Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1260 on: September 03, 2016, 03:05:37 PM »
Illuminati Card Game (1995)

(the clocktower is referred to in the Back to the Future movies, 1985 and 1989, as part of a double event: 9/11 + something which will occur at least 15 years into the future, involving a very large clocktower)

« Last Edit: September 03, 2016, 03:09:54 PM by sandokhan »

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1261 on: September 03, 2016, 03:11:26 PM »
The best case scenario for Trump is as follows: right before June 7, he will be some 100 delegates short, having to rely on winning in California to make up the difference.

He will have to release his tax returns very soon, and also he will have to testify in the university scam cases, not to mention that he will hit a roadblock at the convention.

Trump is still trying to run as an independent, while using the Republican party as a platform: this means that the GOP had this planned from the very start, a sure sign that they are not about to lose the general election to the Democrats, not to mention the House and Senate elections, by supporting a nominee who will have a hard time getting the needed Hispanic, Black and Catholic votes on his side; something else must be going on.

in retrospect this is kinda funny.
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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1262 on: September 03, 2016, 03:19:10 PM »
You forgot to quote my other messages: at the Convention, the nevertrump group did have the votes to take him out, but was not allowed to change the rules.

My comments at that time were right on target: Trump has received protection at each and every step where he should have stumbled and gotten eliminated from the race for the nomination.

At each and every stage, I tried to point out the unbelievable power struggle between two rival groups: one wants Trump to win, the other wants Clinton to win.

More information on the Illuminati Card Game:

Likewise another card, issued well before 9-11, showed the twin towers being taken down is one of the most shocking of all, especially in light of the fact that this game first hit the specialty stores in 1995! How in the world did Steve Jackson know that the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were going to be attacked?

In fact, this card accurately depicted the World Trade Center attack in great detail. This card accurately depicts several facts of 9/11 - on cards created all the way back in 1995! The picture accurately depicts:

* That one tower was going to be struck first; this picture accurately depicts the moments between the first tower strike and the second.

* The card accurately depicts that the place of impact is some distance from the top of the twin towers. The plane hit in this approximate area of the first tower. How in the world could Steve Jackson know this fact?

Take a look at what this image is actually depicting:


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1263 on: September 03, 2016, 04:35:53 PM »
The world trade center was bombed in 1993.
The image shows a bomb.

Not a hard connection.  He was illustrating the past.

The angry face is too generic to be matched to only trump. 
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1264 on: September 03, 2016, 05:39:09 PM »
Here is someone who tried to warn America 22 years prior to 9/11.

When you put this in a mirror, this is what you'll get:

The waitress clearly has the look of ‘feigned’ distress on her face as she looks through an airplane window.  She is dressed in orange and holding her ‘torch’ in such a way so as to burn down the two targeted buildings.

The skies in the background are clear and deep blue just like they really were on Sept. 11th.  And, of course, the terror attacks occurred during what is regarded as breakfast time in the Big Apple.

The flip side of the album cover is also quite telling.  In the bottom right corner can be seen a jet flying over the Twin Towers and toward the same human Statue of Liberty.

It was a high ranking freemason from the Netherlands, who sponsored Supertramp for many years, Stanley August Miesegaes, that was the source behind the secret subliminal references to 9/11.


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1265 on: September 03, 2016, 06:00:47 PM »
But Sandokhan, what are the secret society's motives for all this?

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1266 on: September 03, 2016, 06:01:06 PM »
haha remember when a glass of orange juice crashed into the twin towers on q 11?  yeah me neither.
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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1267 on: September 03, 2016, 06:18:25 PM »
It has always been assumed that the WTC towers were rented out.

Not at all.

The orange color refers to this:


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1268 on: September 04, 2016, 01:26:45 AM »
Instead of retroactively pointing out evidence of past attacks maybe you should give us conspiracy evidence of future attacks. I mean, you predicted Trump's defeat in there primaries afterall.

Oh wait haha you're literally wrong about everything haha how does it feel knowing I know more about secret societies than you do
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 01:28:40 AM by Rushy »


Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1269 on: September 04, 2016, 03:31:41 AM »
Instead of retroactively pointing out evidence of past attacks maybe you should give us conspiracy evidence of future attacks.

And then when they don't happen, he'll claim that he's prevented the attacks by scaring off the would-be perpetrators with his exposé.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1270 on: September 04, 2016, 04:50:19 AM »
I'm shocked he hasn't mentioned the Simpson's ref. yet.

Instead of retroactively pointing out evidence of past attacks maybe you should give us conspiracy evidence of future attacks.

And then when they don't happen, he'll claim that he's prevented the attacks by scaring off the would-be perpetrators with his exposé.
Or how the wrong hand signals were given at the presidential speech.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1271 on: September 04, 2016, 06:36:33 AM »

Had the votes been counted properly at the convention, Trump wouldn't have made it past the ruling committee.

At the crucial moment, Priebus maneuvered the entire situation very skillfully, eliminating the possibility of an embarrassing roll call vote.

This is the same establishment that is working towards a war with Russia, who created FEMA, and who is actively pursuing a new world order agenda.

And yet, they made sure Trump sailed smoothly all the way to the convention and beyond.

A new very interesting article about Rasputin:


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1272 on: September 04, 2016, 08:14:06 AM »
Spinning your failures won't get anywhere here.

You know nothing.
You can predict nothing.
Everything you've predicted about this election has been wrong.  Trump is the nominee.  Cruz is not.  The NeverTrump movement failed.  I read the tweets, it didn't have enough votes to even be considered.  And even if it was, it would have failed. 

You think thr nwo wants a war with Russia?  You think they picked Trump, an ally of Russia, to do that?

Your reasoning is non-existent.  The motivation is whatever you think fits your pieces together. 

Just give it up.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1273 on: September 04, 2016, 08:40:02 AM »
What I have said from the very start is this:

A civil war will occur concomitantly with an economic depression. The target population of Donald Trump's "I am your voice" speech is the same as the main purpose/designed goal of the destruction inflicted by the Civil War: the white protestants of the South (now together with the blue collar workers of the north-central states). It seems that they are being set up for some kind of a very disappointing event, which will spark outrage and revolt.

You think they picked Trump, an ally of Russia, to do that?

Think things through again: Trump's promises are just too good to be true, aren't they?

I read the tweets, it didn't have enough votes to even be considered.  And even if it was, it would have failed.

You haven't done your homework on this one: most members of the rules committee received very serious threats weeks prior to their meeting in July; the numbers in June were against Trump, somebody very powerful intervened and made sure that things would change.

Additionally, let me remind you of what actually happened.

So, it finally came down to the roll call vote: here is what happened.

Alaska delegate Fred Brown told POLITICO he did get the required signatures. “I had secured more than enough signatures from Alaska delegates, but the convention secretary was not at the designated location where I was told to submit them,” he said. “Some said she was hiding. Others said she was protected by guards. Regardless, I was told I could also present the signatures from the floor. Nevertheless, when the vote occurred, my mic was not turned on. When I attempted to present these signatures at the stage, my effort was ignored by the chair, and the security guard turned me away.“

When Womack announced the result from the stage, the rebellious delegates went ballistic, swamping the continuing proceedings with screams and still demanding a vote. Colorado’s Unruh convinced her state’s delegates to walk out and screamed for nearby Texas’ to do the same, though they declined. Morton Blackwell, a conservative Virginia delegate told POLITICO that the process was “crooked.” Blackwell, a veteran RNC member of 32 years, guessed that several of the delegations that withdrew from the effort were plants by the RNC to convince insurgents they had reached their goal. He wondered whether the bitterness they felt would linger.

Iowa delegate Marlys Popma, who helped lead the state’s effort to support the roll call vote, rejected that suggestion. “People knew exactly what they were signing,” she said.
“This is about the full assault on the delegates,” Waters said in an interview, while aides frantically bounced back and forth collecting signatures from friendly delegations. At one point Monday, 11 jurisdictions had signed on: Maine, North Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Alaska, Colorado, Washington, the District of Columbia, Iowa, Minnesota and Virginia.

"You will see more insurgency, because, and I have nothing to do with the fact that people now know that their voices were squelched," said anti-Trump Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh, the founder of the Free the Delegates movement, in a live interview on C-SPAN where she accused party leadership of using "strong-armed tactics."

"I have never in all my life, certainly in six years in the United States Senate, prior to that as a lifelong Republican, never seen anything like this," said Utah Sen. Mike Lee, one of the most prominent signatories to the push for a roll call vote. "There is no precedent for this in parliamentary procedure. There is no precedent for this in the rules of the Republican National Convention. We are now in uncharted territory. Somebody owes us an explanation. I have never seen the chair abandoned like that. They vacated the stage entirely."

New Hampshire Sen. Gordon Humphrey personally filed the signatures to the convention secretary — an exchange that followed after a frantic search to find the secretary before the deadline to submit the signatures. At the time, Never Trump leaders raised concerns that the secretary, Susie Hudson of Vermont, might intentionally avoid them to ensure the effort was defeated.
After the vote, he was livid: "The very unpleasant scene that unfolded here just a moment ago I think is a glimpse into the future of a trump presidency,” Humphrey told POLITICO. "We have seen the trump presidency and prototype many of his supporters if they are not fascists, act very much like fascists, shouting down the opposition, treating them roughly.”
“My first act after Mr. Trump’s nomination if that occurs will be to get up, walk out and go home,” he continued. “And after that I will resign from the Republican Party if that is the case."

So, there were enough delegates votes to vote down the amendments passed by the Rules Committee, but they were simply ignored by the RNC leadership.

Simply put: had the proper votes been taken into consideration, had the correct number of votes been counted, it would have been all over for Trump, no way that he could get a majority of votes on the first ballot vote.

More here:

Had Priebus not intervened, Trump would have never made it past the floor roll call vote.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2016, 09:10:02 AM by sandokhan »


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1274 on: September 04, 2016, 09:15:39 AM »
No, you haven't.
And no, there won't be a civil war.  Riots, yes, but that's due to racism and cops killing blacks and not because Donald Trump won't get into office or whatever the rationale for you is.  The states, as they are, can't fight a civil war simply because they can't survive without the assistance of the federal government and other states.  Not only that but we live in a nation (well, two separate nations but same thing) where the quality of living is so high for most people that running off to fight someone in another state and possibly die is not on most people's list.  Life for a good portion of people is comfortable and not worth losing. 

Take Texas.  A lot of America wants it to secede.  A lot of Texas wants to secede.  The government of Texas knows that if it does, its economy will collapse very quickly.  The quality of living for it's people will drop to poverty, aside from a few groups, and life will be far worse.

Sorry but the US will not go into civil war anytime soon.  Not unless a very large portion of it's population is either going to be killed, enslaved, or otherwise lose everything(or most) that they have.

Trump's promises ARE too good to be true, just like most politicians.  I fail to see your point on that one.

And your story is... Well, shit.
1) email.
2) Alaskan delegate signatures aren't exactly all you need.
3) The guy's mic was turned off?  Does he know that HE controls that?  You know, with the little switch on the handle of the thing?  Did he never speak during the entire meeting to see if his mic worked?  Did he not bother to, I don't know, yell?

Look, there is no conspiracy as grand as what you suggest.
A rule vote that would have blocked a candidate would have sent the message of "WE choose your candidate, not you" and alienated a lot of republican voters.  It would have set a very dangerous precedent that any candidate can be eliminated for any reason if certain people in power don't like you, even if the people do. 

This is why the GOP had to accept Donald Trump.
This is why they had to force members of their party to support Trump after the nomination.
The Republican Party needs stability if it wishes to win (and it does want to win).  It must have the trust of people.  If it loses either, it could fall.  That's why they are trying very hard to make Donald Trump become more moderate, tone down his insults, and become more diplomatic.  They want him to win and to do that, they need the moderate voters. 

Now then...
Using secrets in the past 20 years, can you telll us what this "civil war" event will be?  Surely the clues are everywhere, yes?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1275 on: September 04, 2016, 09:30:13 AM »
Against Hillary, any of the well-known Republican candidates would have won.

The question is: why did the RNC put up with Trump?

Why the smooth sailing when there should have been none?

Why did the other candidates not utter a word about the economy, allowing Trump to take the stage?

Let me remind you: we still are waiting to find out the real reason why Trump was allowed to get this far, we'll see if it matches what I believe to be true, that a certain segment of the American people is being set up for something very nasty.

Don't you understand what is going on?

Trump has explicitly said that the United States CAN PRINT ITS OWN MONEY, without the need to borrow from the banks, and that he wants to get rid of the Fed.

He also said this: "wouldn't it be wonderful if we got along well with Russia?"

He wants America to be great again.

He also suggested a very direct solution for the student loan problem.

And yet, those who are perfectly against these very proposals, are letting Trump sail so smoothly all the way to the ballot box in November.


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1276 on: September 04, 2016, 04:48:36 PM »
Against Hillary, any of the well-known Republican candidates would have won.
Which is why the GOP tried very hard to support Trump's opponents.

The question is: why did the RNC put up with Trump?

Why the smooth sailing when there should have been none?
As I answered, if they tanked Trump, they would be shooting themselves in the foot.  Trump is popular and despite their best efforts, they couldn't kill the campaign in the primaries.  And killing it at the convention would have turned MANY voters against them.  So their only option to winning the white house is unity.  Hence why they pushed for people like Paul Ryan to support Trump.

Trump did not have smooth sailing but beyond outright election fraud, they couldn't stop him without essentially telling their voters "You guys picked the wrong person."  How would THAT look?

Why did the other candidates not utter a word about the economy, allowing Trump to take the stage?
They... did.  I... I really don't know what your question is.  The other candidates talked about the economy.  Trump mostly just said "Everything sucks, I'm great, you're great, let's make illegals suffer!"

Let me remind you: we still are waiting to find out the real reason why Trump was allowed to get this far, we'll see if it matches what I believe to be true, that a certain segment of the American people is being set up for something very nasty.
You've been pointing to 9/11 predictions for the last 2 days so where are the clues as to what this "something very nasty" is?  And which segment?  If it's a voter bloc then not much that could affect them that won't hit everyone else. 

Trump has explicitly said that the United States CAN PRINT ITS OWN MONEY, without the need to borrow from the banks, and that he wants to get rid of the Fed.
Yes... the US Can print it's own money... It's kinda one of the many powers given to the federal government.   And what Fed?  The federal reserve, whose job it is to print the money?  Cause... that would be kinda... pointless.

He also said this: "wouldn't it be wonderful if we got along well with Russia?"

He wants America to be great again.

He also suggested a very direct solution for the student loan problem.

And yet, those who are perfectly against these very proposals, are letting Trump sail so smoothly all the way to the ballot box in November.
Because they have no choice.  It's either "Put up with Trump and TRY to make him behave" or "Piss off the voters who wanted him and definitely lose the white house."
They chose the control option as it had a better chance of succeeding.  Trump was popular enough that they felt he could beat Hillary, he just needs to tone down the message.  They thought they could fix him before November.
AND, even if they can't.  If Trump loses, then they retain their voters who would have left the GOP for betraying the popular votes AND have a chance in 4 years to win. 

But if they did subvert democracy and their own rules and somehow kicked Trump out not only would they lose voters (probably forever) but as you said, Trump may have run as an independent and Hillary would most likely have won.  AND in 4 years, if Hilary was terrible, another Democrat would have likely taken her place and the Republicans would still lose.

It's all about winning.  Trump is the best chance they have of winning the white house now and in the long term.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1277 on: September 05, 2016, 05:36:08 AM »
Trump is popular and despite their best efforts, they couldn't kill the campaign in the primaries.

Trump became popular because of the free advertising he received unconditionally from the same people who could have killed the campaign in its very infancy: practically his every speech was televised.

You really think that his campaign couldn't have been derailed at the very start? Think again.

Why wait until now, eight years later (and eight more trillion dollars in debt), to have Trump run the country, when it could have been done just as easily (according to your own analysis) back in 2008?

The other candidates talked about the economy.

No, they did not. It is as if there was a tacit understanding that only Trump would have this privilege to tell the people what they wanted to hear about the free trade agreements, and the worsening economic situation.

Yes... the US Can print it's own money...

That is how the theory goes, that is what the law says.

Unfortunately, the US receives money from a consortium of banks which LEND this money to the government, which carries a very hefty interest with it.

To print one's own money means not to have to pay interest to anybody on it.

And the Fed is located in Washington DC, which is OUTSIDE the jurisdiction of the Congress (it is not a state) to do anything about it.

Because they have no choice.  It's either "Put up with Trump and TRY to make him behave" or "Piss off the voters who wanted him and definitely lose the white house."

You really think that the people who set Obama up to win back in 2008 and 2012, by having McCain and Romney run against him, couldn't have done the opposite thing to Trump right from the start?

If Trump loses, then they retain their voters who would have left the GOP for betraying the popular votes AND have a chance in 4 years to win. 

What you said doesn't make sense.

Why wait another 4 years, when things could have been done the right way at the present time? Again, had not Trump's speeches been televised during primetime, he would have received very little advertising; moreover, the other Republican candidates could have done themselves a favor, and could have mentioned the state of the economy, the terrible free trade deals, right from the start.

Why have Priebus act the way he did, by outrightly denying the delegations their right to a roll call vote, just to have the privilege to possibly wait four more years?
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 05:54:17 AM by sandokhan »


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Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1278 on: September 05, 2016, 08:40:52 AM »
*deletes post*


WHAT WERE YOU TOLD?  Don't Feed the Levee!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2016, 06:18:08 PM by Lord Dave »
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: 2016 US Presidential Race
« Reply #1279 on: September 05, 2016, 08:49:52 AM »