You don't understand what means that picture it is not my problem.
You are continously saying "perspective". What a perspective if the sun is 93 millions away , is the angle of the sunlight 45 degrees like this or it must be 90 degrees. There is no another alternative that explaining with your magic word "perspective". What a magic explains everything.
OK all you Flat Earth experts that will not accept a "perspective" explanation:Please explain how high the sun is in this picture. Unless some perspective is involved that sun would seem to be at maybe 2 to 3 km high, certainly no more!
But, I believe you said "We have some calculating about sun positions that proves it is about 5.000 kms far. But it changes time by time because the sun is moving. sometimes
3.000 miles, sometimes 10.000 miles."
So how do YOU explain this picture?Crepuscular Rays in Scotland Now that picture was taken over a lake in Scotland - probably
3,600 km north of northern most excursion of the sun - the Tropic of Cancer!So whatever you try to say that sun has to be at the very closest 3,600 km away, and in reality must be much more than that!
So all you experts (especially İntikam) , are you going to tell me that it is very close, when we KNOW it simply cannot be over that lake - just NOT POSSIBLE, even for a Flat Earth!
You simply have to agree that it is simply a perspective effect - the sun is NOT directly above that lake.