I'm a new member of this wonderful website, and I was just wondering something after reading through the 8th forum feed. Why has the government not said anything about this theory. If they truly had not gone to the moon and made this fabricated lie of a spherical planet why havent they shut this down yet.
First of all you have to try and understand what a transparent government is. Basically it's those supposed ordinary people who are elected to stand party to party.
Those parties are made up or ordinary (supposedly) townsfolk/city folk.
Considering that most of these parties stay in supposed power for 5 to 10 years, how many of them are privy to the actually reality of a lot of stuff sold to the public.
Let's take space travel. Where are the rocket launch pads in England?
How many of the so called government people get to really see what's going on, as opposed to merely hearing about it by the very same means that we do. TV, PAPERS, WORD OF MOUTH, etc.
When you can elect film stars and body builders/wrestlers, etc to power - do you think that these people are genuinely calling the shots with countries?...seriously?
The reason why governments don't say anything is because the real governments are in the shadows. They are the chess masters who play the board and dictate which pieces move where - as and when required.
The so called people who are in the know, are easy to spot. They own whole countrysides. The thing is, they stay in the shadows and meet up with their like-minded allies when the next venture of public duping is in order.