Rama Set

Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #20 on: October 20, 2017, 11:39:31 AM »
When you do go postal please kill me first as I want not to live in the world you would leave in your wake. Much obliged.

You needn't worry. By insulting The Who, Jura has hastened her own demise. Teams of bullet ants have already been dispatched.


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #21 on: October 20, 2017, 01:16:51 PM »
When you do go postal please kill me first as I want not to live in the world you would leave in your wake. Much obliged.

Ah how swiftly they change, but as you request your name is added to the list.

You needn't worry. By insulting The Who, Jura has hastened her own demise. Teams of bullet ants have already been dispatched.

There is an ocean between me and your bullet ants, death god.

As for the Who, they are pretty much the yardstick for absolutely no fucking taste whatsoever, whilst believing you’re cool. Such a handsome face, such a shame.
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.

devils advocate

Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #22 on: October 21, 2017, 11:44:54 PM »

Ooh she's making a list, she's checking it twice, she'll slaughter us all whether we're naughty or nice,

Like Ms A. Stark from Game of Thrones, she's gonna strip us to our bones

Jura-G is coming to town
Jura-G is hunting me down

Jura-G is tracking me far,
I hope she's as sexy as her avatar

Ne-ver en-rage an Eng-lish rose
Coz she'll burn bog roll in your toes

Even vegan Ladies will kill you

Give Boudicca a spear she'll run you through

I guess J-G what I am trying to write

Is that I do not like it that we fight

Can we please maybe just start again?

I'll be the cock if you're the hen?

Us Brits are few upon this site

I'm sorry if I was a shite

You're right my list was inelegant

I have not been an English Gent

So please J-G another chance?

And we'll unite the GB RE stance?

Or maybe you will choose to carry on the hunt?

After all I am a feckless southern C***

« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 08:17:28 AM by devils advocate »


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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #23 on: October 22, 2017, 01:29:56 PM »
You're flirting with a dude, dude.
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell

devils advocate

Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #24 on: October 22, 2017, 04:19:21 PM »
Dang! Thought it was a bit odd having real female on a flat earth site... :-*
« Last Edit: October 22, 2017, 04:29:58 PM by devils advocate »


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2017, 09:44:12 PM »

Awkward! synonyms:   embarrassing, uncomfortable, unpleasant, delicate, ticklish, tricky, sensitive, problematic, problematical, troublesome, perplexing, thorny, vexatious;
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Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2017, 10:07:16 PM »
Dang! Thought it was a bit odd having real female on a flat earth site... :-*
They exist, and they're universally p. good js
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

devils advocate

Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2017, 10:11:49 PM »
that's a LOT of synonyms for a virtual reality.......its been fun but I think that demonstrates you take this a lot more literally than me! Enjoy your solo soliloquy..... Haha

devils advocate

Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2017, 10:17:13 PM »
Dang! Thought it was a bit odd having real female on a flat earth site... :-*
They exist, and they're universally p. good js

Great stuff Pete! No idea what "universally p. good js" means. But hope you're well and enjoying your day!  ;D


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #29 on: October 23, 2017, 07:27:55 AM »
that's a LOT of synonyms for a virtual reality.......its been fun but I think that demonstrates you take this a lot more literally than me! Enjoy your solo soliloquy..... Haha

Well that’s what I was trying to do before you took this self-help group for the mentally ill, and confused it with Tinder.
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.

devils advocate

Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #30 on: October 23, 2017, 10:17:32 AM »
For some reason I seem to have more luck with the mentally challenged. Maybe opposites attract.

Rama Set

Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #31 on: October 23, 2017, 11:50:46 AM »
Dang! Thought it was a bit odd having real female on a flat earth site... :-*

Don't tell me... that line has never worked before. Yeah yeah. I know.


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #32 on: October 31, 2017, 09:40:11 AM »

Crazy as this may seem I love you people, just remember that.

So, the merger popped up again like herpes in a nunnery, raged a while and was promptly sabotaged or put out of its misery by the intervention of flag waving Indonesian hackers, or was it?!! (dun dun der!).

Someone is being a bad little Hector. Let’s look at the (usual) suspects;

Starting with us, TFES. More specifically those members who are capable and evil enough to commit this crime. Those that point the finger (usually while you’re not looking and then with a “not me, you misunderstood” rejoinder if challenged), favour pizza-boy or Parse’ as they are clearly the most evil, vile and degenerate, out of a pretty despicable and malevolent bunch.

Why? Well obviously, as intrinsically malicious criminal types, they can’t help themselves, also they want to maintain hold of their tiny empire at all costs and would potentially lose their big fish small pond status in the amalgam.

Other reasons could be, euthanasia, the debate was fatally contaminated from the outset by its history, why watch it crawl painfully across the floor again, just butcher the damn thing and have done.

Impish humour, (I know, a long shot), John boy had been bigging himself up as computer wizard and then bam! You were saying John?

Then there is John boy himself, he hates the movers and shakers here, traitors who are responsible for the split, usurpers who he fears seek to supplant him, savants who make his site look like 5yr olds meccano project, so he waits until someone mentions his security issues and then calls in a favour, and it’s “well they are at it again” game over, I’m still the king of the castle.

Let’s not rule out the Indonesian collective, a group of hackers who think it hilarious to turn up every now and then and prove that the flat earther’s security is as backward as their beliefs, maybe, but there are hints (from John) that these attacks have some sort of pattern linked to known members, a relatedness that he has refused to illuminate, hinting that he has unleashed ninjas to hunt down the perpetrators and all will be revealed, time will tell.

An-other, a shadowy Keyser Soze figure, pulling strings, hatching plots, hiding in full view.
Now Keyser was a Turkish crime lord of mythical savagery, so who fits that bill?
No! I will not have you accusing Inti’, it couldn’t be him as the last bout of attacks coincided with his breakdown and eviction from here and temporary expulsion from there, so what possible motive could he have had, whilst this time he is the very voice of reason, and nothing has ruffled his feathers lately, in any case, it can’t have been him as he told us he wouldn’t have access to a computer all weekend. So, forget that, okay.
As to other denizens of the B site, they all seem perfectly sane (straight face). But I don’t go there much so I will leave it to others to ponder that.

NASA! In all this, nobody mentioned NASA. Done.

We may never know, bad luck, coincidental attack, spiteful sabotage or coordinated assault. What is clear is, the corpse is in the water and beginning to smell, what is also clear is, that any attempt at a lasting merger of paranoid conspiracy theorists will always be a source of unbridled amusement, I think we should try again in 4 months.
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #33 on: November 01, 2017, 01:12:38 AM »
Now Keyser was a Turkish crime lord of mythical savagery, so who fits that bill?

I miss Inky   :'(
A lie will make it around the world before the truth has time to put on its shoes.


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #34 on: November 29, 2017, 10:23:32 PM »
The Ghostly one asked (elsewhere) if I would recommend Lundy Island as a destination and here seems the best place to answer.

Yes! With certain caveats, do not go on a summer day-trip, the MS Oldenburg is a 2nd world war German shallow drafted sick bucket that takes 2 and a half hours to cross from either Bideford or Ilfracombe, you get about 3 hours on the island, 3 hours isn't nearly enough time before you have to go back down for the trip back with 25% of the passengers seeming to have no racial memory of being part of a maritime nation. On the plus side it is the cheapest and only method of travel in the summer when the Puffins and Shearwaters are nesting, but stay there for at least a few days.
The other warning I would hazard is, if you want comfort and modernity it's the wrong destination for you, the lights go out at 12.30 and the accommodation is comfortable but sparse.

With that out of the way, it's beautiful, a 400ft granite outcrop 12 miles from north Devon, 3 miles by 0.5 doesn't seem much but it will take you the whole day to walk to the north light and back via the coastal paths and you will still have missed stuff.

History wise (condensed), Neolithic settlements, owned at times by the Nights Templar’s, the Marisco family, pirates who were implicated in an assassination attempt on Henry III and built the castle, Barbary Pirates who captured Europeans and sold them in Algiers, a member of parliament who was entrusted with the shipping of convicts over to Virginia to take up the slack when the slaves were freed, but who took the money and dumped them on Lundy as his personal slaves  while he did insurance swindles with his other boats, the Heaven family who renamed it the Kingdom of Heaven, built a church that doesn't have the usual east-west alignment but instead points to the summer solstice and according to one of the stonemasons currently doing it up has strange carvings on the back of some of the blocks they have reset, which (because they are are stonemasons and weird) they have just returned without documenting.

It is surrounded by at least 200 wrecked ships, a selection of lifebuoys off many of these grace the walls of the Marisco tavern (the only nightlife), including a battleship HMS Montegu grounded there in 1906.

There is a plethora of wildlife, mountain goats, Soay sheep, Atlantic Grey seals, fishing, climbing and scuba diving (too fucking cold).

I go mainly in winter, as because I went to school with the Island manager I get concessionary tickets on the Helicopter that stands in for the sick-bucket during the winter season, which only takes 7 minutes and is fun, also I get free or cheap accommodation.
That aside, the bleakness and totally dark skies at night suit me, the tavern stocks some fine whiskey, good ales and a selection of rums and has a big roaring fire and closes only when you can't function anymore.

(My picture of some bendy light shit going on)

« Last Edit: November 29, 2017, 10:31:08 PM by Jura-Glenlivet »
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #35 on: November 30, 2017, 09:07:53 AM »
Sounds brilliant. I had considered taking the telescope over and camping overnight. Glad to know it's worth considering.


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #36 on: December 02, 2017, 09:58:04 PM »
There are a few trends that are emerging regarding, new arrivals to "The Frankly Eccentric Swarm" of late that have caught my interest, amongst the angry and the lost we have an increasing number of "I am a student of such and such seat of learning, considering so and so aspect of FE, which of you mad bastards will indulge me" type of enquiry.

I actually responded to the first (I saw) of these and answered queries from an American youngster who seemed genuine, in that he rang me with a list of pseudo-sociological, why, when & what are you doing on this site kind of questions, his methodology was a bit suspect, no attempt to ascertain my demographic (antediluvian evacuee, if he had asked), and between the apparent cultural and linguistic divide there was a bit of confusion, but we got there, I just don't think, (even though I'd warned him) that I was what he wanted. Ideally, I think he desired a frothing rant about the lizard conspiracy through a voice distorter, instead he got me, who interspersed archaic English with an awful lot (I realised in retrospect) of fucks and fucking, poor boy I probably sounded like Stannis Baratheon with tourette's.

He was supposed to send me a draft for me to okay or amend before it was finished, that never surfaced,I was a bit piqued, and sat alone brooding, drinking and plotting revenge until I figured, being American he likely was shot by one of his peers, and got over it.

The thing is, as zombies are always attracted to Wall-Mart, so TFES is the siren-call to the inter-webs equivalent, as the neuron count drops below the critical level needed to distinguish between amusing fruit-loopery and genuine free thought, destroyed by bible reading, whatever they add to big Macs and masturbating over gun catalogs, they look for the simple and outrageous, and they are arriving here in greater numbers, mostly as groaning lurkers beyond the ice-wall but some inevitably break through, and this phenomenon has been noticed. We are being studied, are you prepared TFES, not for your beliefs to be questioned but your very existence to be couched in terms of a retrogressive cultural phenomenon?

Not much in this about Britain though. So for any of you who are interested in our royals (and god knows I am not). The Archbishop has stated that it would be good for diversity if young George grew up gay, the Palace has countered that they are way ahead and propose to remove all his limbs and rear him as a Dolphin.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2017, 10:01:47 PM by Jura-Glenlivet »
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #37 on: December 03, 2017, 05:11:05 PM »
Are you sure it wasn't dauphin?
“There are some ideas so absurd that only an intellectual could believe them.” - George Orwell


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #38 on: December 18, 2017, 09:32:32 PM »

So, Christmas is upon us and I love it. Not from any religious understanding, I mean happy birthday to baby Jesus if he exists and goodwill to all men/women and all that.
For me it's more a festival of the turning sun, the 25th being the date that if you set up indicators (I do permanent marker dots on my window at work with my chair at a particular position on the patterned carpet), that it is apparent the Sun is heading south again, I actually miss the day but extrapolation and all that suffices, as the solstice is the 21st.
The days (sunlight) will now lengthen (less than 8 hrs here now, Gayer & Beardo can do shorter, I know). Family will gather, and I will get a week off work, drink and eat too much and attempt to work it off by walking the dogs further.

As you may know, Christmas as the birth of Christ was pasted over existing festivals (Saturnalia, Yule etc) in the 4th century, presumably as they saw people having a bit of fun and there is nothing a Christian likes more, than fucking up a good party.
Fortunately, most of the good bits survived;

Mid-winter, you could look at your stock and think, bloody hell I am going to make it, slaughter some of your livestock as hay & chicken food would be running out, drag out the autumn beers and ciders which would be fermented and ready, have a feast and get bladdered, wake up to a longer day, job done.
Presumably if you didn't think you would make it, you slaughtered all your animals, as they were either competing for food with you or their feed would be gone anyhow, and you would possibly be able to freeze them, the beers were ready anyway, so you gorged, got pissed and hoped it all looked a bit rosier when you woke up to the longer day, if it didn't, you doubtless had a new best mate and/or had gotten laid. Job done.

Trees, Holly, Ivy and Mistletoe, have precious little to do with Jesus-land, but are celebrated pagan symbols of winter life. I have read that Xmas baubles signify the apples in the garden of Eden, that has got to be the most shoe-horned piece of Christian codswallop ever, they clearly represent the testicles of defeated enemy's, garnered through the year and hung as talisman to ward off fimbulwinter.

Watching "Zulu" whilst feasting on peanuts and port however, is the one of Gods 11 commandments I do religiously follow, unfortunately it is only in the UK versions of the bible.

Father Christmas is a bit of a strange one, how a Turkish saint famous for chucking bags of gold through young girls' windows, ends up as a white bearded chortling imbecile, living in Lapland, spying on children, breaking into houses and eating my mince pies, is beyond me. Other than they both sound a bit suspect and in need of a background check. Something to do with coke-a-cola, apparently.

Finally, there was a curious custom in Tudor England of nominating a “Lord of Misrule” a lot was drawn, and the winner was appointed as a master of the ceremonies for the Christmas period, these revelries were oftentimes called the Feast of fools and frequently degenerated into drunkenness and anarchy, it was abolished by the puritans (who else) but has now apparently been revived and adopted by the US as a system of government.

Anyhow, however you intend to spend your Christmas I hope it is a success.

Love to all, Jura.   
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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Re: Soliloquies
« Reply #39 on: December 21, 2017, 04:29:23 PM »
Edit; Kindly moved by Junker when I strayed into serious land,   https://forum.tfes.org/index.php?topic=8206.msg136103#msg136103

To say that the questionnaire is trying to pigeon-hole FE’ers as stupid when the range of options Has three degree levels and an option to add whatever else you like is disingenuous, rather it smacks of Thork thinking this is what the survey will reveal, against I might add superficial evidence to the contrary. Those of us who have any history here will be fully aware of the prodigious brain power and educational accomplishments of Pete/sexpest, as at one time there was barely a post where he didn’t mention it. Parsifal (our leader) has a back to school thread that lists his proposed schedule, which so impressed me, as I had no better idea after reading it, what he was to study than before. Thork himself is no shrinking violet in enlightening us as to his achievements since his return either, so why the negativity?

I deduce your honour, that this site is a sham! I furthermore propose, that when this place was conceived, it was so, as an ironical send up of what was at that time an extreme marginal belief, that it has burgeoned since to include a proportion of the general population that is almost measurable, has not only come as a surprise to its creators but presented them with a dilemma. That being, if they turn their backs on the current crop of devotees, they abandon not only their satirical high ground, where they can look down on both sides of the dispute and say, “we’ve had you all” but also risk losing a community they are integral to and thrive in, something they are unlikely to achieve in the real world due to its proclivity for social skills and facial symmetry.
Hence, Thork’s denouncement of the education question makes sense, as it is apparent that those who do truly believe have to band together in large numbers to form an idiot, should they manage to complete the survey it would be glaringly obvious that those above, are leaders of a crusade of fools, fatally undermining the pseudo-scientific foundations of the wiki and everything that Tom says.           
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 10:53:17 PM by Jura-Glenlivet »
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.