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« Reply #20 on: October 28, 2015, 05:02:30 PM »
Hi everyone, please tell me if I'm wrong on this point:

the only 'real' evidence that the Earth is a ball comes from NASA, and other affiliated space/meteorological agencies.

In order to prove that the Earth is a ball, is there any non-agency, non-government funded scientific or exploratory research that can, without any doubt, SHOW the spherical Earth. I think that in order to weigh up the evidence we need more than just what NASA and the like have to say.

Any thoughts?

I think that you must have not really spent much time looking.

Almost all well educated people have known that the Earth is round for at least 2000 years probably more.
The only people who thought otherwise where more influenced by religion than science.

So you think that Russia and China (who do not have particularly close relations with us -particularly 40 years ago) as well as the other 40 or more nations which have some space activity are all in cahoots in this plot?


Offline Tintagel

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« Reply #21 on: October 28, 2015, 07:28:52 PM »
Hi everyone, please tell me if I'm wrong on this point:

the only 'real' evidence that the Earth is a ball comes from NASA, and other affiliated space/meteorological agencies.

In order to prove that the Earth is a ball, is there any non-agency, non-government funded scientific or exploratory research that can, without any doubt, SHOW the spherical Earth. I think that in order to weigh up the evidence we need more than just what NASA and the like have to say.

Any thoughts?

I think that you must have not really spent much time looking.

Almost all well educated people have known that the Earth is round for at least 2000 years probably more.
The only people who thought otherwise where more influenced by religion than science.

So you think that Russia and China (who do not have particularly close relations with us -particularly 40 years ago) as well as the other 40 or more nations which have some space activity are all in cahoots in this plot?

The idea of a spherical earth came from Ancient Greece.  They believed the earth must be a perfect sphere, because they were keen on the idea of perfect geometries.  They believed that all of the celestial bodies must be perfect spheres, and therefore Earth must be as well.  They were wrong, but the idea caught on.  The reason almost all "well educated people" believe anything of the sort is because it's the most popular idea at the time.

How do you know the earth is round?  I'm not asking what you've been taught, or what you've read.  How do you, yourself know?

You don't.


Offline Jura-Glenlivet

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« Reply #22 on: October 28, 2015, 08:02:29 PM »
It's likely that being astonomers/astrologist that the idea came from looking at the moon, it strikes me as strange, looking across these discussions how few of the FEers have taken a good look at the night sky and this particular body.

It is clearly round, look at this picture.

Go and have a look, take a pair of binoculars if you don't have a telescope, when it is in partial shadow that shadow alone gives its shape away, the "rays" of debris from the craters curve, really have a look.
« Last Edit: October 28, 2015, 09:00:22 PM by Jura-Glenlivet »
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


Offline Tintagel

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« Reply #23 on: October 28, 2015, 10:07:57 PM »
It's likely that being astonomers/astrologist that the idea came from looking at the moon, it strikes me as strange, looking across these discussions how few of the FEers have taken a good look at the night sky and this particular body.

It is clearly round, look at this picture.

Go and have a look, take a pair of binoculars if you don't have a telescope, when it is in partial shadow that shadow alone gives its shape away, the "rays" of debris from the craters curve, really have a look.

I own a telescope, I've observed the moon many times.  However; the apparent shape of the moon doesn't imply anything about the shape of the earth.  The earth has significant observable differences, even if you don't consider its shape, not the least of which is life.


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« Reply #24 on: October 28, 2015, 10:50:32 PM »

Soo,,,then they were a travelled people,  travellers not only saw far away things coming over the horizon at sea but saw constellations rising or falling in respect to the horizon as they travelled north or south.
Just to be clear, you are all terrific, but everything you say is exactly what a moron would say.


« Reply #25 on: October 29, 2015, 01:55:46 AM »
Hi everyone, please tell me if I'm wrong on this point:

the only 'real' evidence that the Earth is a ball comes from NASA, and other affiliated space/meteorological agencies.

In order to prove that the Earth is a ball, is there any non-agency, non-government funded scientific or exploratory research that can, without any doubt, SHOW the spherical Earth. I think that in order to weigh up the evidence we need more than just what NASA and the like have to say.

Any thoughts?

I think that you must have not really spent much time looking.

Almost all well educated people have known that the Earth is round for at least 2000 years probably more.
The only people who thought otherwise where more influenced by religion than science.

So you think that Russia and China (who do not have particularly close relations with us -particularly 40 years ago) as well as the other 40 or more nations which have some space activity are all in cahoots in this plot?

The idea of a spherical earth came from Ancient Greece.  They believed the earth must be a perfect sphere, because they were keen on the idea of perfect geometries.  They believed that all of the celestial bodies must be perfect spheres, and therefore Earth must be as well.  They were wrong, but the idea caught on.  The reason almost all "well educated people" believe anything of the sort is because it's the most popular idea at the time.

How do you know the earth is round?  I'm not asking what you've been taught, or what you've read.  How do you, yourself know?

You don't.

I know from personal experience that what I have been taught works in the real world- the round world. And it wouldn't work if the earth was flat. I am sure that workers in the real world could give you lots of reasons why they know the earth is round. To get into reality, most people regard flat earth as something silly. Check some other threads if you don't believe this.


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« Reply #26 on: October 29, 2015, 01:56:16 AM »

Soo,,,then they were a travelled people,  travellers not only saw far away things coming over the horizon at sea but saw constellations rising or falling in respect to the horizon as they travelled north or south.

Hardly surprising, objects farther away converge to the vanishing point at the horizon.


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« Reply #27 on: October 29, 2015, 01:57:28 AM »
Hi everyone, please tell me if I'm wrong on this point:

the only 'real' evidence that the Earth is a ball comes from NASA, and other affiliated space/meteorological agencies.

In order to prove that the Earth is a ball, is there any non-agency, non-government funded scientific or exploratory research that can, without any doubt, SHOW the spherical Earth. I think that in order to weigh up the evidence we need more than just what NASA and the like have to say.

Any thoughts?

I think that you must have not really spent much time looking.

Almost all well educated people have known that the Earth is round for at least 2000 years probably more.
The only people who thought otherwise where more influenced by religion than science.

So you think that Russia and China (who do not have particularly close relations with us -particularly 40 years ago) as well as the other 40 or more nations which have some space activity are all in cahoots in this plot?

The idea of a spherical earth came from Ancient Greece.  They believed the earth must be a perfect sphere, because they were keen on the idea of perfect geometries.  They believed that all of the celestial bodies must be perfect spheres, and therefore Earth must be as well.  They were wrong, but the idea caught on.  The reason almost all "well educated people" believe anything of the sort is because it's the most popular idea at the time.

How do you know the earth is round?  I'm not asking what you've been taught, or what you've read.  How do you, yourself know?

You don't.

I know from personal experience that what I have been taught works in the real world- the round world. And it wouldn't work if the earth was flat. I am sure that workers in the real world could give you lots of reasons why they know the earth is round. To get into reality, most people regard flat earth as something silly. Check some other threads if you don't believe this.

Oh, I'm aware people believe I'm silly.  I've been here a while.  Doesn't bother me much. :)

« Reply #28 on: October 29, 2015, 12:41:05 PM »

I own a telescope, I've observed the moon many times.  However; the apparent shape of the moon doesn't imply anything about the shape of the earth.  The earth has significant observable differences, even if you don't consider its shape, not the least of which is life.

See this bugs me, and I've been looking for an opportunity to bring it up.
The apparent shape of the moon is a sphere- you admit that yes? Other cosmic bodies also appear to be spherical.
What, in the name of all that anyone holds sacred, separates the physical properties of the earth from the rest of the cosmic bodies in space?

How come, if you can look at planets and moons and suns and discern that they're spherical, can you stand back and say "but we ain't?" Are there other discs floating around in space? Are we the only ones?

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« Reply #29 on: October 29, 2015, 01:11:56 PM »

How do you know the earth is round?  I'm not asking what you've been taught, or what you've read.  How do you, yourself know?

You don't.

I suppose if your definition of "knowing" can only be gained through direct observation by an individual than what do any of us really "know"?

Modern humans and our civilization relies on us being able to use more than just direct observation -we can also use logic and reason.

There is no need for me to go to space to see for myself as many, many other people have already been and seen it directly. The current model also accurately predicts what we see at any time from any spot on Earth.

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« Reply #30 on: October 29, 2015, 01:17:28 PM »

Hardly surprising, objects farther away converge to the vanishing point at the horizon.

Yes far away objects do appear to merge, but as I demonstrated with a sketchup model -a person would need to be more that 250,000 miles away to make the sun look like it was merged with the Earth and at no time would only half of it disappear.


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« Reply #31 on: October 29, 2015, 02:34:54 PM »
I suppose if your definition of "knowing" can only be gained through direct observation by an individual than what do any of us really "know"?

Modern humans and our civilization relies on us being able to use more than just direct observation -we can also use logic and reason.

You're almost there.  So close.


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« Reply #32 on: October 29, 2015, 05:54:50 PM »
EDIT - gecko's whining/ranting can be found here:

You are already on a warning for low-content posting in the upper fora, and have two more reported posts currently. I am going to move your most recent whining/ranting posts to the thread in AR that is all for you.

Please refrain from not adding anything to the discussion and please refrain from insults. If you have nothing to add, then don't post. This is your last warning.


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« Reply #33 on: December 12, 2015, 05:43:42 AM »

Soo,,,then they were a travelled people,  travellers not only saw far away things coming over the horizon at sea but saw constellations rising or falling in respect to the horizon as they travelled north or south.

Hardly surprising, objects farther away converge to the vanishing point at the horizon.

But if you get a telescope then the ship that sank bottom first over the horizon for example should reappear. But it doesn't, the reason the ship sinks bottom first and then the masts is because the earth is round.
Isaiah 40:22 "It is he that sitteth upon the CIRCLE of the earth"

Scripture, science, facts, stats, and logic is how I argue

Evolutionism is a religion. Can dumb luck create a smart brain?

Please PM me to explain sunsets.

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« Reply #34 on: January 04, 2016, 05:26:52 AM »
They really don't have much if space research is discounted.

Just as the FES has everything because science is discounted?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2016, 05:30:53 AM by CableDawg »

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« Reply #35 on: January 04, 2016, 05:30:11 AM »
Hi and thanks for the replies. However, what I'm asking for is: does anyone know of any person or body that has conducted such exhaustive and extensive inquiry to conclusively prove that the earth is a ball or indeed, and more importantly, that the earth is flat? I don't believe it is wise to simply accept what NASA and other official bodies have to say, as lying about one thing (moon-landings) means that nothing else can be considered true. Universities are also out of the question as their bias and funding source go hand-in-hand. Surely, I think, with all the numbers of people that have an interest in the FE concept surely someone or group with a scientific bent has decided to do the science properly? If the FE is to be made 'official' in the world then it's no use speculating and surmising and arguing on this forum and YouTube, real science has to take place. Has it, is it?

Why has the FES not funded studies to provide the answer to the question you are asking?

Seems to me that would be an endeavor that the Society would readily undertake since it would undoubtedly support their facts.

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« Reply #36 on: January 04, 2016, 06:04:55 AM »
Satellites have  never been discounted by flat earth theorists,  and it's easy to prove they are where they say they are.  GPS systems are a good example,  The American, European and Russian GPS systems all rely on the earth being a globe. 

Satellite TV  transmitter locations can be easily triangulated,  and guess what they are all in geostationary orbits over the equator.

Weather satellites transmit real time weather data that can be received and decoded by anybody.   

Game over.  The evidence cannot be refuted.

Hi, Rayzor, I've just posted a question on the thread about Himawari-8. In brief: ......can anyone link to photographs and/or videos of actual satellites in space, doing their thing? Answer in the thread if possible, many thanks.

Considering that the FES disregards all photographic evidence, except that which fosters their own beliefs, why are you demanding evidence that you will only disregard?

You believe that you have won something here but you haven't.  There is equipment available that can take a photo, from Earth, of satellites doing their thing in space.  The problem resides in the reason you would use to discount such a picture, perspective.  To allow for a photo with enough resolution to clearly and definitively identify a satellite as opposed to being a little blinking light requires the loss of perspective.

In the same vein as your demand, provide physical proof (i.e. the location) of the cosmic ray devices that purportedly hold the satellites and clouds up.

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« Reply #37 on: January 04, 2016, 06:19:55 AM »
Hi everyone, please tell me if I'm wrong on this point:

the only 'real' evidence that the Earth is a ball comes from NASA, and other affiliated space/meteorological agencies.

In order to prove that the Earth is a ball, is there any non-agency, non-government funded scientific or exploratory research that can, without any doubt, SHOW the spherical Earth. I think that in order to weigh up the evidence we need more than just what NASA and the like have to say.

Any thoughts?

I think that you must have not really spent much time looking.

Almost all well educated people have known that the Earth is round for at least 2000 years probably more.
The only people who thought otherwise where more influenced by religion than science.

So you think that Russia and China (who do not have particularly close relations with us -particularly 40 years ago) as well as the other 40 or more nations which have some space activity are all in cahoots in this plot?

The idea of a spherical earth came from Ancient Greece.  They believed the earth must be a perfect sphere, because they were keen on the idea of perfect geometries.  They believed that all of the celestial bodies must be perfect spheres, and therefore Earth must be as well.  They were wrong, but the idea caught on.  The reason almost all "well educated people" believe anything of the sort is because it's the most popular idea at the time.

How do you know the earth is round?  I'm not asking what you've been taught, or what you've read.  How do you, yourself know?

You don't.

How do you know the Earth is flat?  I'm not asking what you've been taught, or what you've read.  How do you, yourself know?

You don't.

« Reply #38 on: January 13, 2016, 04:32:16 PM »
How does gravity work? I've heard a lot that we are just going up very fast and it keeps us stuck to the surface and that hurt it was so stupid. So can you tell me how the gravity would work on a flat earth.

« Reply #39 on: January 13, 2016, 05:18:00 PM »
I'm shocked by 1) the fact that some of you think the only evidence we have for a round earth comes from NASA (they were created in 1958, people! We had plenty of evidence before then, too!) and 2) the fact that relatively few RE'ers have challenged this.

I'm also surprised that nobody has mentioned seismic waves. When there's an earthquake in New Zealand, the waves can be detected in Spain in exactly the way you would expect if the Earth were round. There are tons of other phenomena in geology that only make sense with a round earth.

Also, there's the fact that boats and planes do a perfectly fine job navigating the Southern hemisphere, even though all the RE maps of that area should be essentially useless if the earth actually looks like the azimuthal equidistant projection that people on here seem so fond of.