... you have provided zero verifiable information ...
Please clarify what you, personally, would regard as "verifiable information".
The premise is that shortly before this satellite was launched, someone on the project thought "Let's put a camera on this thing, and feed the camera to one of the satellite channels that our subscribers get in their package. Might be fun." If I'm reading him correctly, secretagent says that he actually watched this, on his own TV, when it was broadcast.
I don't get the impression that this was intended as "science"
Would you accept verbal accounts from those who worked on the project?
Data from the project itself?
Your own personal stream of data from the satellite?
Why don't you take secretagent at his word that he actually watched it? How much more verifiable does it need to be?
Come on, there must come a point where even you say - "Yes, I accept that (verifiable information) as fact"
What type of information are you seeking that would satisfy you?
As an empirical matter you should be also concerned that you believe in something which you have not seen verification for and that your belief is based on trust in authority. That sounds more like a faith issue to me.
I refer you to the account of the Bedford Canal Experiment, in the Wiki. You are taking Rowbottom as an authority.
I would suggest that nobody here, even you, has actually verified that Rowbottom even carried out the experiment, never mind got the result he claimed. All you have is his description and line drawing.
Other experiments carried out in different places with different criteria are not verification that Rowbottom actually did this.
Calling parts of the Wiki "sacred texts" sounds like a faith issue to me...
NASA faking the data is sort of the underlying premise of this concept and website.
What has this got to do with NASA?
Dish Network run/ran the satellite.
The launch rocket was assembled and launched by Sea Launch.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_LaunchThe rocket was a Zenit, don't see any indication NASA was involved...
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zenit-3SLSo you are appealing to a system the government created and which government made procedures for, and are asking us to ignore that the government is involved.
Can you show that your Government had anything more than a passive, hands-off role in this launch, and in operation of this satellite?