...which is the case in most elections - because people are dicks. Is there evidence of widespread (and one-sided) voter fraud that impacted the outcome of the election?
Were the dominion machines in Republican-won states different? They just weren't targeted? Why were only the presidential votes questioned when all the votes cast for the house and senate on the same ballots appear to be accurate? It's the same questions over and over again that keep going unanswered, and the right just keeps pointing to an anthill and calling it a mountain of evidence...
I doubt many people would be whining about election fraud were it not for the toddler in chief throwing his toys out of the pram and pretending he won an election he clearly lost. I found this video a while back which gives some insight into Trump's psychology:
It's just so strange. Obviously politicians lying isn't an unusual thing but the
way he lies is odd.
Most politicians will lie by omission or by twisting the truth. Trump lies like a child lies - just blatantly lying about things which are obviously and demonstrably false. And it's mostly for self-aggrandisement, like the inauguration crowd size. You just had to look at the photos to see that his claims about that weren't true but he just repeats the lie. Just a silly, pointless lie because he has to think himself as the best at everything - it's a common phrasing he uses "Nobody knows more about...than me" or "I'm the best at...".
So of course he thinks the election was stolen - it can't possibly because he's been a terrible president that over 80 million people can't wait to see the back of.
He's the best at everything, how could he be a loser?
Another common thing he does is to just deny the reality of a situation. He was recently spoken to by a panel of people dealing with the California wild fires who raised concerns about climate change to which he just said "it'll get cooler". I mean, maybe it will but he's not exactly an expert on climate science. It's like how he denied the reality of the Covid situation "we have 15 cases and it'll go down to 0", "it'll go away, like a miracle".
So of course when presented with the reality that there's no credible evidence of widespread fraud it just bounces off him. Like in the Georgia call where he talks about 5,000 dead people voting. It's calmly explained to him, by the Republicans he's talking to, that they looked into that and only found two instances and...Trump just repeats the claim.
I've never known anyone like it in a position of power like this. The most baffling thing is that the people with true TDS hang on his every word and believe everything he says no matter how demonstrably false. It's almost like a cult.
I just hope tomorrow passes without incident.