Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« on: May 27, 2015, 02:13:56 PM »
Hello Flatearthers

I am a London based artist and curator and wanted to get in touch with members of the Flat Earth Society about a project I am currently developing.

The project explores scientific authority and the limits of the accepted narrative. I am especially interested in ideas that are considered to be outside of mainstream science and the reasons why we regard them unfeasible, while freely accepting other theories.

Flat Earth theory is, naturally, key to my investigation. However, while curious about the actual science, I am mostly interested in how it became excluded from mainstream scientific discourse and the possible voice that Flatearthers can have in the conversation.
As an artist, I am also interested in collaborative work and the way artistic authorship can be extended and shared with participants and collaborators. 

I am currently exploring conceptual ways to portray all these notions and one idea I have is to recreate the opening scenes of the 1633 trial of Galileo, where he is accused of challenging the mainstream science of his days. My motivation is to explore the response of the scientific, political and religious authority (at the time all rolled into one) to this challenge, their inflexibility and their violent action to crush any opposition that would risk their position of complete power.
While, of course, being aware of the tension between Galileo's ideas and Flat Earth theory, my main focus is the wider conflict between mainstream and alternative narratives, rather than the details of each scientific idea.

All this leads me to ask if any members of the Flat Earth Society would be interested in collaborating with me on this project.
This will include recording a reading of the trial's opening scenes - covering the accusation of challenging the authorities, rather than any scientific discussion - and agreeing for the recording to be included in a publicly displayed art work.
As I am still developing the project, it is difficult to say at this stage what exact shape it will take - probably a sound or a moving image installation - and the final piece will be very much informed by the nature of the audio recording.

I would be very interested to hear ideas from members and am, of course, very open to other suggestions about how a collaboration could evolve and happy to answer any questions.

Many thanks,

- Some images from my research project so far (mainly featuring Hollow Earth at this stage) are saved on , where you can find more information about my work as a curator and my contact details.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2015, 06:03:48 PM »
Sounds interesting. Are you just looking for someone to record the audio of the reading and send it over to you, or are you looking to meet someone and record it yourself?
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
Follow the Flat Earth Society on Twitter and Facebook!

If we are not speculating then we must assume


Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2015, 08:49:25 PM »
Sounds interesting. Are you just looking for someone to record the audio of the reading and send it over to you, or are you looking to meet someone and record it yourself?
I feel another FE road trip coming on, lol.


Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #3 on: May 27, 2015, 08:54:46 PM »
If you are interested in Galileo and his heresy, you should check out the middle finger of modernity.
Galileo actually recanted. But his job was to destroy the catholic church ... also enemies of the illuminati. And he tried to do that by discrediting the texts the same way Aristotle did. There is a very interesting artefact. Its a big fuck you to the population of people's on earth. the middle finger of modernity.. Galileo's middle finger in a glass jar. The middle finger has always meant the same thing. the Romans used it. It is the symbol of the phallus. The big fuck you. Examine the word modernity.
Quote from:
As a historical category, modernity refers to a period marked by a questioning or rejection of tradition; the prioritization of individualism, freedom and formal equality; faith in inevitable social, scientific and technological progress and human perfectibility; rationalization and professionalization; a movement from feudalism (or agrarianism) toward capitalism and the market economy; industrialization, urbanization and secularization; the development of the nation-state and its constituent institutions (e.g. representative democracy, public education, modern bureaucracy) and forms of surveillance (Foucault 1995, 170–77).
Its a message from the elite. The capitalists, those that run the stock exchange, the Rothchilds and Rockefellas of this world today. You can't have the truth. You are to serve us and look to us as God. We rule and you obey.

Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #4 on: May 27, 2015, 11:08:31 PM »
Thanks Pizaaplanet for your reply and glad you're interested.
Ideally I'd like to record two or more people, one reading Galileo's part and the others reading the court officials' parts (but can also be just one person in that role).

Regarding the actual recording, it really depends on where you're based.
It would, of course, be great if I could be present at the recording and I am happy to travel in the UK but probably not further. Otherwise, if you are able to record good quality audio and send it over that could also work. In any case anything out of London will presents some challenges (e.g. find a studio unless you happen to be a sound technician).

Let me know what you think (here or pm me and I'll give you my email),
Many thanks again,

Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #5 on: May 27, 2015, 11:22:18 PM »
Thanks Dr Thork for replying.

The idea of Galileo as destroyer of the church and usher of a new era is obviously appealing, even considering capitalism and it's horrors (assuming we're on the same page on this one). I indeed chose Galileo's trial for this reason.
My interest here, as I hopefully been able to explain in my original post, is exactly that challenge to mainstream ideologies / theories and those powerful institutions that resent any opposition. As far as geology goes, I'm pretty much agnostic.
I am fascinated by the possibility of a challenge to an idea so, supposedly, unquestionable as the shape of the earth and would love to be able to somehow give it a voice in an art context. That is why it's important for me to have members of the FES speaking in the piece, rather than me speaking on your behalf.

Let me know what you think. Would be great to have the President of the Flat Earth Society and a Zetetic Council Member involved. Couldn't have asked for more, really.


Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2015, 11:12:26 AM »
We don't have a president as such. We moved to this site to get away from the president. We have a Zetetic Council of 5 members instead. However Pizaaplanet is a very good spokesmen for the society also.

Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2015, 03:36:06 PM »
Thanks Thork and, even better.
A less hierarchical structure is already a challenge to the establishment.

Would love to know what other Council members - and the wider membership - think and if people would like to get involved.

How many people do you reckon are based in the UK (and London in particular)?
Do you ever hold meetings (private or public)? I have access to a large public space where I am currently based and would be very happy to host a public meeting / conference / social event. Whatever suits you, really. Or maybe a wider event to include other alternative earth theories. Would that be of interest?
I would like to document it, so  in exchange you will have a sort of art film about it, which you could use.

The organisation I am part of, Open School East, is in itself an alternative to the established structure of the art school. It is non-hierarchical, democratic and free. And it has a very good public profile so our partners and collaborators really benefit from the association. You can find more info on


Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2015, 07:28:28 PM »
I'm a 22 minute train journey from London Paddington.

Re: Artist looking for FE collaborators for an art project
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2015, 08:50:43 PM »
Hey Dr Thork

I sent you a message - did you get it?

Would be really happy to meet up and discuss a possible collaboration.