger and bigger the more you go South. Now, bear in mind, EVERY PROJECTION is quite distorted because no matter how you try to display a globe onto a flat piece of paper, you are going to have some major discrepancies. Even the infamous Mercator Projection has some major distortions the further North you go. (Ever wonder why Greenland looks almost as large as the continental U.S?)

Now I already know what flat earthers are going to say....

'Just because we haven't completely solved the map problem yet, doesn't debunk the flat Earth'

Actually, it does. Here's why....

You can adjust the degree of separation of the flat earth, but then your latitudinal lines would be skewed. Because if you somehow fixed Australia's size to fit the distance, then the latitudinal lines from the coasts of Australia won't match up with the points that we see in reality. No matter how you try fixing the distance of one point, all other points will then be skewed."

Yea, EVERY projection of the continents on a flat piece of paper are going to have major distortions. Show me ONE that doesn't.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2017, 10:10:41 AM »
Sure, I just put together an argument going against I've seen most popular flat earthers say on Youtube.
Have you considered discussing this with the people who actually hold those beliefs? We're not even on YouTube.

This is pretty laughable.
Great rebuttal.

stars going around 2 celestial poles and in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.
Oh, so now you want me to talk about celestial gears? I wonder why you keep jumping between such vastly different subjects like that.

Why don't you just, like, learn the very basics of the subject matter first and THEN come here proclaiming you've found the "final nail in the coffin".

Right now, your arguments are the literal equivalent of "if the earth is round and gravity pulls everything down then AUSTRALIANS WOULD HAVE FALLEN DOWN CHECKMATE HAHA" - they rely on a woefully poor understanding of what's being proposed.

3. I don't think you've read my entire argument.
I have. You assumed that the Earth is (roughly) a sphere, and therefore posited that nobody could project it onto a plane without significant distortion. In other words, your argument can be reduced to "If the Earth is round, then it isn't flat." While correct, it doesn't particularly help us establish much.

Even the infamous Mercator Projection has some major distortions the further North you go. (Ever wonder why Greenland looks almost as large as the continental U.S?)
Yes, when I was 7 years old.

Yea, EVERY projection of the continents on a flat piece of paper are going to have major distortions. Show me ONE that doesn't.
The Earth is flat. The following is not a projection:

« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 10:12:21 AM by SexWarrior »
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2017, 01:12:53 PM »
What you claim in not a projection, is literally known by that very name.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #6 on: July 21, 2017, 01:23:52 PM »
What you claim in not a projection, is literally known by that very name.
Yes, Round Earthers like to call it that. Your point?
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #7 on: July 21, 2017, 03:07:04 PM »
What you claim in not a projection, is literally known by that very name.
Yes, Round Earthers like to call it that. Your point?
So do lots of FEers though? Because if you want to claim that's an actual map of the flat Earth, I'm game to use it to show that it can't work. Otherwise we're back to square one, that the image shown there is in fact a projection of a RE map onto a flat surface, thus all of the distortions. Alternatively, if you think it's neither a projection, nor an actual map of the flat Earth, what would you call it?


Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #8 on: July 21, 2017, 04:02:54 PM »
Sure, I just put together an argument going against I've seen most popular flat earthers say on Youtube.
Have you considered discussing this with the people who actually hold those beliefs? We're not even on YouTube.

This is pretty laughable.
Great rebuttal.

stars going around 2 celestial poles and in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.
Oh, so now you want me to talk about celestial gears? I wonder why you keep jumping between such vastly different subjects like that.

Why don't you just, like, learn the very basics of the subject matter first and THEN come here proclaiming you've found the "final nail in the coffin".

Right now, your arguments are the literal equivalent of "if the earth is round and gravity pulls everything down then AUSTRALIANS WOULD HAVE FALLEN DOWN CHECKMATE HAHA" - they rely on a woefully poor understanding of what's being proposed.

3. I don't think you've read my entire argument.
I have. You assumed that the Earth is (roughly) a sphere, and therefore posited that nobody could project it onto a plane without significant distortion. In other words, your argument can be reduced to "If the Earth is round, then it isn't flat." While correct, it doesn't particularly help us establish much.

Even the infamous Mercator Projection has some major distortions the further North you go. (Ever wonder why Greenland looks almost as large as the continental U.S?)
Yes, when I was 7 years old.

Yea, EVERY projection of the continents on a flat piece of paper are going to have major distortions. Show me ONE that doesn't.
The Earth is flat. The following is not a projection:

But if it is a true flat earth map, is it accurate in all areas ?


Offline TomInAustin

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Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #9 on: July 21, 2017, 06:13:37 PM »
Sure, I just put together an argument going against I've seen most popular flat earthers say on Youtube.
Have you considered discussing this with the people who actually hold those beliefs? We're not even on YouTube.

This is pretty laughable.
Great rebuttal.

The Earth is flat. The following is not a projection:

Why did you skip over the math and pluck the one thing out you could defend against?

So you claim this is an accurate map?  Would be nice to have a baseline for debate.
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?


Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #10 on: July 21, 2017, 07:43:15 PM »
Sure, I just put together an argument going against I've seen most popular flat earthers say on Youtube.
Have you considered discussing this with the people who actually hold those beliefs? We're not even on YouTube.

This is pretty laughable.
Great rebuttal.

The Earth is flat. The following is not a projection:

Why did you skip over the math and pluck the one thing out you could defend against?

So you claim this is an accurate map?  Would be nice to have a baseline for debate.

Using this map, how would you measure the distances of width of The United States and Australia ?
Both are about equal.
But on the flat earth map the width of Australia is shown as being much greater than that of The United States.
If this is an accurate map how do you account for this discrepancy ?
By saying the map is not a projection are you saying this is just because you deny it ?
« Last Edit: July 21, 2017, 07:48:46 PM by geckothegeek »


Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #11 on: July 22, 2017, 01:17:16 AM »
Sure, I just put together an argument going against I've seen most popular flat earthers say on Youtube.
Have you considered discussing this with the people who actually hold those beliefs? We're not even on YouTube.

This is pretty laughable.
Great rebuttal.

stars going around 2 celestial poles and in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.
Oh, so now you want me to talk about celestial gears? I wonder why you keep jumping between such vastly different subjects like that.

Why don't you just, like, learn the very basics of the subject matter first and THEN come here proclaiming you've found the "final nail in the coffin".

Right now, your arguments are the literal equivalent of "if the earth is round and gravity pulls everything down then AUSTRALIANS WOULD HAVE FALLEN DOWN CHECKMATE HAHA" - they rely on a woefully poor understanding of what's being proposed.

3. I don't think you've read my entire argument.
I have. You assumed that the Earth is (roughly) a sphere, and therefore posited that nobody could project it onto a plane without significant distortion. In other words, your argument can be reduced to "If the Earth is round, then it isn't flat." While correct, it doesn't particularly help us establish much.

Even the infamous Mercator Projection has some major distortions the further North you go. (Ever wonder why Greenland looks almost as large as the continental U.S?)
Yes, when I was 7 years old.

Yea, EVERY projection of the continents on a flat piece of paper are going to have major distortions. Show me ONE that doesn't.
The Earth is flat. The following is not a projection:

Can you prove that "the following" map is not a copy of the Unipolar Azimuthal Equidistant Projection of the globe ?
If you can, cite the source for verification.
You can't prove that is anything other than a projection any more than you can prove the size and shape of Australia is an accurate depiction.

Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2017, 02:33:36 AM »
Sure, I just put together an argument going against I've seen most popular flat earthers say on Youtube.
Have you considered discussing this with the people who actually hold those beliefs? We're not even on YouTube.

This is pretty laughable.
Great rebuttal.

stars going around 2 celestial poles and in OPPOSITE DIRECTIONS.
Oh, so now you want me to talk about celestial gears? I wonder why you keep jumping between such vastly different subjects like that.

Why don't you just, like, learn the very basics of the subject matter first and THEN come here proclaiming you've found the "final nail in the coffin".

Right now, your arguments are the literal equivalent of "if the earth is round and gravity pulls everything down then AUSTRALIANS WOULD HAVE FALLEN DOWN CHECKMATE HAHA" - they rely on a woefully poor understanding of what's being proposed.

3. I don't think you've read my entire argument.
I have. You assumed that the Earth is (roughly) a sphere, and therefore posited that nobody could project it onto a plane without significant distortion. In other words, your argument can be reduced to "If the Earth is round, then it isn't flat." While correct, it doesn't particularly help us establish much.

Even the infamous Mercator Projection has some major distortions the further North you go. (Ever wonder why Greenland looks almost as large as the continental U.S?)
Yes, when I was 7 years old.

Yea, EVERY projection of the continents on a flat piece of paper are going to have major distortions. Show me ONE that doesn't.
The Earth is flat. The following is not a projection:

Again, I can tell that you're not reading ANYTHING that I'm saying. My argument is that...

If that AE map is supposed to represent reality, then the distances and proportions should line up with what we see IN REALITY. It doesn't

Again, if you looked over my math, it isn't hard to demonstrate. A flight from the two coast of Australia would last about 3.8 hours, since the two coasts are 2281 miles apart. But if we look over the flat earth map, and do the math (like I did before)...

a*pi*r/180 (This statement is equivalent to s=r(theta), but that requires radians, so we'll use the previous formula for simplicity's sake)

"r" is the distance from the North Pole to the two points. Since the Longitudinal lines are the same on a flat earth, and a globe earth, "r" turns out to be 8278 mi. While the longitudinal separation between the two points is about 39 degrees. Using the formula, the length of the two distances turns out to be

5941 miles.

So the flat earth map is showing Australia to be 2x as large as it really is. So if the plane is traveling 600mph, it would have to land somewhere in the middle of Australia. Or, the plane is traveling 1200 mph. Something that no commercial jet can physically do. Now you could adjust Australia's size to be smaller, but then the longitude lines won't line up relative to other land masses.

Meaning that map is *wrong*. There's a lot of other examples I can give as well...


Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #13 on: July 22, 2017, 04:08:54 AM »
That map is just one type of many projections made from the globe.
It is simply a Unipolar Azimuthal Equidistant Projection.
It is as simple as that.
Nothing more and nothing less.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #14 on: July 22, 2017, 12:23:36 PM »
Just in it for the lols: I've already criticised you for nonsensically assuming Cartesian geometry. It would help if you tried responding to your debate counterparts. Repeating your error over and over again does not make your argument any more convincing.
Gecko: Yes, we know you think the Earth is round, you've said it about 1027 times at this point.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2017, 12:25:45 PM by SexWarrior »
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #15 on: July 22, 2017, 03:14:30 PM »
Just in it for the lols: I've already criticised you for nonsensically assuming Cartesian geometry. It would help if you tried responding to your debate counterparts. Repeating your error over and over again does not make your argument any more convincing.
Gecko: Yes, we know you think the Earth is round, you've said it about 1027 times at this point.

Thanks for the count !  Does that "we" include yourself ?
But I think it has been said close to 7 billion times  "around"  (if you'll pardon the pun) the world !

Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #16 on: July 22, 2017, 09:35:33 PM »
Just in it for the lols: I've already criticised you for nonsensically assuming Cartesian geometry. It would help if you tried responding to your debate counterparts. Repeating your error over and over again does not make your argument any more convincing.
Gecko: Yes, we know you think the Earth is round, you've said it about 1027 times at this point.

"nonsensically assuming Cartesian geometry"


So does a/b in Australia suddenly not equal to a/b in Greenland? If your map represents reality, than the proportions have to hold true. A plane going at a constant speed going 600mph in Australia should take under 8 hours to complete a flight, it takes half that time. If your model doesn't represent....REALITY, then the model doesn't hold true. It's that simple.

And I'm still looking forward to your reply on the specific mechanism that enables Southern star trails, as well as a constant angular size for the sun/


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #17 on: July 22, 2017, 09:45:51 PM »
If your model doesn't represent....REALITY, then the model doesn't hold true.
Excellent news, given that my model does represent.... REALITY. Does.... YOURS? (hint: no)

And I'm still looking forward to your reply on the specific mechanism that enables Southern star trails
I already replied. Celestial gears.

as well as a constant angular size for the sun
Once again, I already replied - there's a whole article about that in the Wiki. What is it with you and failing to read the basics?
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #18 on: July 22, 2017, 10:05:20 PM »
If your model doesn't represent....REALITY, then the model doesn't hold true.
Excellent news, given that my model does represent.... REALITY. Does.... YOURS? (hint: no)

And I'm still looking forward to your reply on the specific mechanism that enables Southern star trails
I already replied. Celestial gears.

as well as a constant angular size for the sun
Once again, I already replied - there's a whole article about that in the Wiki. What is it with you and failing to read the basics?

"Excellent news, given that my model does represent.... REALITY. Does.... YOURS? (hint: no)"

You repeating something doesn't change the math. Australia's size is 2x as large as it should be. What that means is that planes should be going 1200 mph, not 600 mph. Are you going to say that commercial planes go faster than sound? And how can your model explain the 24 hr Antarctic sun? Feel free to give the specifics of the mechanism on how light magically bends to cover the entire Antarctic continent, while not shining anything in between.

"I already replied. Celestial gears."

Why not just use "rainbow unicorn poop"? It has as much credibility as the reply you gave, and it sounds more fun.

"Once again, I already replied - there's a whole article about that in the Wiki. What is it with you and failing to read the basics??

Last time I checked, this is a forum, not the wiki, and I'm asking YOU.


Offline TomInAustin

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Re: Final Nail in the Coffin for the FLAT EARTH
« Reply #19 on: July 23, 2017, 06:45:12 PM »
If your model doesn't represent....REALITY, then the model doesn't hold true.
Excellent news, given that my model does represent.... REALITY. Does.... YOURS? (hint: no)

And I'm still looking forward to your reply on the specific mechanism that enables Southern star trails
I already replied. Celestial gears.

Celestial gears: Oh man, that's a great one.  Does anyone have to lube the gear bearings or is there a celestial grease gun?

Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?