Also, I don't think that any links should be to other flat earth society message boards.
A possible merger might be in the works: no problem then.
If not, I will do the following: I will put up a single link to the other website, just mention these subjects, and let the reader follow up (if they are interested).
Remember, that as things stand right now, you have NOTHING going for you over here (just like the other website): no answers whatsoever when it comes to radio waves, terrestrial gravity, beam neutrinos, and much more. Using your solar orbits maps, it becomes impossible to explain the solar precession (1.5 km per year westward shift).
These topics seem like they're better suited as individual articles for the Wiki, not the FAQ itself.
Fine, but there is a problem: they are all related to ether physics and not to the UAFE theory; that is, they belong in the same category.
There is no need to concern yourselves now with this: I am in no hurry to make any changes to your faq, just some simple suggestions.