All of those events were perpetrated by countries that had reasonable chances of winning the war. If the DPRK attack South Korea, everyone loses, regardless of how many billions or even trillions of dollars we put into South Korea.
right. events that were beyond their control motivated them to start wars they thought they could win, even though at least 2 of those conflicts (both germanys) were almost certainly completely un-winnable by the instigators and lacked internal consensus that war was the appropriate course of action.
your whole argument rests on the bizarre premise that kim jong un and the dprk are always going to assess things the way you do and could never be motivated by irrationality or external forces. that's asinine.
What is your argument at this point? Do you believe that an American base in South Korea makes a crazy, unpredictable DPRK less likely to nuke Seoul?
my argument is that trump is a retard with a retard proposal to extort our allies our of some petty cash, and no one should take seriously the inane ramblings of someone who isn't even really interested in learning who pays for what, or what we get in return, or any other fact that will impede on his bloviating on what an idiot everyone else is. it's actually kinda beautiful in its way.
i think it's exceedingly unlikely that north korea will ever nuke anyone. but yeah, nuking us soldiers is obviously going to elicit a stronger response from the us than nuking south korean soldiers. it's more about deterring conventional conflict. we deter north korea, but also we exert control over south korean forces that are also capable of starting a conflict. as a bonus, we get to deter north korea from conflicts with other neighbors besides south korea simply by having a strong presence in the region and establishing those neighbors as us interests.
china and russia and the dprk
i'm loving this. keep going. i only want to hear more about how comparable our relationships with russia and china are to the dprk.
fair enough, china and russia aren't technically allies. if you actually think that the level of cooperation we have with russia and china is an any way indicative of our level of cooperation with the dprk, even confined solely to the subject of "let's not war with each other," then you're hopeless.
i don't even get why we're talking about russia and china since i don't think i ever said anything like "anyone with a strong military force or nuclear weapons requires a us military presence as close to them as possible no matter what the cost." i mean, you keep pretending that i do, but i've not actually said anything like that.
oh and add "north korea is the most terrifying and powerful hegemon on the planet" to the list of shit i haven't said at all.