Sexual continence is not gibberish, on the contrary.
No abortions will ever have to be performed, if you'd learn how to ejaculate only once a month (exactly before the start of the period); and then train to extend this period, 120-150 days (I do not recommend full continence, as it requires very difficult methods, which are not necessary).
Heat = lying in the bathtub, very hot water up to the belly button (of course, someone is going to have to heat the water and bring it over, and pour it on some water which has room temperature, and slowly increase its temperature), 20 minutes three times a day, or 30-45 minutes twice a day. Even if the period is late by some three days, and this procedure is kept up to the seventh day or eighth day, the period will come eventually.
Of course, it has to be done only once every six months: that is why he has to learn some form of sexual continence, so that an unwanted pregnancy will never occur/be a problem.
A fertilized egg which has not yet received spirit (49th day) does not constitute abortion.