Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« on: June 07, 2017, 11:06:55 PM »
I'm new to this whole flat earth thing and am just trying to figure out what all the confusion is about. I don't believe either way but I find it fascinating that for some reason it hasn't been settled.

So what about this shadow argument I've seen I'm sure you guys know of. Is there any weight to it? I thought about it and could imagine different length shadows on a flat earth depending on the distance of the sticks to the sun. The closer it is shouldn't the shadow be longer?

Also, how come the sun loses it's shape, like it's being eclipsed by the horizon as it sets? All I've seen/heard/read is the perspective argument. If that was the case then it should just shrink rather than appear to be eclipsed by getting its underside cut off by the apparent edge of the visible earth that appears to move in front of the sun no?

So I'll just start with those two but the whole thing is confusing I can't help but assume someone with the right education should know better. I'm guessing I'm about to find it gets a whole lot more fuzzy and confusing or there is a case of mass ignorance taking place. You tell me.


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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2017, 11:15:42 PM »
So what about this shadow argument I've seen I'm sure you guys know of. Is there any weight to it? I thought about it and could imagine different length shadows on a flat earth depending on the distance of the sticks to the sun. The closer it is shouldn't the shadow be longer?
It is extremely difficult to guess what you mean by "this shadow argument I've seen I'm sure you guys know of." Do not assume your conversation partners can read your mind. Use Google, for Christ's sake.

Now, I will assume you're trying to refer to Erathostenes's attempts at determining the diameter of the Earth, which he assumed to be round. In which case:

Also, how come the sun loses it's shape, like it's being eclipsed by the horizon as it sets? All I've seen/heard/read is the perspective argument. If that was the case then it should just shrink rather than appear to be eclipsed by getting its underside cut off by the apparent edge of the visible earth that appears to move in front of the sun no?

So I'll just start with those two but the whole thing is confusing I can't help but assume someone with the right education should know better.
You're going to have to do better than that. Research the subject before you come here crying for help. Read the FAQ, check the Wiki for the subjects you're interested in, and before you make a thread on the forum, for crying out loud, use the search function to see if it's not already being/been discussed. Exercise some elementary netiquette.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2017, 11:38:40 PM »
Calm down "sexwarrior". Sounds like someone hasn't had theirs today. But i feel ya. You're trying to keep the forum tidy. So I'll try to do more research before posting - FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! No cyber assault pls

Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2017, 11:47:16 PM »
Does that wiki link explain how the survey  loses its shape? I didn't catch  it if it did.

Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2017, 12:07:03 AM »
I mean personally I know a guy, very nice guy, he knows a lot about this type of stuff, he's the best guy and I believe that this is something important and topical and it has to be talked about more because it is such a strong advantage to break people free from this lie that the earth is round, its absurd like how can you believe the government.

Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #5 on: June 08, 2017, 12:45:16 AM »
"4. Shadows and Sticks
If you stick a stick in the (sticky) ground, it will produce a shadow. The shadow moves as time passes (which is the principle for ancient Shadow Clocks). If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow:

But they don’t. This is because the earth is round, and not flat:
... "

It's from this page:

And I guess I've seen it elsewhere. I'm not sure if it's related to that wiki link posted above.

I don't know what to make of most of the points as I'm not the smartest scientist or mathematician so I can't really delve too deep into this stuff but I just trying to get comments from people who know better. OR... If you know specifically what I could check out to get me an answer to a particular question pls share a link. I don't want to be redundant with my question but I know so little I wouldn't know where to start with limited time. So I'd appreciate any comments particularly polite ones. But I'll take rude ones too.


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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2017, 06:09:49 AM »
If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow:

Why do you say that?

The shadow effect works just as well on a Flat Earth, take a torch and hold it up in the air, now get some matchsticks and walk around in a sand pit, the shadows will depend on where the torch light is focused, they won't all be uniform or produce the same shadow effect. The torch, like the sun, is a lot closer than we are led to believe.
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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2017, 12:27:50 PM »
If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow:

Why do you say that?

The shadow effect works just as well on a Flat Earth, take a torch and hold it up in the air, now get some matchsticks and walk around in a sand pit, the shadows will depend on where the torch light is focused, they won't all be uniform or produce the same shadow effect. The torch, like the sun, is a lot closer than we are led to believe.

It is true that Flat Earth Theory (FET) can produce different length shadows in different parts of the world at the same moment in time...and so does Round Earth Theory (RET).

The problem is that FET predicts shadow lengths that don't match what we really see.  This is actually the exact same problem as that FET predicts that the sun should never set...they aren't different problems - just different ways of thinking about it.

So the "fix" for this (mentioned in one of the many threads here just a few days ago) is that FET claims that the sun sets because of the effects of perspective...which in FET somehow behaves differently than in RET.

Furthermore - the reason the FE sun doesn't seem to change size as it gets closer and further from the observer is because it's so bright that the air "cannot grab it's light" and do the perspective thing to make it smaller.

Now...this is actually a completely untenable solution - but it's one of those things that's hard to convince flat-earthers of because they are somewhat math/geometry averse and when explanations get tricky, they simply stop responding to the discussions.   Just check the MANY threads on this forum where I'm the last almost every case, my final point could not be rationalized in it just hangs there, eternally awaiting an answer.   At no point does anyone say "Oh!  You're right!  The Earth must be round!!"...this NEVER HAPPENS here.  Which is...challenging.
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?


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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2017, 02:45:38 PM »
I mean personally I know a guy, very nice guy, he knows a lot about this type of stuff, he's the best guy and I believe that this is something important and topical and it has to be talked about more because it is such a strong advantage to break people free from this lie that the earth is round, its absurd like how can you believe the government.

Have you ever considered writing a book?  It would be a joy to read.
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?

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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #9 on: June 08, 2017, 03:37:53 PM »
The torch, like the sun, is a lot closer than we are led to believe.

Well, this is the problem.

The first topic I started on this forum was about the distance between the sun and earth. So far no one has given an answer that would even try to be accurate (say, for at least 3 digits). What the flat earth believers also seem to disagree upon is 1) whether light travels in relatively straight paths or not, 2) how perspective works, 3) whether there is a dome distorting our view or not.

These theories become so complex and have so much ad hoc explanations that it makes one wonder, why was the globe earth theory abandoned in the first place.

Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #10 on: June 08, 2017, 07:10:34 PM »
If the world had been flat, then two sticks in different locations would produce the same shadow:

Why do you say that?

The shadow effect works just as well on a Flat Earth, take a torch and hold it up in the air, now get some matchsticks and walk around in a sand pit, the shadows will depend on where the torch light is focused, they won't all be uniform or produce the same shadow effect. The torch, like the sun, is a lot closer than we are led to believe.

It is true that Flat Earth Theory (FET) can produce different length shadows in different parts of the world at the same moment in time...and so does Round Earth Theory (RET).

The problem is that FET predicts shadow lengths that don't match what we really see.  This is actually the exact same problem as that FET predicts that the sun should never set...they aren't different problems - just different ways of thinking about it.

So the "fix" for this (mentioned in one of the many threads here just a few days ago) is that FET claims that the sun sets because of the effects of perspective...which in FET somehow behaves differently than in RET.

Furthermore - the reason the FE sun doesn't seem to change size as it gets closer and further from the observer is because it's so bright that the air "cannot grab it's light" and do the perspective thing to make it smaller.

Now...this is actually a completely untenable solution - but it's one of those things that's hard to convince flat-earthers of because they are somewhat math/geometry averse and when explanations get tricky, they simply stop responding to the discussions.   Just check the MANY threads on this forum where I'm the last almost every case, my final point could not be rationalized in it just hangs there, eternally awaiting an answer.   At no point does anyone say "Oh!  You're right!  The Earth must be round!!"...this NEVER HAPPENS here.  Which is...challenging.

Sorry, that was a bit confusing. You think it's round? And just as I thought it gets confusing. I think you said, in answer to my question why does the sun appear to set behind the (round)earth, because the sun is so bright. Or not? And the shadow thing holds no weight? That flat or round we get different length shadows? That's what I would imagine.


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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #11 on: June 10, 2017, 03:41:14 AM »
And the shadow thing holds no weight? That flat or round we get different length shadows? That's what I would imagine.

Flat or round, you get different shadows at different latitudes, yes.  There is however a difference between the shadows you should expect at different latitudes on a flat earth, and the shadows you should expect at different latitudes on a round earth.  Have you taken ever any trigonometry classes?  We can explain why the shadows that are actually observed correspond to a round earth, and why the flat earth has to resort to hypothetical (and unobservable) effects of perspective to explain those shadows, but it will require some understanding of trig for it to make sense.
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Ok. You proven you are unworthy to unignored. You proven it was a bad idea to unignore you. and it was for me a disgusting experience...Now you are going to place where you deserved and accustomed.
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You accuse {FE} people of malice where incompetence suffice

Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #12 on: June 10, 2017, 04:41:27 AM »
And the shadow thing holds no weight? That flat or round we get different length shadows? That's what I would imagine.

Flat or round, you get different shadows at different latitudes, yes.  There is however a difference between the shadows you should expect at different latitudes on a flat earth, and the shadows you should expect at different latitudes on a round earth.  Have you taken ever any trigonometry classes?  We can explain why the shadows that are actually observed correspond to a round earth, and why the flat earth has to resort to hypothetical (and unobservable) effects of perspective to explain those shadows, but it will require some understanding of trig for it to make sense.

Okay, that's good enough for now for that particular question. And no, up to some algebra only for me. Thanks tho. 'it's complicated' so I'll either have to drive in deep, which I don't have time for really or just let you guys hash is out and see what happens. Are you sure it's flat? Are most people in here for examine sure? I wonder if people just believe something to believe something. Are you absolutely convinced, and if so do you believe the rest of the world is so duped they can't bother to question the topic?

I can watch a couple fe videos and be convinced but at the same time I'm sure any RE'er could convince me of the contrary lol. But you guys seem so convinced which makes this thing so interesting to me.

What about the sun setting? What causes the bottom to be cut off?

And does this mean aliens are all CGI? Never mind that if I've gone too far.

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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #13 on: June 27, 2017, 07:33:24 PM »
Never assume the sun will be shining at a different spot since the earth ROTATES!!!
F = m*a.
F = m*v^2/r.
F = -G*m1*m2/r^2.

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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2017, 04:13:33 AM »
Flat or round, you get different shadows at different latitudes, yes.  There is however a difference between the shadows you should expect at different latitudes on a flat earth, and the shadows you should expect at different latitudes on a round earth.  Have you taken ever any trigonometry classes?  We can explain why the shadows that are actually observed correspond to a round earth, and why the flat earth has to resort to hypothetical (and unobservable) effects of perspective to explain those shadows, but it will require some understanding of trig for it to make sense.

The problem with the FET idea for different laws of perspective is that you require DIFFERENT variations for different problems the theory faces.   In RET, we can explain almost everything with "Light travels in a straight line" - certainly sunsets and shadows cast by objects in different places.   But in FET, the concept for how light travels in order to make the sun appear to touch the horizon at sunset contradicts their explanation for why the sun doesn't seem to change size between zenith and horizon.   So they add a second rule - which is that sunlight is too strong to 'be caught by the air' - so the size isn't affected by perspective...but that doesn't explain why the (much MUCH dimmer) Moon doesn't change size either.   Neither of the two existing "laws of FET light propagation" can explain why the moon stays the same size but (for example) a tree or a mountain - which are of similar brightness to the moon - do not.

The when we layer on the demand that the shadows cast by sticks need to be pointing in different directions and have different lengths around the world - then yet a fourth rule has to be layered upon the one that explains the sun's position and the one that explains it's unchanging size and yet another one that must exist to explain the moon having unchanging size but not trees and mountains.   So now we must have at least FOUR FET rules for light propagation.

I guarantee, 100% that if some FET expert would come forward and explain all of those phenomena - then I could force them to come up with yet MORE ad-hoc rules to explain why the moon looks upside down in the southern parts of the Earth compared to the northern parts - and seems to be "on it's side" when viewed from the horizon.

When they've added more interesting and complicated rules to explain THOSE phenomena then we can ask again about how the rotations of the stars appear so different between (say) Europe and Australia...then we'll add explanations of how come the phases of the moon appear identical from all parts of the world...and then more to explain eclipses.

But they'll NEVER succeed in weaving those things together to make everything fit the simple observations that anyone can easily make...every new kludge that's applied to FET brings in more contradictions than it does fixes.

This is a sure sign of a failing concept.   No wonder some FE'ers throw in the towel and just say "The Sun and Moon are just holograms" - as if that somehow makes it all OK!

The world is round, light travels in straight lines (except when refracted by temperature gradients and such) and gravity exists - take those four simple facts as truth - and all of that spiralling complexity falls away - and you don't need to imagine gigantic conspiracy theories - everything falls into place really neatly and simply.

When you get a scientific principle "right" - it's almost always very much simpler than the wrong answers.
Hey Tom:  What path do the photons take from the physical location of the sun to my eye at sunset?


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Re: Two sticks equal shadow argument?
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2020, 12:00:04 PM »
The world is round, light travels in straight lines (except when refracted by temperature gradients and such) and gravity exists - take those four simple facts as truth - and all of that spiralling complexity falls away - and you don't need to imagine gigantic conspiracy theories - everything falls into place really neatly and simply.

When you get a scientific principle "right" - it's almost always very much simpler than the wrong answers.

I was going to create a new post for this whole topic of sticks and shadows, but didn't want to be hit with the old "do a search" thing, though being an old thread I'm sure replying to it will be considered poor netiquette as well.  But, this hit the nail on the head for me.  Things don't always have to be complex - simple is often better, and the simple rotating globe model, tilted at an axis relative to the orbit around the Sun, with a tidally-locked Moon, explains each and every observation in reality very neatly.  No layering of rules upon rules and the introduction of nonsensical assumptions to explain the multitude of contradictions FET raises.

Anyway, onto the subject in question.  I know that a light source close to a surface littered with sticks of the same height will produce shadows of different lengths at the same time.  If the light source is far enough away though, the difference in shadow lengths will be almost impossible to perceive.

FET says that the Earth has a diameter of 25,000 miles, with a Sun 3k miles away, itself having a diameter of 32 miles.
RET says that the Earth has a diameter of 7,900 miles, with a Sun 93m miles away, itself having a diameter of 865k miles.

In FET, rays of light hitting the Earth must be at measurably different angles to produce the observed effect and fit the relative scale of the individual bodies.
In RET, rays of light hitting the Earth have been empirically measured as being (to all intents and purposes) parallel, which is what you'd expect given the sizes and distances involved.

So which is it?  Again it's a case that both could be believed if you are naïve, but all FET does is take Eratosthenes' measurement of the circumference of the Earth, posit the Earth is flat, and calls that its diameter.  Yet, countless different empirical observations and scientific measurements all agree that Eratosthenes' measurement was accurate to within 1%, and that it represents the circumference of the Earth, not its diameter.  Let's say you dispute those observations and measurements.  OK, cool, but then FET falls flat (pun intended) on its face when trying to describe why the Sun and Moon do not change in size as they cross the sky. 

In FET, the Sun and Moon are the same size and only 3,000 miles away. This would result in an observable change in size as they moved across the sky.
In RET, the Sun and Moon are very different sizes and very different distances, but both a significant distance from Earth.  This results in no observable change in size as they move across the sky.

Saying the Sun is so bright that its light is "caught by the air" so that its size isn't affected by perspective is ridiculous.  You can buy torches now that output light powerful enough to blind you, much like the Sun.  Take that torch, wear some protective glasses, and have somebody point it at you.  Have them move away.  Notice how that circle of light gets smaller as it moves away.  How can that be?  It's because it is small and close and affected by perspective.  Unlike the Sun which is massive but far enough away to the point where the effects of perspective are not observable to our eyes.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for people believing what they want as long as they are nice about it to each other.  But, when there is so much actual, scientific, empirical, and independently observable proof and indication that Earth is round, to completely disregard that in favour of a theory that needs a band aid for every contradiction is just baffling to me, especially these days.  I can understand it thousands of years ago when they didn't have the level of understanding and education that we do now, but that's how science works.  You take a theory and test it against reality.  If it fails, the theory is wrong.  If it passes, it doesn't mean the theory is 100% correct, but it's an indication that your understanding is correct.  The theory may fall down on predicting something else, so you refine it, but what you don't do is just patch it up to suit your own narrative.

I get it, RET can be baffling to some as well, but it's not all complex science and maths - some of it is common sense as well based on what you can see with your own two eyes.
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