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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #40 on: April 16, 2017, 04:21:28 AM »
Given your title of "Planar" Moderator, it is not an unreasonable assumption.
It just happens to be the title of the position, given the forum we are on. There have been plenty of round earth proponents who were "planar moderators" over the years.

And again, a general citation to any respected encyclopedia IS sufficient. The fact that you don't like that is irrelevant.
Hey, whatever you say. You were called out for your BS and are trying to walk it back. You can pretend it isn't important all you want. I am sure those are some high quality degrees you have with the level of effort you seem to put in...

Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #41 on: April 16, 2017, 04:21:46 AM »
Below is a screenshot showing what the embedded video looks like:


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #42 on: April 16, 2017, 04:22:59 AM »
Nice deflection.

What deflection? Pointing out what literally has transpired in the thread? I know you round earthers struggle with simple concepts pretty frequently, but this is becoming a bit too much. Please at least attempt to put some effort in.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 04:31:33 AM by junker »


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #43 on: April 16, 2017, 04:29:36 AM »
No, JUNKER, you were called out for not using whatever passes for your intellect. You were unable to respond. You still have not responded to the fact that Rowbotham himself, on whose works you base your most basic claims, is a joke. You further have not bothered to look at an encyclopedia. Ergo, we have good reason to question your IQ, at the very least, and your intellectual integrity and honesty.


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #44 on: April 16, 2017, 04:30:53 AM »
Below is a screenshot showing what the embedded video looks like:

10. Non sequitur.
9. Time zones exist in FE.
8. Irrelevant
7. A fun thought experiment that has been brought up repeatedly. Too bad no one has performed it on earth.
6. This one could be good for debate, since many FErs don't agree on the logistics of the sun.
5. Also irrelevant.
4. Circumnavigation works fine of FE.
3. Perspective.
2. Accounted for in FE.
1. What a weak number 1... Photographic evidence? Because photos have never been faked.

What a weak video. It is the same old, low-effort stuff that has been repeated and debunked again and again.

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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #45 on: April 16, 2017, 04:31:50 AM »
Irrelevant. But I see you can't point out where I have made that claim. You sure do a good job of assuming, though.
Nice deflection.

What deflection? Pointing out what literally has transpired in the thread? I know you round earthers struggle with simple concepts pretty frequently, but this is becoming a bit too much. Please at least attempt to put some effort in.

Please stay on topic.  No need to belittle.  You have breached rule 1 and 3. 
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 04:33:40 AM by Flatout »


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #46 on: April 16, 2017, 04:33:29 AM »
Below is a screenshot showing what the embedded video looks like:

10. Non sequitur.
9. Time zones exist in FE.
8. Irrelevant
7. A fun thought experiment that has been brought up repeatedly. Too bad no one has performed it on earth.
6. This one could be good for debate, since many FErs don't agree on the logistics of the sun.
5. Also irrelevant.
4. Circumnavigation works fine of FE.
3. Perspective.
2. Accounted for in FE.
1. What a weak number 1... Photographic evidence? Because photos have never been faked.

What a weak video. It is the same old, low-effort stuff that has been repeated and debunked again and again.

Of course don't cite sources to the "debunked stuff". Just state that it has been and expect us to accept that. Real smooth.


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #47 on: April 16, 2017, 04:35:01 AM »
No, JUNKER, you were called out for not using whatever passes for your intellect.
I think you are confused.

You were unable to respond. You still have not responded to the fact that Rowbotham himself, on whose works you base your most basic claims, is a joke.
What claims have I made that are based on Rowbotham? Have you read any of the thread up to this point? Or do you just post whatever the first thing that pops in your head turns out to be?

You further have not bothered to look at an encyclopedia. Ergo, we have good reason to question your IQ, at the very least, and your intellectual integrity and honesty.

Another non-sequitur. It is telling that you would rather argue about your inability to support your claims, instead of, you know, supporting them. But yeah, let's totally talk about my IQ and integrity.


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #48 on: April 16, 2017, 04:35:53 AM »
Please stay on topic.  No need to belittle.  You have breached rule 1 and 3.

Hi there. As you are not a moderator, please refrain from attempting to moderate threads. Consider this a warning.

Of course don't cite sources to the "debunked stuff". Just state that it has been and expect us to accept that. Real smooth.

I don't expect you to accept anything. I am simply putting in as much effort in my replies as you put into your claims.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 04:37:31 AM by junker »


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #49 on: April 16, 2017, 04:39:43 AM »
When you refuse to investigate a source that can be found in any elementary school classroom, yes, I question your IQ and integrity. My wife's students could do better, and many of them are Special Education students.

And your last post was juvenile. He was not attempting to moderate. He merely pointed out a violation of rules by someone who should know better. Perhaps you ought to learn how to act like an adult, rather than being heavy-handed with your position. I am going to report your post to other moderators.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 04:41:17 AM by Poseidon »


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #50 on: April 16, 2017, 04:42:44 AM »
And no, I have cited sources. You did not. Big difference.


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #51 on: April 16, 2017, 04:47:49 AM »
When you refuse to investigate a source that can be found in any elementary school classroom, yes, I question your IQ and integrity. My wife's students could do better, and many of them are Special Education students.
More vague reference, no citations. I agree, your wife's students could put forth a better effort than you are right now. It is quite pitiful.

And your last post was juvenile. He was not attempting to moderate.
He merely pointed out a violation of rules by someone who should know better.

You realize you just claimed he was not doing something, and then described him doing the very thing you just said wasn't happening? Also, it isn't relevant to the thread, so I would suggest for you to move on. If you have an issue, there are places to discuss it. This is not the place.

Perhaps you ought to learn how to act like an adult, rather than being heavy-handed with your position.

Hey, I am just returning the favor of those I interact with. I also don't think you know what 'heavy-handed' means, based on your usage of the term.

I am going to report your post to other moderators.

Go for it, I am happy to have my actions reviewed. It is the only way to support a free and open community,

And no, I have cited sources. You did not. Big difference.
You do know that saying something over and over doesn't make it true, right?


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #52 on: April 16, 2017, 05:00:48 AM »
Yes, the children could do better than you. JUNKER, you are a child in an adult' s body. In any civilised society, someone with your obvious lack of ability to function would not be allowed to interact with public. You should by law be restricted to your house, and all means of communication should be denied you except maybe smoke signals. You are a danger to intelligent beings.

And the fact that you have been given ANY power over others in even something so basic as this website, is an indicator of what a little Hitler you are in the present. God have mercy if you EVER get real power.


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #53 on: April 16, 2017, 05:02:30 AM »
Yes, the children could do better than you. JUNKER, you are a child in an adult' s body. In any civilised society, someone with your obvious lack of ability to function would not be allowed to interact with public. You should by law be restricted to your house, and all means of communication should be denied you except maybe smoke signals. You are a danger to intelligent beings.
Hi there. Please refrain from personal attacks and low content posting in the upper fora. Consider this a warning. \

And the fact that you have been given ANY power over others even something so basic as this website, is an indicator of what a little Hitler you are in the present. God have mercy if you EVER get real power.
Glad to see Godwin's Law in full effect. Well-done, friend.


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #54 on: April 16, 2017, 05:03:57 AM »
And yes, sometimes repeating a truth is necessary, particularly when the audience has indicated that they are obviously too slow of mind to comprehend the statement.


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2017, 05:05:44 AM »
Godwin' s Law does not apply when the statement is true. However, would you prefer another example? Chairman Mao? Marshal Stalin?


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Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #56 on: April 16, 2017, 05:06:41 AM »
And yes, sometimes repeating a truth is necessary
Now you just need to learn what truth means and maybe you will realize your error.

, particularly when the audience has indicated that they are obviously too slow of mind to comprehend the statement.
Last warning, refrain from personal attacks. All it does it prove that you have a weak argument (or in this case, no argument). But that is apparent to anyone reading the thread.

Godwin' s Law does not apply when the statement is true. However, would you prefer another example? Chairman Mao? Marshal Stalin?

>tfw someone un-ironically compares an internet forum to Hitler.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 05:08:16 AM by junker »


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #57 on: April 16, 2017, 05:07:30 AM »
Yes, the children could do better than you. JUNKER, you are a child in an adult' s body. In any civilised society, someone with your obvious lack of ability to function would not be allowed to interact with public. You should by law be restricted to your house, and all means of communication should be denied you except maybe smoke signals. You are a danger to intelligent beings.
Hi there. Please refrain from personal attacks and low content posting in the upper fora. Consider this a warning.

Reported for abuse of moderator power.

And the fact that you have been given ANY power over others even something so basic as this website, is an indicator of what a little Hitler you are in the present. God have mercy if you EVER get real power.
Glad to see Godwin's Law in full effect. Well-done, friend.


Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #58 on: April 16, 2017, 05:08:37 AM »
And yes, sometimes repeating a truth is necessary
Now you just need to learn what truth means and maybe you will realize your error.

, particularly when the audience has indicated that they are obviously too slow of mind to comprehend the statement.
Last warning, refrain from personal attacks. All it does it prove that you have a weak argument (or in this case, no argument). But that is apparent to anyone reading the thread.

Reported for abuse of moderator power.

Re: If the Earth were really round...
« Reply #59 on: April 16, 2017, 05:09:04 AM »
Below is a screenshot showing what the embedded video looks like:

10. Non sequitur.
9. Time zones exist in FE.
8. Irrelevant
7. A fun thought experiment that has been brought up repeatedly. Too bad no one has performed it on earth.
6. This one could be good for debate, since many FErs don't agree on the logistics of the sun.
5. Also irrelevant.
4. Circumnavigation works fine of FE.
3. Perspective.
2. Accounted for in FE.
1. What a weak number 1... Photographic evidence? Because photos have never been faked.

What a weak video. It is the same old, low-effort stuff that has been repeated and debunked again and again.

I will only tackle two of your points, although they are all rich areas for debate:

#4- Circumnavigation does not work on the flat earth. Yes, it is possible to circumnavigate the flat earth map even in the southern hemisphere, but not in the amount of time that modern commercial airlines do so if you connect the flights necessary. In other words, it would take much longer than it does in real life if the southern hemisphere was the size it is shown as on the flat earth map. See this post and the discussion that follows: http://forum.tfes.org/index.php?topic=5888.msg113568#msg113568

#3- This is a misunderstanding about perspective. The perspective of a distant object changes because the angle of the light reflecting off of that object enters our eyes at a different angle, and so the object appears smaller in every direction. In other words the top half of the object gets smaller and the bottom half of the object gets smaller at the same rate. See this simple illustration:

Note that the railroad tracks and the telephone poles "disappear" at the same rate. With an eye level horizon such as on the shore, this is how objects would disappear if the distance is not great enough for the curvature to have a noticeable effect. And it is what happens if you observe a very small boat that disappears well before the horizon. Actually the boat has not disappeared, it has just moved beyond the distance at which the anaided eye can distinguish it from the surroundings. The "vanishing point" in distance perspective is a theoretical concept. Nothing actually vanishes due to perspective.

Or check this photo:

Note that the floor of the long hallway is not disappearing faster than the ceiling. There is no mechanism by which the bottom half of a distant object would disappear first due to perspective. In order for the bottom half to disappear more quickly than the top half, there needs to be something between the bottom half of the object and the observer's eye. That would not occur on a flat earth, even if the object were eventually far enough away to no longer be discernible by the eye from its surroundings, as there would not be anything in the way.

I know for some reason you still have not directly answered my question about why I cannot bring the sun or moon back into view once they have set below the horizon with a telescope. But if the sun or moon were disappearing due to perspective, then it would be possible. But there is no telescope that can see through another opaque object or surface.

However, on a round earth, there is something that gets in between the observer's eye and the distant object: the horizon. A stronger zoom on the videos in this thread would not have brought the lower parts of the buildings back into view, as they have not disappeared due to perspective. Again nothing actually ever leaves our line of sight due to perspective. That is a ridiculous assertion that is contrary to the way light always travels in a straight line between any object and our eye (leaving aside refraction which makes things appear higher than they are and would affect photons from both halves of an object roughly equally at the distance of the horizon)....again unless another object blocks its path. A photon of light reflecting off of the lower half of a distant object would follow this basic behavior of all photons as much as a photon reflecting off of the upper half of that same object.

if you disagree, can you show me the path a photon takes off of the lower half of a distant object that prevents it from reaching my eye if I am on a perfectly flat surface along with the object I am viewing. It is not geometrically possible on a truly flat plane for that photon to not reach my eye, if both my eye and the object being viewed are above the surface of the flat plane.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2017, 02:40:03 PM by Nirmala »