
Round earthers are not welcomed, I recognize you as round earther I won't continue reading your comment, and I hope the moderator will comply and delete your messages.

The earth is flat, it expanding horizontally to infinite and right now it expanding in amazing velocity we can't imagine.
above us endless number of other flat planes that expand, below us endless number of other flat planes that expand infinitely, the firmament is our ceiling and the floor of the upper flat plane.

The moon is a hologram, an hoax from the start of this plane and living creatures(including humanity) something like 400 years ago.

The sun circle us, the sun is like lava,but has boundaries and push by the water in the sky.
the firmament is a glass and that the sand above create in the beginning, the sun has four paths, the summer,the autumn,the winter,the spring.

when it summer the sun has to go long way so there is more day light.

the stars are combination of water and sand and other things I have to recall(maybe that's it).

you can't reach the sun in this plane because the sun is inside the upper plane,it's a disc, that circle inside the glass.

the official map of flat earth society is wrong and deceptive. the north pole is the end of our solar system and the beginning of other solar system.
Antarctica is another.
new Zealand affect by two suns, and also part of usa and Hawaii.

The midnight sun in north pole and south pole is due to uncoordinated suns, but in other times they are very coordinated and partly-coordinated.

Antarctica is a continent, not an ice rim, it possibly as big as it in Mercator projection, but it not encompass the world.

This map is wrong but is much more accurate than the flat earth society map:


this map is distorted like hell, but give much more accurate orientation.

cheers, and please open your mind, don't be cultist like eric dubay.


I think if round earthers* would stop taking this website seriously and stop posting round earth facts, figures, evidence and photographs and just take it for what it is both round earthers and flats earthers might be happier.
That is, this website is just an exercise in pseudo-science fantasy fiction as far as  flat earth is concerned .

*Self included.

I feel that one of the biggest mistakes many (but not all) flat-earthers make is in making assumptions.

WE haven't been to Antarctica to WITNESS whether it's expanding, or if there's a dome. So what's wrong with saying "I don't know"?

Making assumptions and passing theory off as truth only hurts the flat earth argument, because it makes us look foolhardy.

So Orbisect-64, are you agreeing with these people?

I feel that one of the biggest mistakes many (but not all) flat-earthers make is in making assumptions.

WE haven't been to Antarctica to WITNESS whether it's expanding, or if there's a dome. So what's wrong with saying "I don't know"?

Making assumptions and passing theory off as truth only hurts the flat earth argument, because it makes us look foolhardy.

So Orbisect-64, are you agreeing with these people?

Your question is vague at best - completely lacking specifics. It would almost appear as if you're trying to entrap me by getting me to respond Yes or No to such a vague question. If you agree with ONE or TWO things Obama says, does it automatically go to reason that you agree with EVERYTHING he believes?

Your reason, as usual, is flawed.

How about you, do you believe everything Neil deGreasy Tyson says?

They are calling you the shill. You are a fake flat earther according to them. You are the one making the flat earth argument look ridiculous to make FET look bad by asserting UA.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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They are calling you the shill. You are a fake flat earther according to them. You are the one making the flat earth argument look ridiculous to make FET look bad by asserting UA.
We don't particularly care about the opinions of some sellout who desperately (yet unsuccessfully) keeps trying to encourage people to buy his books.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


Offline Pete Svarrior

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The common thread is paranoia.

I'm glad you've taken my advice. I had thought my words are wasted on you.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


Offline Rayzor

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They are calling you the shill. You are a fake flat earther according to them. You are the one making the flat earth argument look ridiculous to make FET look bad by asserting UA.

You know being a Christian keeps me from bashing your face into a bloody pulp; but it fails to stop me from wanting to.

...That and you're not standing in front of me.

You shills don't seem to see your utter cowardice from the eyes of everyone else. Just consider yourself fortunate I don't run this site, I'd have you all banned eternally. Your leaders failed to control us with their programming, so they send in the lowest of humanity to try to drown out our voices—that's your pathetic job, and sadly, your only special talent. And all you'll ever be is a pawn. Just enjoy the payment you get for the betrayal of your fellow man, because as Jesus said of the pharisees: "They're receiving their reward in full." Here's a news flash: the leader of this world does't reward his followers at the end of the day, because he does't care about you - when he's finished with his disciples, he discards them like an old used rag. So please, enjoy the time you have—and I mean this sincerely, laugh, have fun at our expense, spend your payments, party, drink, enjoyment in life - because there's nothing in your future but oblivion. This does't have to make sense to you now, or be believable; but it will later when it's undeniable and inescapable, when your future is behind you.

Wow,   seems like someone touched a nerve.   
Does it logically follow, in your opinion,  that everyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill, who has nothing in their future but oblivion?


Offline jroa

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Wow,   seems like someone touched a nerve.   
Does it logically follow, in your opinion,  that everyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill, who has nothing in their future but oblivion?

Some of you are paid shills, no doubt.  Others are simply trolls who go to forums just to disagree with others and start fights.  Either way, the ultimate goal is to cause disruption to the conversations that the free thinkers are engaging in.  Some of the shills and trolls are good at disrupting, others are not so good. 


Offline markjo

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Some of you are paid shills, no doubt. 
Shills?  Perhaps.  Paid?  Highly doubtful.  Most of the shills are just in it for the lulz.
Abandon hope all ye who press enter here.

Science is what happens when preconception meets verification.

Ignorance more frequently begets confidence than does knowledge. -- Charles Darwin

If you can't demonstrate it, then you shouldn't believe it.

It doesn't pay half of what you'd think it does, especially since sequestration.  Smaller sites like this don't generate enough content to make the pay list anymore.
I have visited from prestigious research institutions of the highest caliber, to which only our administrator holds with confidence.


Offline Rayzor

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Wow,   seems like someone touched a nerve.   
Does it logically follow, in your opinion,  that everyone who disagrees with you is a paid shill, who has nothing in their future but oblivion?

Some of you are paid shills, no doubt.  Others are simply trolls who go to forums just to disagree with others and start fights.  Either way, the ultimate goal is to cause disruption to the conversations that the free thinkers are engaging in.  Some of the shills and trolls are good at disrupting, others are not so good.

I see plenty of trolls,  and certainly no shortage of loopy nut cases,  while paid shills certainly exist,   just look at the russian troll/shill factory as an example of the state paying people to post on social media and forums to push some agenda or other.  You'd have to be naive to think it doesn't happen elsewhere. 

My point is that some factions of the flat earth movement really do a good enough job discrediting themselves,  it doesn't require paid shills to make them look like paranoid nutcases.  I'm thinking of Eric Dubay's gang of racist thugs,  they are doing more harm than good to the flat earth cause by stifling discussion and debate.   

If the only way you have to prove your point, is by just silencing the dissenting/critical point of view, then you've already lost.

The problem flat earth has with gravity, is something that can't be swept aside and ignored,  density is just too easily disproven,   UA is better but still has flaws,  the rotating dome seems to offer a better choice.  ( Micro gravitational variances are still a weak point )

Offline dindar

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« Last Edit: July 21, 2023, 01:30:42 PM by dindar »

Offline Round fact

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Round earthers are not welcomed, I recognize you as round earther I won't continue reading your comment, and I hope the moderator will comply and delete your messages.

The earth is flat, it expanding horizontally to infinite and right now it expanding in amazing velocity we can't imagine.
above us endless number of other flat planes that expand, below us endless number of other flat planes that expand infinitely, the firmament is our ceiling and the floor of the upper flat plane.

The moon is a hologram, an hoax from the start of this plane and living creatures(including humanity) something like 400 years ago.

The sun circle us, the sun is like lava,but has boundaries and push by the water in the sky.
the firmament is a glass and that the sand above create in the beginning, the sun has four paths, the summer,the autumn,the winter,the spring.

when it summer the sun has to go long way so there is more day light.

the stars are combination of water and sand and other things I have to recall(maybe that's it).

you can't reach the sun in this plane because the sun is inside the upper plane,it's a disc, that circle inside the glass.

the official map of flat earth society is wrong and deceptive. the north pole is the end of our solar system and the beginning of other solar system.
Antarctica is another.
new Zealand affect by two suns, and also part of usa and Hawaii.

The midnight sun in north pole and south pole is due to uncoordinated suns, but in other times they are very coordinated and partly-coordinated.

Antarctica is a continent, not an ice rim, it possibly as big as it in Mercator projection, but it not encompass the world.

This map is wrong but is much more accurate than the flat earth society map:


this map is distorted like hell, but give much more accurate orientation.

cheers, and please open your mind, don't be cultist like eric dubay.

Your post is an in your face admission you are not interested in reading anything other than those regurgitating you views. FE believers claim to be "Free Thinkers" You post is more about being a sheep.  "Open mind" my backside.


Offline rabinoz

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Round earthers are not welcomed, I recognize you as round earther I won't continue reading your comment, and I hope the moderator will comply and delete your messages.
The earth is flat, it expanding horizontally to infinite and right now it expanding in amazing velocity we can't imagine.
above us endless number of other flat planes that expand, below us endless number of other flat planes that expand infinitely, the firmament is our ceiling and the floor of the upper flat plane.
The moon is a hologram, an hoax from the start of this plane and living creatures(including humanity) something like 400 years ago.
The sun circle us, the sun is like lava,but has boundaries and push by the water in the sky.
the firmament is a glass and that the sand above create in the beginning, the sun has four paths, the summer,the autumn,the winter,the spring.
when it summer the sun has to go long way so there is more day light.
the stars are combination of water and sand and other things I have to recall(maybe that's it).
you can't reach the sun in this plane because the sun is inside the upper plane,it's a disc, that circle inside the glass.
the official map of flat earth society is wrong and deceptive. the north pole is the end of our solar system and the beginning of other solar system.
Antarctica is another.
new Zealand affect by two suns, and also part of usa and Hawaii.
The midnight sun in north pole and south pole is due to uncoordinated suns, but in other times they are very coordinated and partly-coordinated.
Antarctica is a continent, not an ice rim, it possibly as big as it in Mercator projection, but it not encompass the world.
This map is wrong but is much more accurate than the flat earth society map:
this map is distorted like hell, but give much more accurate orientation.
cheers, and please open your mind, don't be cultist like eric dubay.

Your post is an in your face admission you are not interested in reading anything other than those regurgitating you views. FE believers claim to be "Free Thinkers" You post is more about being a sheep.  "Open mind" my backside.

I would be the first to agree that the "Ice Wall" map on the left is a massive distortion of the real world:

FE Ice Wall Map

FE Bipolar Map
On that "Ice Wall" map Australia looks like it does on the "Gleason's" map below, but I KNOW (yes, I live here, I have driven over and measured many distances here) it looks as shown on the "Google" map.

But the so-called "Bi-Polar" map on the right above (which is no more than another Equidistant Azimuthal Projection of THE GLOBE, but centred on 0° S, 0° N) has far worse distortion! Just look at the shape of Australia in the middle below - it is just ridiculous!

Australia on Gleason's Map
Bi-polar map - Australia
Australia on Google Earth
   Gleason's   Garmin Nav
West-East 30° Lat   
   8,700 km   3,700 km
Cape Yk-Wils Prom   
   3,200 km   3,200 km
I can assure you the FE map (yes Gleason's is exactly the same shape as the "UN" map) distances are nothing like reality. Also, the dimensions of Australia on the Google Earth match all good maps I have found, and are quite consistent with my own measurements. And NO, I have no walked, ridden a bicycle or even driven exactly along that route! But, I has been from right on the East coast to the extreme West coast three time, including diagonally through the centre and back across the Nullarbor.

So many Flat Earthers show such appalling ignorance about the shape of the earth. I wonder if they even know the E-W and N-S dimensions of their own country!

I suppose you know WHY all Flat Earth maps show so much distortion?
That's easy, the earth IS NOT FLAT see Measurements of the Earth Prove it cannot be Flat « on: May 05, 2016, 09:05:22 AM ».

At first I honestly thought that "ewigkeit" was actually a Globe supporter poking fun at the Flat Earth (he does a real good job of THAT), but no Globe supporter could come up with so much absolute fiction - I hope!


The common thread is paranoia.


Your scores indicates that you have no paranoid personality disorder. ...

With your mentality So the earth is flat.


Offline rabinoz

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The common thread is paranoia.


Your scores indicates that you have no paranoid personality disorder. ...

With your mentality So the earth is flat.
You claim the earth is flat.
So show a map of this flat earth that shows countries the right shape and distances correct!