In this thread Action80 denied that two people attached to each other is a closed system. He is objectively wrong about what a closed system is in kinematics - this isn’t my opinion. That is a textbook example of simple action/reaction - two people pushing off each other.
Abstractly, it is the same concept as gas pushing against a rocket. Before the action, the two actors (fuel and rocket, person 1 and person 2) are connected. After the action, there is a force that pushes both of them apart from each other. There’s no wriggling out of this being the case.
Sorry Action, but your whole plume obsession is completely unfounded and not based on really anything at all.
There is mountains of research and engineering that goes into the smallest aspect of parts such as RCS thrusters that take payloads to Mars. They are designed in a very particular way to work long-term in the harsh environment of space.
Trying to claim a pair of people are a single unit...FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!
Nice argument. How scientific.
Person is pushed against by person. Rocket is pushed against by exploding fuel. That’s it. Not really worth a 6 page thread.