I'll show why the map is wrong:
This is a route from South Africa Johannesburg (FAOR Airport) to Sydney.
The airlines is QANTAS

On the flyhtaware FAOR as on the west and the Sydney on East. Meanwhile, the saor as a little on the north compared to Sydney. Or Sydney is on a little south side compared to FAOR.
First we look where the places are these cities on a map.
This is google global map. Faor Coordinates: (-26,10 ; 28,22)

And this is the coordinate of Sydney airport: (-33,93 ; 151,17)

As we see that Sydney is a bit on the south compared to Johannesburg. This knowledge is compatible As what we see on the map.

Now we are going with this plane from Johannesburg to Sydney.
As we see on the route that, we will fly to "South east" first, and later "north east" as we see on the map. But we see again, the "South east route is longer than north east". we already figured that because we had further to Sydney on the south from Johannesburg.
In Turkish "South east" is "guneydogu" and "northeast is "kuzeydogu". So our expectation is see more "guneydogu(southeast) than the kuzeydogu (northeast).
Lets look to the track record.

First routes are maneveour. I show it to see track log is which distances: FAOR (Johannesburg) to SYD (Sydney).

At 20:21 it started to route: South-east

At 21:06 it changed the route: Norh-East.
Now the time changed to 05:14.
So we flown about 36 minutes on the route: "South-East".Now we look to the other route: "North-East"
Started on 05:14

North-East route finished on 06:38. After that plane started to maneveur again. So it flown about (06:38-05:14) = 1 hours 24 minutes on the North-East Route.
We saw on the graphics that we flown 36 minutes to "South-East" and 1 hours 24 minutes to "North-East". But our figured that "South-East" route must longer than "North-East". Now we look to 7th picture again. The route changed from SE to NE.

We can't see which time it has changed. It is difficult to carry out an idea about which one is longer because time is too long. It is (05:14 - 21:06) about 8 hours!
So what's happening in these 8 hours, who knows?
lets look another fly:

There is another one:

Did you see the game? On all flies about 8 hours it is not clear where the plane does go?
Lets look to the opposite route:

This is the link maybe you want to see it:
https://tr.flightaware.com/live/flight/QFA63/history/20160429/0050Z/YSSY/FAORThis is track log link:
https://tr.flightaware.com/live/flight/QFA63/history/20160429/0050Z/YSSY/FAOR/tracklogNow we are waiting for "NorthWest must longer than Southwest" because as we see on the map and we know that Johannesburg on the West and a bit North to Sydney.

At 04:27 it Started to SW (Guneybati)
At 06:13 before the time changed it still on the route SW.
Total 1 hours and 40 minutes gone to SW.
After that route changed to batı (WEST).

And this route don't changed so much.
The "West route" (instead of North-East) Started about 16:37 and finished about 17:36. It is about 1 hour.
As we see that the SE was longer than the NE. But our expectation was opposite of this.
This is an
"strong argumant" , because everytime the distance is longer which shown on the map is shorter!
but not a conclusive evidence because of there is a dark point caused by hiding some track logs.
Do you understand now why may i using "Qantas and (satanq) words together? Maybe pilots don't do this it intentionally but as result the Qantas in a way is hiding the truth.