Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2015, 05:04:06 PM »
mike, wake up.


Dayton Miller ether drift proofs:

Yuri Galaev ether drift proofs:

A careful look at every term of the original set of Maxwell's ether equations and how the main terms were eliminated by both Heaviside and Lorentz:

The much-reduced Heaviside-Gibbs-Hertz limited version of Maxwell's theory, with the added Lorentz symmetrization and arbitrary discarding of all asymmetrical Maxwellian systems, has since been taught as "Maxwell's theory". It is Heaviside's equations and Heaviside's notations, as further limited by Lorentz.

Even more details on how the original equations were altered by Lorentz to eliminate the ether terms:

In a tragedy for science (if not for society in general) whose outlines we are only now beginning to appreciate, after Maxwell's death, two other 19th Century "mathematical physicists" -- Oliver Heaviside and William Gibbs -- "streamlined" Maxwell's original equations down to four simple (if woefully incomplete!) expressions. Because Heaviside openly felt the quaternions were "an abomination" -- never fully understanding the linkage between the critical scalar and vector components in Maxwell's use of them to describe the potentials of empty space ("apples and oranges," he termed them) -- he eliminated over 200 quaternions from Maxwell's original theory in his attempted "simplification."

This means, of course, that the four surviving "classic" Maxwell's Equations -- which appear in every electrical and physics text the world over, as the underpinnings of all 20th Century electrical and electromagnetic engineering, from radio to radar, from television to computer science, if not inclusive of every "hard" science from physics to chemistry to astrophysics that deals with electromagnetic radiative processes -- never appeared in any original Maxwell' paper or treatise! They are, in fact--

"Heaviside's equations!"

To then state that,

As for Maxwell's equations being "altered", all alterations made kept the same function of the equations such that plugging in the same numbers in both will yield the same result.

means you have lost touch with reality.

The reason people stopped believing in it is because experiments kept failing to detect it and the theory had more holes then Swiss cheese.

Dr. Dayton Miller's ether drift experiments did detect carefully and beautifully for years, during his famous experiments on the same subject.

Dr. Yuri Galaev's performed even more carefully designed ether drift results: the ether was detected, please read his groundbreaking papers.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2015, 05:20:45 PM by sandokhan »


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Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2015, 06:53:24 PM »
I am currently banned from the flat Earth society forum, so I can't view your sources for the ether experiments.

Your other sources started loosing credibility when one said that modern physics denies the existence of centrifugal force as if physicists believe that a spinning object would not feel an aperent outward pull.  Physicists don't deny that an aperent outward pull exists, what they deny is the notion that it's an actual force field pushing something out as the term "centrifugal force" implies.  The point is, my confidence in the credibility of your sources is deminishing by the minute.  Another one of your sources flat out lied about what relativity predicts about gravity.  Seriously, find better sources.

Your logic seems to be "Maxwell was right about electromagnetism, and he believed that Aether exists so he must be right about that too.  Einstein was the one who debunked the notion of Aether, and since he apears to be wrong about that he must be wrong about everything else too".

How about this: I will accept that relativity is false once you produce one observation that contradicts a relativistic prediction.  Should be easy enough, right?
If we are having a debate and you resort to using insults and ad hominem fallacies then I will consider that a win.  You have been warned.

Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2015, 07:16:04 PM »
There are plenty of observations which nullify the theory of relativity: the ether-drift results of Miller and Galaev, the Biefeld-Brown effect, the Nipher effect, the Lamoreaux effect, the Kozyrev effect, the DePalma effect.

For you, the effect discovered by a Nobel prize winner: THE ALLAIS EFFECT.

"During the total eclipses of the sun on June 30, 1954, and October 22, 1959, quite analogous deviations of the plane of oscillation of the paraconical pendulum were observed..." - Maurice Allais, 1988 Nobel autobiographical lecture.

In a marathon experiment, Maurice Allais released a Foucault pendulum every 14 minutes - for 30 days and nights -without missing a data point. He recorded the direction of rotation (in degrees) at his Paris laboratory. This energetic show of human endurance happened to overlap with the 1954 solar eclipse. During the eclipse, the pendulum took an unexpected turn, changing its angle of rotation by 13.5 degrees.

Allais' pendulum experiments earned him the 1959 Galabert Prize of the French Astronautical Society, and in 1959 he was made a laureate of the United States Gravity Research Foundation.

Dr. Maurice Allais:  Should the laws of gravitation be reconsidered?

In the present status of the discussion, the abnormalities observed can be accounted for only by considering the existence of a new field. (page 12)


(it also shows that the effect was confirmed during the August 1999 solar eclipse)



Given the above, the authors consider that it is an inescapable conclusion from our experiments that after the end of the visible eclipse, as the Moon departed the angular vicinity of the Sun, some influence exerted itself upon the Eastern European region containing our three sets of equipment, extending over a field at least hundreds of kilometers in width.
The nature of this common influence is unknown, but plainly it cannot be considered as gravitational in the usually accepted sense of Newtonian or Einsteinian gravitation.

Dr. Maurice Allais:

“… the current theory of gravitation (being the result of the application, within the current theory of relative motions, of the principles of inertia and universal gravitation to any one of the Galilean spaces) complemented or not by the corrections suggested by the theory of relativity, leads to orders of magnitude [many factors of ten] for lunar and solar action (which are strictly not to be perceived experimentally) of some 100 million times less than the effects noted [during the eclipse] ... [emphasis added].”

In other words, the pendulum motions Allais observed during his two eclipses – 1954 and 1959 -- were physically IMPOSSIBLE … according to all known “textbook physics!”

Dr. Erwin Saxl, "1970 Solar Eclipse as 'Seen' by a Torsion Pendulum"

Saxl and Allen went on to note that to explain these remarkable eclipse observations, according to "conventional Newtonian/Einsteinian gravitational theory," an increase in the weight of the pendumum bob itself on the order of ~5% would be required ... amounting to (for the ~51.5-lb pendulum bob in the experiment) an increase of ~2.64 lbs!

This would be on the order of one hundred thousand (100,000) times greater than any possible "gravitational tidal effects" Saxl and Allen calculated (using Newtonian Gravitational Theory/ Relativity Theory) for even the 180-degree, "opposite" alignment of the sun and moon ... which, as previously noted, was also directly measured via the torsion pendulum (dasned green line - above) two weeks after the March 7 eclipse!


Dr. Maurice Allais:

In both cases, with the experiments with the anisotropic
support and with those with the isotropic support, it is found
that the amplitudes of the periodic effects are considerably
greater than those calculated according to the law of gravitation,
whether or not completed by the theory of relativity.
In the case of the anisotropic support, the amplitude of
the luni-solar component of 24h 50m is about twenty million
times greater than the amplitude calculated by the theory of
universal gravitation.

In the case of the paraconical pendulum with isotropic
support, this relation is about a hundred million.

Thus, neither the regular cyclical variation of the pendulum, nor the
anomalous behavior at the time of solar eclipse can be explained by the
presently understood theory of gravitation. Something else is at work.

In order to arrive at an explanation, M. Allais considered a wide range
of known periodic phenomena, including the terrestrial tides, variations in
the intensity of gravity, thermal or barometric effects, magnetic variations,
microseismic effects, cosmic rays, and the periodic character of human
activity. Yet, on close examination, the very peculiar nature of the
periodicity shown by the change in azimuth of the pendulum forced the
elimination of all of these as cause.

"Allais noted that the normal, progressive "Foucault motion" of his laboratory's uniquely-designed "paraconical pendulum," during the eclipse, suddenly reversed ... and literally "ran backwards" ... until mid-eclipse, when the pendulum motion reversed again ... rapidly resuming its normal rate and direction of angular rotation (below) ....

Dr. Maurice Allais:

With regard to the validity of my experiments, it seems
best to reproduce here the testimony of General Paul Bergeron,
ex-president of the Committee for Scientific Activities for
National Defense, in his letter of May 1959 to Werner von

"Before writing to you, I considered it necessary to
visit the two laboratories of Professor Allais (one 60
meters underground), in the company of eminent
specialists – including two professors at the Ecole
Polytechnique. During several hours of discussion, we
could find no source of significant error, nor did any
attempt at explanation survive analysis.

"I should also tell you that during the last two years,
more than ten members of the Academy of Sciences and
more than thirty eminent personalities, specialists in
various aspects of gravitation, have visited both his
laboratory at Saint-Germain, and his underground
laboratory at Bougival.

"Deep discussions took place, not only on these
occasions, but many times in various scientific contexts,
notably at the Academy of Sciences and the National
Center for Scientific Research. None of these discussions
could evolve any explanation within the framework of
currently accepted theories."

This letter confirms clearly the fact that was finally
admitted at the time - the total impossibility of explaining the
perceived anomalies within the framework of currently
accepted theory.


Offline mikeman7918

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Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2015, 08:33:58 PM »
You clearly don't know much about physics.  Physics as we know it is incomplete and still a work in progress.  No physicist has ever claimed that they know everything about the universe.  Laws of physics are called "laws" for good reason, they state what must happen and what can't happen in the universe and using that framework you can make predictions.  If a law is violated by the universe doing something a law says is impossible or not doing something a law says must happen then that law is disproven, but if those limitations are upheld yet the outcome doesn't match a prediction then that doesn't nesesarily mean that the law is wrong, it most likely just means that something is going on that is not being accounted for.

The Allias effect breaks no laws put forward by relativity as far as I can tell, it simply suggests that something else is going on that nobody is accounting for.  What I am looking for is something that contradicts relativistic laws of what can't and must happen like something going faster then light or proof that time dilation doesn't happen.  Can you do that?
If we are having a debate and you resort to using insults and ad hominem fallacies then I will consider that a win.  You have been warned.

Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #24 on: December 16, 2015, 08:49:11 PM »
The Allias effect breaks no laws put forward by relativity as far as I can tell, it simply suggests that something else is going on that nobody is accounting for.

The fact that you spelled Allias instead of Allais means that you don't know much about spelling either, in addition to your catastrophic knowledge of physics.

The Allais effect destroys, nullifies, buries, violates, shatters, defies any theory of relativity.

"Allais noted that the normal, progressive "Foucault motion" of his laboratory's uniquely-designed "paraconical pendulum," during the eclipse, suddenly reversed ... and literally "ran backwards" ... until mid-eclipse, when the pendulum motion reversed again ... rapidly resuming its normal rate and direction of angular rotation (below) ....

Do you understand English, mike?


Dr. Maurice Allais:

In both cases, with the experiments with the anisotropic
support and with those with the isotropic support, it is found
that the amplitudes of the periodic effects are considerably
greater than those calculated according to the law of gravitation,
whether or not completed by the theory of relativity.
In the case of the anisotropic support, the amplitude of
the luni-solar component of 24h 50m is about twenty million
times greater than the amplitude calculated by the theory of
universal gravitation.

In the case of the paraconical pendulum with isotropic
support, this relation is about a hundred million.

Do you understand English, mike?

It is found that the amplitudes of the periodic effects are considerably
greater than those calculated according to the law of gravitation,
whether or not completed by the theory of relativity.
In the case of the anisotropic support, the amplitude of
the luni-solar component of 24h 50m is about twenty million
times greater than the amplitude calculated by the theory of
universal gravitation.

In the case of the paraconical pendulum with isotropic
support, this relation is about a hundred million.

A complete demolition of the useless theory of relativity.

Dr. Maurice Allais:

“… the current theory of gravitation (being the result of the application, within the current theory of relative motions, of the principles of inertia and universal gravitation to any one of the Galilean spaces) complemented or not by the corrections suggested by the theory of relativity, leads to orders of magnitude [many factors of ten] for lunar and solar action (which are strictly not to be perceived experimentally) of some 100 million times less than the effects noted [during the eclipse] ... [emphasis added].”


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Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #25 on: December 16, 2015, 09:06:27 PM »
I still can't see any laws of relativity being broken.  By your logic, since magnetism is not predicted by Newton's equations, Newton's equations are wrong.  Also, you are using ad hominem fallacies and acting as if my typo proves something.  You are really getting desperate, aren't you?
If we are having a debate and you resort to using insults and ad hominem fallacies then I will consider that a win.  You have been warned.


Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2015, 03:43:43 AM »
I am currently banned from the flat Earth society forum, so I can't view your sources for the ether experiments.

Your other sources started loosing credibility when one said that modern physics denies the existence of centrifugal force as if physicists believe that a spinning object would not feel an aperent outward pull.  Physicists don't deny that an aperent outward pull exists, what they deny is the notion that it's an actual force field pushing something out as the term "centrifugal force" implies.  The point is, my confidence in the credibility of your sources is deminishing by the minute.  Another one of your sources flat out lied about what relativity predicts about gravity.  Seriously, find better sources.

Your logic seems to be "Maxwell was right about electromagnetism, and he believed that Aether exists so he must be right about that too.  Einstein was the one who debunked the notion of Aether, and since he apears to be wrong about that he must be wrong about everything else too".

How about this: I will accept that relativity is false once you produce one observation that contradicts a relativistic prediction.  Should be easy enough, right?

I am also currently banned from The Flat Earth Society Forum. If it's any consolation, you are not alone. ;D I've just about had it with that website and trying to break the  habit. I'm ashamed and embarrassed  to admit I visit that website, much less that I post on it. :-[ For all the vulgarity that is permitted, that website is a disgrace to the Internet......At least IMHO.

I just happened on this thread  and I'm not as familiar with your discussion, so I will leave it with you and sandokhan. Therefore, it just looks to me as if sandokhan has once again attempted to derail the simple subject of "Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon." The highest I ever got in that subject was an ET1 in the U.S. Navy (Electronic Technician, First Class Petty Officer)So at least I am familiar with that thing called "the distance to the horizon" as far as the particular radar on the ship on which I served as a radar technician.

I wouldn't be surprised if sandokhan would say that since there is no horizon or there is no such thing as the speed of radio waves that  that radar wouldn't work. And if so it wouldn't be accurate. But if you will take my word for it, it worked just fine according to the specifications in the technical manual.

The answer to the question is of course simple....It is because there is something called "the horizon" and there is something called "the curvature of the earth" and there is something called "the globe."

If the earth was flat , there would be no horizon- there would just be a blur that fades away into the distance - You know - "'Way beyond the blue" LOL. There would be no curvature. There would be no globe. It seems that to be a flat earther you have to take an oath to deny all the facts of life ?

This "ship over the horizon" seems to be one of the worst theories fallacies of flat earth and the easiest de-bunked of them by simple observations.

Well......At least.....Just one of many.
« Last Edit: December 17, 2015, 06:03:54 AM by geckothegeek »


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Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2015, 07:01:39 PM »
I am currently banned from the flat Earth society forum, so I can't view your sources for the ether experiments.

Your other sources started loosing credibility when one said that modern physics denies the existence of centrifugal force as if physicists believe that a spinning object would not feel an aperent outward pull.  Physicists don't deny that an aperent outward pull exists, what they deny is the notion that it's an actual force field pushing something out as the term "centrifugal force" implies.  The point is, my confidence in the credibility of your sources is deminishing by the minute.  Another one of your sources flat out lied about what relativity predicts about gravity.  Seriously, find better sources.

Your logic seems to be "Maxwell was right about electromagnetism, and he believed that Aether exists so he must be right about that too.  Einstein was the one who debunked the notion of Aether, and since he apears to be wrong about that he must be wrong about everything else too".

How about this: I will accept that relativity is false once you produce one observation that contradicts a relativistic prediction.  Should be easy enough, right?

I am also currently banned from The Flat Earth Society Forum. If it's any consolation, you are not alone. ;D I've just about had it with that website and trying to break the  habit. I'm ashamed and embarrassed  to admit I visit that website, much less that I post on it. :-[ For all the vulgarity that is permitted, that website is a disgrace to the Internet......At least IMHO.

I just happened on this thread  and I'm not as familiar with your discussion, so I will leave it with you and sandokhan. Therefore, it just looks to me as if sandokhan has once again attempted to derail the simple subject of "Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon." The highest I ever got in that subject was an ET1 in the U.S. Navy (Electronic Technician, First Class Petty Officer)So at least I am familiar with that thing called "the distance to the horizon" as far as the particular radar on the ship on which I served as a radar technician.

I wouldn't be surprised if sandokhan would say that since there is no horizon or there is no such thing as the speed of radio waves that  that radar wouldn't work. And if so it wouldn't be accurate. But if you will take my word for it, it worked just fine according to the specifications in the technical manual.

The answer to the question is of course simple....It is because there is something called "the horizon" and there is something called "the curvature of the earth" and there is something called "the globe."

If the earth was flat , there would be no horizon- there would just be a blur that fades away into the distance - You know - "'Way beyond the blue" LOL. There would be no curvature. There would be no globe. It seems that to be a flat earther you have to take an oath to deny all the facts of life ?

This "ship over the horizon" seems to be one of the worst theories fallacies of flat earth and the easiest de-bunked of them by simple observations.

Well......At least.....Just one of many.

I'm on the other site on a regular basis and your right about all the cussing.
Isaiah 40:22 "It is he that sitteth upon the CIRCLE of the earth"

Scripture, science, facts, stats, and logic is how I argue

Evolutionism is a religion. Can dumb luck create a smart brain?

Please PM me to explain sunsets.


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Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #28 on: December 25, 2015, 12:37:02 PM »
Let me know (flat-earthers) how you think I can improve this illustration.
This is what I get:
The text is so small I cannot make any of it out.  I must admit I am not a flat earther, but if I cannot read it I cannot get any information from it.


Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #29 on: December 27, 2015, 05:54:54 AM »
Same problem here with the fine print. ???

Getting back to the original subject. ::)
1. Ships do pass over the horizon.
2. So does land.
3. When ships pass over the horizon, the hulls disappear first and the masts last.
4. When land passes over the horizon, the shores disappear first and the heights last.
5. The distance to the horizon depends on the height of the  observer.
6. The higher the observer, the greater the distance.
7. Crow's nests and radar antennas are located on the highest masts to "see" the greatest distance.
8.This is due to the curvature of the earth.
9.This is because the earth is a globe.

Ask anyone who has ever been to sea if all this is true ?


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Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #30 on: December 27, 2015, 01:53:54 PM »
This is what I get:
The text is so small I cannot make any of it out.  I must admit I am not a flat earther, but if I cannot read it I cannot get any information from it.
Same problem here with the fine print. ???
Photobucket seems to be quite unintuitive - at least two people couldn't figure out how to zoom in. To hopefully alleviate this at least partially, I re-uploaded the image to my own server.

You can find it here. Be warned, it's quite large. (5280x1200, and about 25MiB)
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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If we are not speculating then we must assume

Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #31 on: December 27, 2015, 03:56:40 PM »
in this image the size of the mast changes as it departs away from the observer.  does the image change scale from right to left?  if the scale is the same, then why does the size of the mast change?
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Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #32 on: December 27, 2015, 04:58:56 PM »
Yeah, I don't really see how that image demonstrates 'ships appearing to sink'.  It shows how a view from height lower than a wave will block the view of higher objects further away, but as far as the views from the lighthouse, why are their lines of sight limited to specific angles that intersect at a specific point?

Keeping the ships the same scale all the way across would help too.  If orbisect ever comes back anyway.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2015, 05:18:53 PM by model 29 »

Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #33 on: January 02, 2016, 02:49:59 AM »
Relativity is based on Maxwell's equations for electromagnetism, so you can start by proving that magnetism, electricity, and light don't exist.

Einstein made the very same mistake:

Einstein, 1905:

"The principle of the constancy of the velocity of light is of course contained in Maxwell's equations”

But those are not Maxwell's equations at all; on the contrary, they are the Heaviside-Lorentz equations:

In fact, NdG Tyson shows the same ignorance on the subject:

(from the Cosmos series)



The Speed of Light

(step by step demonstration how the set of Maxwell's original equations was censored/modified)

The much-reduced Heaviside-Gibbs-Hertz limited version of Maxwell's theory, with the added Lorentz symmetrization and arbitrary discarding of all asymmetrical Maxwellian systems, has since been taught as "Maxwell's theory". It is Heaviside's equations and Heaviside's notations, as further limited by Lorentz.

In 1892 Lorentz added the coup de grace to even this much-reduced Heaviside vector theory with simple equations and much fewer potentials. Lorentz arbitrarily symmetrized the equations to make them simpler yet, so that closed algebraic solutions could usually be found and one would not have to use numerical methods so widely. He did it merely to simplify the equations to NEW equations having much easier solutions! That he changed the potentials was considered of no consequence, so long as no NET translation force field emerged (even though two new force fields were arbitrarily introduced).

(superb documentation on the reasons why Maxwell's original set of equations was deliberately eliminated from textbooks)

unless you debunk relativity

This has to be a joke, right?

There is no such thing as the theory of relativity:

I agree with the statement "There is no such thing as the theory of relativity".  Einstein was an industry shill disinformation mill, freemason and illuminati.
Have a look at the website
It describes a known universe that rules out gravity and employs electromagnetic radiation pressure to explain how the universe works without the theory of gravity which doesn't need 'dark matter' to shore relativity theory up. The only problem I have with the horizon flat earth theory is that light is assumed to travel in a straight line. If the spherical earth theory which orbits the sun, which travels in the outer spiral arm of the milky way, which travels around galactic centre, which travels around the centre of the known universe is true, then light cannot travel in a straight line if everything is moving independently of everything else. Light travelling from point A to Point B will not arrive in a straight line if everything has moved from the initial point. If the established theory of light is used, then it can only travel in multiple curves, it cannot travel in a straight line. That is of course if the portrayed theory of light is correct or understood. I feel that the arguments for a flat earth outweigh the arguments for a spherical earth at this point.

Re: Why ship masts appear to sink over the horizon
« Reply #34 on: January 02, 2016, 04:21:28 AM »
You guys are getting really deep with the sinking masts. One of the most basic principles of perspective is called the vanish point. Those disappearing or sinking masts magically reappear upon the surface with the help of a telescope... and if they can reappear on the surface with a telescope.....then what surface are they on?  :)