Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #40 on: February 01, 2016, 12:13:10 PM »
Rayzor 1 - 0 Bookish Nature

You can't keep altering the preconditions of your request to fit whatever you have planned as a reply.

You need to start wrapping your theory around reality, instead of creating your reality around a theory.

Quote my request. Then post more than 5 actual photos of earth from space.

And while you are at, quote where I have altered the conditions to my request.

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #41 on: February 01, 2016, 12:19:19 PM »

Rayzor 1 - 0 Bookish Nature

You can't keep altering the preconditions of your request to fit whatever you have planned as a reply.

You need to start wrapping your theory around reality, instead of creating your reality around a theory.

Quote my request. Then post more than 5 actual photos of earth from space.

And while you are at, quote where I have altered the conditions to my request.

Rayzors most recent reply sums everything up better than I could manage.
Ignored by Intikam since 2016.

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #42 on: February 01, 2016, 12:21:17 PM »
This is comical.

NASA clearly themselves say that no actual photos were provided from 1972-2015.

This is their words not mine. So that means anything you guys are calling a photo isn't. NASA says so. Not me.

So all the images from satellites are NOT actual photos. So says NASA.

So if NASA tells you they only have a handful of actual photos, then I ask why?

And if don't believe what me or NASA tells you then go to their website and provide us with more than 5 actual photos.

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #43 on: February 01, 2016, 12:25:26 PM »

Rayzor 1 - 0 Bookish Nature

You can't keep altering the preconditions of your request to fit whatever you have planned as a reply.

You need to start wrapping your theory around reality, instead of creating your reality around a theory.

Quote my request. Then post more than 5 actual photos of earth from space.

And while you are at, quote where I have altered the conditions to my request.

Rayzors most recent reply sums everything up better than I could manage.

No. You made accusations  that I have changed my request. I would like you to quote my initial request, then show me where I changed my request.

I have only asked for more than 5 actual photos from NASA of the entire earth. That's all...

And guess what not even 1 has been provided. Isn't that interesting?

Can you show me at least 1?

Then move onto 5...


Offline Rayzor

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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #44 on: February 01, 2016, 12:31:54 PM »
This is comical.

NASA clearly themselves say that no actual photos were provided from 1972-2015.

This is their words not mine. So that means anything you guys are calling a photo isn't. NASA says so. Not me.

So all the images from satellites are NOT actual photos. So says NASA.

So if NASA tells you they only have a handful of actual photos, then I ask why?

And if don't believe what me or NASA tells you then go to their website and provide us with more than 5 actual photos.

So, you've discovered that  NASA don't operate weather satellites,  not all that surprising since they don't do weather forecasting.   They don't broadcast TV shows either.   

Why do you expect NASA to do everything space related,   what about ESA,  JAXA,  ROSCOSMOS, CNSA, ASE, EWO, ISA, ASI, KCST, KARI, ISRO, CNES, HKAY, NSAU, RFSA....    all those agencies have launch capability...  wait  I think I missed one...   ah yes,  who could forget NASA.   

I was going to list all the meteosat's and others,  but I got lazy,  you can find them yourself.  or not.

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #45 on: February 01, 2016, 12:42:54 PM »
This is comical.

NASA clearly themselves say that no actual photos were provided from 1972-2015.

This is their words not mine. So that means anything you guys are calling a photo isn't. NASA says so. Not me.

So all the images from satellites are NOT actual photos. So says NASA.

So if NASA tells you they only have a handful of actual photos, then I ask why?

And if don't believe what me or NASA tells you then go to their website and provide us with more than 5 actual photos.

So, you've discovered that  NASA don't operate weather satellites,  not all that surprising since they don't do weather forecasting.   They don't broadcast TV shows either.   

Why do you expect NASA to do everything space related,   what about ESA,  JAXA,  ROSCOSMOS, CNSA, ASE, EWO, ISA, ASI, KCST, KARI, ISRO, CNES, HKAY, NSAU, RFSA....    all those agencies have launch capability...  wait  I think I missed one...   ah yes,  who could forget NASA.   

I was going to list all the meteosat's and others,  but I got lazy,  you can find them yourself.  or not.

NASA does operate weather satellites, and yes they do even broadcast t.v. shows. Have you ever heard of the NASA channel?

You are now suggesting that NASA doesn't operate weather satellites... And don't broadcast t.v. shows...

It's getting deep in here...

Still yet to provide the actual photos I am asking for.


Offline Rayzor

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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #46 on: February 01, 2016, 12:56:53 PM »
This is comical.

NASA clearly themselves say that no actual photos were provided from 1972-2015.

This is their words not mine. So that means anything you guys are calling a photo isn't. NASA says so. Not me.

So all the images from satellites are NOT actual photos. So says NASA.

So if NASA tells you they only have a handful of actual photos, then I ask why?

And if don't believe what me or NASA tells you then go to their website and provide us with more than 5 actual photos.

So, you've discovered that  NASA don't operate weather satellites,  not all that surprising since they don't do weather forecasting.   They don't broadcast TV shows either.   

Why do you expect NASA to do everything space related,   what about ESA,  JAXA,  ROSCOSMOS, CNSA, ASE, EWO, ISA, ASI, KCST, KARI, ISRO, CNES, HKAY, NSAU, RFSA....    all those agencies have launch capability...  wait  I think I missed one...   ah yes,  who could forget NASA.   

I was going to list all the meteosat's and others,  but I got lazy,  you can find them yourself.  or not.

NASA does operate weather satellites, and yes they do even broadcast t.v. shows. Have you ever heard of the NASA channel?

You are now suggesting that NASA doesn't operate weather satellites... And don't broadcast t.v. shows...

It's getting deep in here...

Still yet to provide the actual photos I am asking for.

I've already given you the photo you asked for,  and you might have a valid point about NASA weather satellites,  I thought the satellites were operated by a separate agency NOAA,  but you might be right,  they certainly have strong links to NASA,   as to the NASA channel,  I wouldn't know whose satellites it is broadcast through.  I doubt they have their own,   I've only ever seen it online

Here's the most recent GOES West, and East Full disk images  from NOAA,   I think these links will always show latest images.

If you look closely you will see that the South Pole is in 24 hour daylight, and the North Pole is 24 hour night.   ( in 6 months it will be reversed,  I'm writing this in Early February )

« Last Edit: February 01, 2016, 01:21:15 PM by Rayzor »


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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #47 on: February 01, 2016, 01:41:20 PM »
Oh man, this tired old crap again. You didn't think to actually look around before posting, did you?

From the other FES website:

We get this video a lot, so I thought I'd make an easily found thread debunking it. If a mod could sticky this that would be awesome.

1. Other planets are round

According to Flat Earth Theory, the Earth and other planets are not really the same type of celestial body. To put it another way, which I'm sure everyone everywhere will take offense to, the Earth is different.

2. Time Zones

This is the first of a trend in this video, in which Henry (the host of MinutePhysics, for those not subscribed) assumes that the Flat Earth is exactly the same as the Round Earth in every way except for shape. The sun works in a manner similar to a spotlight in Flat Earth Theory, which is why time zones exist. When the Sun isn't pointing overhead, it's nighttime.

3. The Coriolis Effect

Once again, Henry is making assumptions. There are a few differing opinions about this, as Flat Earth Theory is not a unified theory. Some people doubt the existence of Coriolis as anything more than a theorized force, as the evidence for it is largely contrived. Others have various explanations for it, such as the Shadow of the Aetheric Wind theorized by myself.

4. Triangles

This is little more than conjecture. It is literally impossible to perform this experiment on the scale required.

5. The Sun

Henry is assuming again. The Sun's apparent movement is caused by the Sun actually moving. As for Eratosthenes's famous experiment to measure the diameter of the Earth, that assumes a Round Earth. If we assume a Flat Earth, the same experiment gives us the distance to the Sun.

6. Stars Change

Another assumption. This time, he's assuming that FE geography is just a Mercator map. It's not. The Earth is a disk centered around the North Pole, which would provide the same effect.

7. Magellan

Again, the Earth isn't in the shape of a Mercator map. That would be silly. Magellan and many others simply made a circle around the disk of the Earth.

8. The Horizon

This is just a perspective effect. First of all, apparently large waves will obscure apparently small objects. Therefore, looking out long distances over water you will of course be unable to see land on the other side. In addition, refraction has an effect. Some flat Earthers theorize an electromagnetic acceleration which appears to bend light upward.

9. Eclipses

Eclipses are caused by the sun going behind the moon, or vice versa. It's that simple. Once again, Henry is assuming everything is exactly the same.

10. Photographic Evidence

Most photographic evidence actually demonstrates what we would expect to see on a disk shaped, flat Earth: a circle with little to no apparent curvature. Add in camera distortion, and that's our explanation for low Earth photos. As for photos like the famous Blue Marble, that the space agencies of the World are involved in a conspiracy is depressingly obvious if you look at the evidence.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume

Offline AMann

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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #48 on: February 01, 2016, 06:13:36 PM »
Oh man, this tired old crap again. You didn't think to actually look around before posting, did you?

From the other FES website:

We get this video a lot, so I thought I'd make an easily found thread debunking it. If a mod could sticky this that would be awesome.

1. Other planets are round

According to Flat Earth Theory, the Earth and other planets are not really the same type of celestial body. To put it another way, which I'm sure everyone everywhere will take offense to, the Earth is different.

2. Time Zones

This is the first of a trend in this video, in which Henry (the host of MinutePhysics, for those not subscribed) assumes that the Flat Earth is exactly the same as the Round Earth in every way except for shape. The sun works in a manner similar to a spotlight in Flat Earth Theory, which is why time zones exist. When the Sun isn't pointing overhead, it's nighttime.

3. The Coriolis Effect

Once again, Henry is making assumptions. There are a few differing opinions about this, as Flat Earth Theory is not a unified theory. Some people doubt the existence of Coriolis as anything more than a theorized force, as the evidence for it is largely contrived. Others have various explanations for it, such as the Shadow of the Aetheric Wind theorized by myself.

4. Triangles

This is little more than conjecture. It is literally impossible to perform this experiment on the scale required.

5. The Sun

Henry is assuming again. The Sun's apparent movement is caused by the Sun actually moving. As for Eratosthenes's famous experiment to measure the diameter of the Earth, that assumes a Round Earth. If we assume a Flat Earth, the same experiment gives us the distance to the Sun.

6. Stars Change

Another assumption. This time, he's assuming that FE geography is just a Mercator map. It's not. The Earth is a disk centered around the North Pole, which would provide the same effect.

7. Magellan

Again, the Earth isn't in the shape of a Mercator map. That would be silly. Magellan and many others simply made a circle around the disk of the Earth.

8. The Horizon

This is just a perspective effect. First of all, apparently large waves will obscure apparently small objects. Therefore, looking out long distances over water you will of course be unable to see land on the other side. In addition, refraction has an effect. Some flat Earthers theorize an electromagnetic acceleration which appears to bend light upward.

9. Eclipses

Eclipses are caused by the sun going behind the moon, or vice versa. It's that simple. Once again, Henry is assuming everything is exactly the same.

10. Photographic Evidence

Most photographic evidence actually demonstrates what we would expect to see on a disk shaped, flat Earth: a circle with little to no apparent curvature. Add in camera distortion, and that's our explanation for low Earth photos. As for photos like the famous Blue Marble, that the space agencies of the World are involved in a conspiracy is depressingly obvious if you look at the evidence.

1. Other planets are round

According to Flat Earth Theory, the Earth and other planets are not really the same type of celestial body. To put it another way, which I'm sure everyone everywhere will take offense to, the Earth is different.

2. Time Zones

This is the first of a trend in this video, in which Henry (the host of MinutePhysics, for those not subscribed) assumes that the Flat Earth is exactly the same as the Round Earth in every way except for shape. The sun works in a manner similar to a spotlight in Flat Earth Theory, which is why time zones exist. When the Sun isn't pointing overhead, it's nighttime.

3. The Coriolis Effect

Once again, Henry is making assumptions. There are a few differing opinions about this, as Flat Earth Theory is not a unified theory. Some people doubt the existence of Coriolis as anything more than a theorized force, as the evidence for it is largely contrived. Others have various explanations for it, such as the Shadow of the Aetheric Wind theorized by myself.

4. Triangles

This is little more than conjecture. It is literally impossible to perform this experiment on the scale required.

5. The Sun

Henry is assuming again. The Sun's apparent movement is caused by the Sun actually moving. As for Eratosthenes's famous experiment to measure the diameter of the Earth, that assumes a Round Earth. If we assume a Flat Earth, the same experiment gives us the distance to the Sun.

6. Stars Change

Another assumption. This time, he's assuming that FE geography is just a Mercator map. It's not. The Earth is a disk centered around the North Pole, which would provide the same effect.

7. Magellan

Again, the Earth isn't in the shape of a Mercator map. That would be silly. Magellan and many others simply made a circle around the disk of the Earth.

8. The Horizon

This is just a perspective effect. First of all, apparently large waves will obscure apparently small objects. Therefore, looking out long distances over water you will of course be unable to see land on the other side. In addition, refraction has an effect. Some flat Earthers theorize an electromagnetic acceleration which appears to bend light upward.

9. Eclipses

Eclipses are caused by the sun going behind the moon, or vice versa. It's that simple. Once again, Henry is assuming everything is exactly the same.

10. Photographic Evidence

Most photographic evidence actually demonstrates what we would expect to see on a disk shaped, flat Earth: a circle with little to no apparent curvature. Add in camera distortion, and that's our explanation for low Earth photos. As for photos like the famous Blue Marble, that the space agencies of the World are involved in a conspiracy is depressingly obvious if you look at the evidence.[/quote]

Finally, someone that posts something else rather than the blatant lie that there are no pictures from space lol

I had already alluded to this post earlier and yes, I did read it. And the responses are full of fabrications.

1. Other planets are round.
There is no evidence that Earth is different and a lot of data that shows Earth is similar to other celestial bodies. Claiming something is different without evidence and contrary to the evidence is not debunking, it is misdirection.
Not debunked

2. Time Zones.
Spotlight Sun is a ridiculous argument. Fabricated to simply have an explanation, and yet if you actually think about it, it makes no sense.
The time zones are based primarily on location of the Sun overhead, culminating in a full day where the Sun falls below the horizon. But the Sun descending below the horizon itself should be a hint that the flat Earth explanation is incorrect. In the flat Earth model, the Sun would become smaller and smaller as it moved further away (especially due to the explanation that the Sun is really close to Earth). The Sun would also need to curve Northward more significantly in order to do a full rotation around whatever magical path the FE Fallacy has concocted in order to make it's full circuit of the Earth every 24 hours.
The size of the Sun does not significantly change as it passes through the sky during it's journey as it would have to if it wasn't millions of kilometers away from Earth. It doesn't even change in size from one season to the next as it would have to in the FE Fallacy to compensate for being located closer and/or further from the different hemispheres.
I could go on and on, but in the end, the spotlight explanation is ridiculous and once again we have a point that is not debunked.
Not debunked.

3. Coriolis Effect.
Sorry, but this is an observed phenomenon. You can see the effect yourself from the millions of pictures taken from satellites in orbit (you know the ones that people are arguing aren't real lol).
Try this site:
It was a great site to watch the epic blizzard that hit the NE US recently.
You can view the 2 different hemispheres and see that the Coriolis effect affects the 2 hemispheres differently.
The fun thing you can do on this site (as well as watching weather channels), is you can follow large storms as they form and hit different parts of the world in different hemispheres. One thing you can note is besides the Coriolis Effect causing the storms to spin in opposite directions, is that they have similar sizes. Not that we would expect otherwise, but if you were to spread the Southern Hemisphere out the way the Flat Earth is portrayed, the storms in the Southern Hemisphere would need to be significantly larger than their northern relatives in order to affect the areas in question in the time-frames shown. In fact, once the Earth in the Southern Hemisphere is laid out Flat Earth style, the storms now hit the areas affected at inconsistent times, which would be an obvious error when reporting the storms and in this day and age of instant communication would quickly show the error of the models. This does not happen though.
Another point the FE Fallacy fails at.
Coriolis Effect is not debunked - it's even stronger when you actually think about the implications.

4. Triangles.
Really? It's a conjecture? In this day and age where you can purchase drones and GPS guidance systems to keep you on track, this experiment is impossible? This is far from impossible and can be done by someone with the right tools, time and desire.
Not debunked, you simply haven't done it.

5. The Sun.
Of course the Sun is moving. But in FE, the Sun is moving around a set path relative to the Earth. What magic causes that? lol
And of course, your comment about calculating the distance to the Sun is another example that shows how the Flat Earth Fallacy fails. As said above, as the Sun moves through the sky during the day and during the year (different seasons) it's apparent size in the sky remains the same. This would not happen in the Flat Earth model because of how close the Sun is to the Earth and how small it is. The Sun would be largest when directly overhead and smallest at sunrise and sunset (2 things that would look differently on a Flat Earth), which we do not see, and the Sun would be larger during the summer and smaller during the winter, which we also do not see. Instead we see a uniform size of the Sun regardless of the time of day or year, which is inconsistent with a Flat Earth.

6. The Stars
The disk revolving around the North Pole is exactly what he knows the Flat Earth model looks like. And it certainly does not provide the same effect as a round Earth.
If you look at the night sky and compare the Northern Hemisphere to the Southern Hemisphere, you will notice some similarities. Both have the same concentration of stars and both sets of stars travel across the night sky at the same rate for instance. Now, if you look at the flat Earth model, both of these could not be true.
In the Southern Hemisphere, there would need to be more sky to compensate for the extra space needed to fill in the gaps, which would require the stars to move more quickly across the sky in order to go completely around the Earth in 24 hours.
If you look at any composites of the movement of the night sky in the Southern Hemisphere and compare them to their equivalent composites in the Nothern Hemisphere, you will find that the movements are the same at each equivalent lattitude during the same seasons. In the Flat Earth model, the paths of the stars would be larger arcs across the sky in the Southern Hemisphere due to the paths the stars would take - again this is not true.
Another point not debunked but only weakens the flat Earth fallacy.

7. Magellan
The disk of the Earth explanation is still refuted by the inconsistencies in the time it takes to circumnavigate the Earth. In the flat Earth fallacy, the Southern hemisphere is much larger than the Northern hemisphere, which would show up quite easily in the travel logs of the ships due to the increased time needed to move in the Southern Hemisphere than the Northern...
While the author of the video may not have used the model of the flat Earth you subscribe to, the point that circumnavigating the globe does not show a flat Earth is still true.

8. The Horizon.
Large waves will obscure apparently small objects? While this is true, you would be able to see these large waves and since waves undulate, you would be able to see changes in visibility over time due to the presence or lack of presence of any large waves. We do not see this. The distance that objects can be seen is consistent per location. Places like Kansas where there are no waves also show the same effect. Objects to not simply vanish over distance, they dip below the horizon. This would not be true on a flat Earth.
Pair that up with other points from above, like the size of the Sun not changing as it dips below the horizon instead of becoming smaller and smaller and once again we see that the flat Earth fallacy fails miserably.
Another point not debunked but make a fool out of the flat Earth fallacy.

9. Eclipses.
He is talking about eclipses where the Earth goes between the Sun and the Moon. Something that could not happen in a flat Earth for starters. But also, it shows the shape of the Earth across the face of the Moon, which is round not an infinite plane, which I have seen argued on this site.

10. Photographic evidence.
Your made-up assertions are worthless if you cannot back it up with any evidence.
You can follow the website provided above if you want, but all of the millions of pictures from space (the number includes all of the weather satellite photos and pictures from ISS, in spite what some assumed) show the Earth is round. And the pictures do not show the inconsistencies you would expect in a flat Earth: the Southern hemisphere is not extended and is consistent with the dimensions of the globe, the pictures show the curvature (distortion would not go only one way) and the pictures show the continents going around the curvature of the Earth, not going flat...
But hey, at least your explanation admits that there are pictures from space, even if you have to create new fallacies to explain how the pictures look lol

Once again, flat-Earth explanations fail and are inconsistent with each other: obvious fabrications in a desperate attempt to hold onto the core belief that the Earth is flat in spite of all the evidence to the contrary... cognitive dissonance anyone?


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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #49 on: February 01, 2016, 08:34:08 PM »

Rayzor 1 - 0 Bookish Nature

You can't keep altering the preconditions of your request to fit whatever you have planned as a reply.

You need to start wrapping your theory around reality, instead of creating your reality around a theory.

Quote my request. Then post more than 5 actual photos of earth from space.

And while you are at, quote where I have altered the conditions to my request.

Rayzors most recent reply sums everything up better than I could manage.

No. You made accusations  that I have changed my request. I would like you to quote my initial request, then show me where I changed my request.

I have only asked for more than 5 actual photos from NASA of the entire earth. That's all...

And guess what not even 1 has been provided. Isn't that interesting?

Can you show me at least 1?

Then move onto 5...

I will tell you what Bookish Nept,

Find one "real photo" of the earth being flat from space. if you can find just ONE photo, and it is a real photo, not a composite photo that you have deemed being fake, then I will change my mind about the earth being round. :)

Your sheer lack of understanding of what a composite photo actually is is mind boggling, but this is not to be unexpected because you frankly don't understand a lot of other concepts. Every photo since the advent of Digital photography by your definition is a fake photo. And by your own definition the only real photos would be photos taken without a digital CCD or with plain old school film.

For example, the CCD inside your mobile phone is an example of what a composite photo would be. This uses a single CCD with multiple CCD Platters and a single lens wave form

Some CCD sensors use beam splitters to split the light into 3 different colors (RBG) then utilize 3 different CCD's to sense the light from that shot. The computer then puts the different colors back together, which

Others utilize three separate Lenses and three CCD's to capture three separate images which are recombined with an image processor.

Much like the old school projectors that used three colored lenses to make one image on the projector screen.

By your definition, even this image you are looking at on your computer screen is a composite image. Get a magnifying glass and see the individual pixels that come together to create every color in the spectrum.

The other reasons why there are non composite images of the earth, is because they were taken on the Apollo missions before digital camera CCD's were in use.

that added with the fact that is is easier to beam data through space, than it is to send a roll of film some millions of miles from space to earth for recovery and processing.

Use your brain man!!! Think!!! Don't just over simply statements on a website saying things like "BY NASA's own admission, not mine, they are composite images"


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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #50 on: February 01, 2016, 08:36:37 PM »
This is going to be the logic in His response. (or lack there of)

It doesn't support his argument - so fake, or not true

Find ways or comments to make what I said not true, or invalidate them so that he can continue his uneducated belief system.

Or if all else fails. Troll!!!

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #51 on: February 01, 2016, 10:45:53 PM »
That video is just embarrassing, even by RET standards. It's fallacies from beginning to end. The #1 reason we know the Earth is round is because we have pictures of it? Does this mean RET endorses the existence of the Loch Ness monster, aliens, ghosts, and bigfoot?

How many pictures of Loch Ness, aliens, ghosts and bigfoot are there out there? I do not have an exact answer, but I will say 100 (and that is probably generous). How many of these pictures have not yet been shown to be frauds? 0. There are no viable photos of Loch Ness, aliens, ghosts, bigfoot, etc.
How many pictures of Earth from space are there? Millions. And while there are always some people who can put up manufactured pictures, the pictures from reputable sources do not have a single picture that has been shown to be a fabrication.

If that is your best retort to the video, you do not have much of an argument... only denialism.

Can you point us to only 10? I know of only at most 5 that NASA claims to be an actual photo.

All others are composites and NASA very clearly tells you. So the challenge is to provide us and yourself at least 10 actual photographs of the earth from space.


When you find out that you will not find even 10 photos I'd like to hear what you think about that.

Provide the links from NASA of at least 10 actual photos of earth from space. From NASA... from the NASA website!

You say there are millions. I am challenging you to put up or shutup.

If I am wrong I will shutup.

The Epic camera on the Discover satellite takes a full frame picture of the entire Earth every 2 hours.

But since nobody on FES believe any picture of the Earth from space is real, I doubt it will convince you.

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #52 on: February 02, 2016, 04:33:12 AM »

The Epic camera on the Discover satellite takes a full frame picture of the entire Earth every 2 hours.

But since nobody on FES believe any picture of the Earth from space is real, I doubt it will convince you.

This was released by NASA Aug 2015. The images are said to have been taken July 2015.

Now go to the link you provided and click through each and every date from July 2015 to now.

Where is the moon in ALL the other supposed photos. I have not found one yet!!!!

Every image looks just like this:

Where is the moon in any image provided?

If you cannot find an image on that website with the moon in it I'd say that is very damaging evidence that it is a complete fraud.

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #53 on: February 02, 2016, 09:27:10 AM »
If you cannot find an image on that website with the moon in it I'd say that is very damaging evidence that it is a complete fraud.

Why? The images only go back 8 months. How often do you think the moon passes between earth and the satellite?


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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #54 on: February 02, 2016, 10:16:14 AM »

Quite, it’s on a non-repeating Lissajous orbit, tilted to the Earths plane, see

Now you asked for more than 5 pictures of the Earth, they have given them to you, so do as you promised.
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.

Offline UnionsOfSolarSystemPlanet

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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #55 on: February 02, 2016, 10:47:12 AM »

The Epic camera on the Discover satellite takes a full frame picture of the entire Earth every 2 hours.

But since nobody on FES believe any picture of the Earth from space is real, I doubt it will convince you.

This was released by NASA Aug 2015. The images are said to have been taken July 2015.

Now go to the link you provided and click through each and every date from July 2015 to now.

Where is the moon in ALL the other supposed photos. I have not found one yet!!!!

Every image looks just like this:

Where is the moon in any image provided?

If you cannot find an image on that website with the moon in it I'd say that is very damaging evidence that it is a complete fraud.

Click Galleries and click Lunar Transit, you'll find 20 photos of the transit taken at 16 July 2015.
The size of the Solar system if the Moon were only 1 pixel:

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2016, 10:50:09 AM »

The Epic camera on the Discover satellite takes a full frame picture of the entire Earth every 2 hours.

But since nobody on FES believe any picture of the Earth from space is real, I doubt it will convince you.

This was released by NASA Aug 2015. The images are said to have been taken July 2015.

Now go to the link you provided and click through each and every date from July 2015 to now.

Where is the moon in ALL the other supposed photos. I have not found one yet!!!!

Every image looks just like this:

Where is the moon in any image provided?

If you cannot find an image on that website with the moon in it I'd say that is very damaging evidence that it is a complete fraud.

Wow look how the clouds don't move at all, and these were taken over how many days? That's AMAZING truly


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Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #57 on: February 02, 2016, 10:54:29 AM »
In case you are too busy to actually read what NASA tells you I will post the part I am referring to:

"The color Earth images are created by combining three separate single-color images to create a photographic-quality imageequivalent to a 12-megapixel camera. The camera takes a series of 10 images using different narrowband filters -- from ultraviolet to near infrared -- to produce a variety of science products. The red, green and blue channel images are used to create the color images"


Why so many composites?
You really have the naivety to ask "Why so many composites?"

Your digital camera does not take photographs. The picture you see is made by "COMBINING IMAGES = COMPOSITES!!" - your words!
If you choose you can download the three separate images (the raw image) to your computer and process them there as you want.
Most amateurs, as you obviously are, simply let the computer in their camera make up the composite!
All digital cameras and even professional Techicolor colour movie film produce composites.
So, stop the stupid argument about composite photos from Geostationary Weather satellites! Of course they are composite!

Now, you please tell me just how these Geostationary Weather satellites manage to produce current weather data (much more than just the picture you see) every half hour and every 2.5 min over Japan!

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #58 on: February 02, 2016, 11:13:42 AM »
Wow look how the clouds don't move at all, and these were taken over how many days? That's AMAZING truly

You need to look more carefully. The clouds move. The pictures were taken over less than 4 hours.

Re: How do we know the Earth is spherical?
« Reply #59 on: February 02, 2016, 11:28:54 AM »
Wow look how the clouds don't move at all, and these were taken over how many days? That's AMAZING truly

You need to look more carefully. The clouds move. The pictures were taken over less than 4 hours.

I still don't see any movement. I would like to see the date of those photographs and then correspond to the wind forecasted on that day. Allthough even then the wind is measured at ground level but still it would be interesting.

This video shows cloud movement over just two hours
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>