Don't play the hypocrite.
You are not here for any serious discussion, just trolling around.
The consternation is on our part: the junior high school level of your posts.
This whole thing has no tangible proof or reliable verification to distinguish it from mere theory because "It can be camouflaged easily.?"You were given the exact proofs here: if you're talking about the suspension of the cumulative weight. Science though, doesn't work that way. Rather the scientific principals of gravity and buoyancy apply to each water droplet- millions of which could be required to form a single raindrop. (more on these in a moment) In effect, the universal scientific principals at work are not being applied to a million pound cloud, but to a very lightweight droplet individually, a gazillion times over. This is your "copy & pasta": your own erroneous beliefs, a kindergarten level of approach to science...
Copy & pasta = BIBLIOGRAPHY (do you even know the meaning of the word?)
I present the proofs, in exact wording and images, necessary for you to understand how real science works.
Official science: typical cumulus cloud has some 1/2 g per cubic meter of water density
Typical cumulus cloud = one cubic kilometer in size = one billion km in volume
total water content of the cloud = 500,000,000 grams of water, or 1.1 million pounds
This means that you do not have even the basic knowledge about clouds, atmospheric physics.
That is why I was obliged to quote directly and precisely the very facts of science you are missing.
What static electricity is causing the steam to rise from your coffee cup in the morning, or from your shower head?I even took the time to answer this kind of trolling:
Clouds ARE NOT water vapour: they are either water droplets or ice crystals.
A CLOUD IS A VISIBLE MASS OF DROPLETS. The small droplets of water WHICH DO MAKE UP A CLOUD, will have 0.01 mm in diameter.
The tiny particles of water are very densely packed, and may even combine to form larger water molecules, which ARE denser than the surrounding air.
Here are more proofs of trolling around.
Think about a helium balloon, if you want to raise the scale for the sake of simplicity. A single balloon weighs a negligible amount. Fill it with buoyant gas, and it will rise. Fill a billion of them with the same gas, and they will all rise into the air, but if you weigh the cumulative formation, I'll bet it's a little heavier than one balloon is.
-According to your arguments though, since the balloon formation now weighs several hundred pounds, there is no reason that it should be able to float into the sky without artificial means. This isn't the defiance of gravity as you claim, but merely circumventing it for a time...and only for a time, since at one point, the balloons will come back to the earth. The combined state of water in any cloud, for a certain volume and density will have a certain weight.
For that volume, one billion meters, and a density of 1/2 g per cubic meter, there will be a weight of 1.1 million pounds.
Then Disgraced_Shield switches back to the "I am not of a scientific mind" routine:
I'm not a scientifically minded individual- so, without the gazillions of regurgitated links, answer me this question very simply before we can continue:
What is causing the biefeld-brown effect on earth which you claim is keeping clouds and satellites aloft?- Which you so confidently claim negates the video provided by OP?Then, he goes right back to the trolling routine, EXPRESSELY FORBIDDEN in the rules posted here:
Answer me this without a dissertation and 38 links back to your own forum. Use plain English and don't go off on a tangent, and make an attempt at doing it without the 'you haven't done your homework' snark. It makes you look defensive.
True or False: You are asserting that a cloud is one entity which is too heavy, based on the weight of water- to float in the sky on its own, and needs to be held aloft with a cosmic ray device. There was no dissertation, in fact I used FEWER WORDS than were included in his previous message, to answer back.
This is the "cosmic ray device" of the water molecule: in just a few paragraphs, using the best available bibliography, we see how the very geometry of the water molecule, the icosahedron, permits the ether waves (copiously proven to exist, if Disgraced_Shield would have taken the time to even lightly look/read over the Dayton Miller and Yuri Galaev articles): there are less than 100 words there: a clear, simple, beautiful explanation.
Then he goes back to the "I'm too dumb to understand, make it look better for me" routine:
There's a saying in the IT world- "If you can't explain it to the simplest of users, you have no idea what you're talking about." So then, I resumed everything to one single image, and one single paragraph: doesn't get any simpler than this.
I then wrote two more messages, and, in order to make sure that everybody understands that the Allais effect did really happen, I even posted the letter sent to Werner von Braun by general Paul Bergeron: Disgraced_Shield take the time to read this letter? Not at all.
To describe the Allais effect even more precisely, I posted this message: single image, less than 100 words, using the exact quotes from Dr. Maurice Allais, as bibliographical material: it doesn't get any simpler than this.
Thus, neither the regular cyclical variation of the pendulum, nor the
anomalous behavior at the time of solar eclipse can be explained by the
presently understood theory of gravitation. Something else is at work.
In order to arrive at an explanation, M. Allais considered a wide range
of known periodic phenomena, including the terrestrial tides, variations in
the intensity of gravity, thermal or barometric effects, magnetic variations,
microseismic effects, cosmic rays, and the periodic character of human
activity. Yet, on close examination, the very peculiar nature of the
periodicity shown by the change in azimuth of the pendulum forced the
elimination of all of these as cause.
Then, of course, Disgraced_Shield pretends not to have read this simple demonstration, and refuels his trolling routine, using mindless questions:
Okay. Copy-pasta aside, I'll ask you for a third time.
Simply put- answer me these questions. I know how you'll answer some of them, but...again, humor me.
1. Are cosmic ray devices responsible for holding satellites in orbit?
2. Are cosmic ray devices responsible for holding clouds suspended above the earth, since you claim that clouds are too heavy to be held aloft by updrafts as is claimed by conventional science? (That cloud mass is measured collectively)
3. What are the operating capacities of these cosmic ray devices? ie: if they're what are controlling cloud suspension, how many of them are supposedly necessary to facilitate an extremely overcast/cloudy day in the area of a small city?
3a. Rough estimate, how many of these devices do you believe are in deployment worldwide? Flat or round, the surface of the earth is fairly sprawling. Could a single device in New Mexico control cloud cover in India?
4. Who is responsible for the manufacture, placement, management, and maintenance of said devices?
This is the hallmark of a troll: to pretend he was not given any answers, and then to go right back, using even more dumbfounding words/phrases.
It is at this point that one of the moderators/admin should have stepped in to kindly inform Disgraced_Shield that trolling is not permitted in the upper forums.
Then, of course, Disgraced_Shield goes right back to the "I'm too dumb to understand, you just haven't made it clear for me" routine:
Three times I asked simple questions, requesting simple answers and have gotten nothing in return but copy-pasta.
I clearly tell you I am not of a scientific mind, and ask you to explain things to me in a more elementary fashion, which- if you're as good as they say you are, shouldn't be a problem. Yet, instead of simple answers to my questions, you copy/paste things over and over again. Those questions, the revelant ones, were answered plainly and clearly.
It doesn't get any simpler than that: I used less than 100 words, per message, to describe the physics, the Allais effect, the cosmic ray device invented by Tesla, the Biefeld-Brown effect...
Question: why is this kind of trolling even allowed to go on here, in the upper forums?
It is an open invitation, for anybody else, to do the same thing.