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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #160 on: March 25, 2022, 12:52:24 PM »
Self-government is not anarchy.

That is just an insane statement.
Oh really?  Then what would happen if everyone self governed?  No taxes, no police, no laws except the ones you made for yourself.
What would that be.
That would be nirvana.
You're telling me you want to live in a world where i could poison your well, and your only recourse is to kill me or steal someone else's water? 
Smells like Teen Spirit, to me.

Why do I need someone else to approve or deny who gets or shares my money, especially when it is someone like you, who I wouldn't trust to clean a fucking toilet properly, let alone have any clue about what words actually mean or should legally mean?
Because you'll die.  And you can't take it with you.
So what? I make the decision prior to death.
Fair enough.  Sucks to be married to you. 
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Offline Action80

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #161 on: March 25, 2022, 02:17:44 PM »
Self-government is not anarchy.

That is just an insane statement.
Oh really?  Then what would happen if everyone self governed?  No taxes, no police, no laws except the ones you made for yourself.
What would that be.
That would be nirvana.
You're telling me you want to live in a world where i could poison your well, and your only recourse is to kill me or steal someone else's water? 
Smells like Teen Spirit, to me.
Okay, what would the penalty be or should be for poisoning someone else's well?

My justifiable recourse in my mind is to permanently solve your proven misbehavior through fast and efficient means.
Why do I need someone else to approve or deny who gets or shares my money, especially when it is someone like you, who I wouldn't trust to clean a fucking toilet properly, let alone have any clue about what words actually mean or should legally mean?
Because you'll die.  And you can't take it with you.
So what? I make the decision prior to death.
Fair enough.  Sucks to be married to you.

It may suck to be married to me, but at least I am worthwhile.
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: FL GOP are homophobic crybabies
« Reply #162 on: March 25, 2022, 05:21:54 PM »
Self-government is not anarchy.

That is just an insane statement.
Oh really?  Then what would happen if everyone self governed?  No taxes, no police, no laws except the ones you made for yourself.
What would that be.
That would be nirvana.
You're telling me you want to live in a world where i could poison your well, and your only recourse is to kill me or steal someone else's water? 
Smells like Teen Spirit, to me.
Okay, what would the penalty be or should be for poisoning someone else's well?
Depends on circumstances and motive.  If it was an accident, maybe a fine and to clean it up.
But if it was an attempt to poison you, death.

My justifiable recourse in my mind is to permanently solve your proven misbehavior through fast and efficient means.
And who would do that?  I just killed you via poison.  No laws.  No police.  No judges.  No one to tell me it was bad and to punish me.

Why do I need someone else to approve or deny who gets or shares my money, especially when it is someone like you, who I wouldn't trust to clean a fucking toilet properly, let alone have any clue about what words actually mean or should legally mean?
Because you'll die.  And you can't take it with you.
So what? I make the decision prior to death.
Fair enough.  Sucks to be married to you.

It may suck to be married to me, but at least I am worthwhile.
Yeah... You haven't shown that side of you here.  I'm convinced you're 15 and haven't had a date before.  I mean, you didn't even laugh at my "Smells like teen spirit" joke!  Clearly you are under 30.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Tom Bishop

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LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #163 on: April 01, 2022, 02:54:01 PM »
These are the sickos teaching six year olds.

Why does she feel the need to introduce herself by saying she is a lesbian and her spouse is a trans-fem person? I have never had a teacher introduce themselves as straight or tell me details about their relationships. At best I knew if they were a Ms. or a Mrs. Your private life is just that. Private. Keep it that way. It doesn't matter if you are a furry or a foodsexual. That is not part of the first grade educational curriculum. There is no reason to impose that on the children of others.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 03:06:56 PM by Tom Bishop »


Offline JSS

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #164 on: April 01, 2022, 03:03:42 PM »
These are the sickos teaching six year olds.

Why does she feel the need to introduce herself by saying she is a lesbian and her spouse is a trans-fem person? I have never had a teacher introduce themselves as straight or tell me details about their relationships. At best I knew if they were a Ms. or a Mrs. Your private life is just that. Private. Keep it that way. It doesn't matter if you are a furry or a foodsexual. That is not part of the first grade educational curriculum. There is no reason to impose that on the children of others.

She is a sicko because it's now illegal for her to mention to her students the name of her partner?  She can't even legally mention her gender. 

Not everyone is terrified of their sexuality, or ashamed of it.  I feel it's pretty sad some people are so repressed that they have such hate for anyone who isn't like them. Not everyone agrees that letting kids know that sometimes two women can fall in love is some sort of sinful hateful evil thing. The people passing these laws are the sickos, using religion to cover their own problems.

I remember my teachers talking about their husbands and wives, kids, families. The best teachers I had were ones that made personal connections to their students. Now that's going to be illegal, but only for some teachers. Shameful.

Just because you didn't care or pay attention to the lives of your teachers doesn't mean everyone else was like that.

There is no reason to impose your insecurities on children. They don't care who loves who until an adult tells them which groups they should hate.


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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #165 on: April 01, 2022, 03:09:21 PM »
My teachers talked about their marriages and families all the time too. For some mysterious reason, the people up in arms about children supposedly being taught about sexualities never have a problem with conventional, heteronormative relationships being discussed or being present in the books the kids read. It's only when it comes to the existence of LGBT people that suddenly everything becomes perversely sexual and inappropriate for children.
ur retartet but u donut even no it and i walnut tell u y


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #166 on: April 01, 2022, 03:11:32 PM »
Quote from: JSS
Not everyone agrees that letting kids know that sometimes two women can fall in love

That is simply not part of the first grade educational curriculum. Teachers are there to provide the ascribed curriculum, not teach interesting non-curriculum factoids about their own perversion.

I would also consider a straight teacher teaching that her husband prefers women or has a penis also as perversion. It's not part of the first grade curriculum.


Offline JSS

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #167 on: April 01, 2022, 03:21:42 PM »
Quote from: JSS
Not everyone agrees that letting kids know that sometimes two women can fall in love

That is simply not part of the first grade educational curriculum. Teachers are there to provide the ascribed curriculum, not teach interesting non-curriculum factoids about their own perversion.

I would also consider a straight teacher teaching that her husband prefers women or has a penis also as perversion. It's not part of the first grade curriculum.

Teaching first graders about life isn't part of the curriculum? Since when? They teach about having jobs, getting married, all kinds of things. I remember learning about the post office, golf, what school was like in other countries, what a hospital visit was like. 

You may want to restrict things because you think they are perversions, but that's your problem, not the childrens. Teaching children that their own bodies are evil, that's a perversion.

I'd be happy if you didn't spread your insecurity and repressed sexual feelings on innocent children.  Sex isn't evil or wrong just because it freaks you out.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #168 on: April 01, 2022, 03:22:24 PM »
Quote from: JSS
Not everyone agrees that letting kids know that sometimes two women can fall in love

That is simply not part of the first grade educational curriculum. Teachers are there to provide the ascribed curriculum, not teach interesting non-curriculum factoids about their own perversion.

I would also consider a straight teacher teaching that her husband prefers women or has a penis also as perversion. It's not part of the first grade curriculum.

Tom... You're not a teacher.  You know jack shit about teaching.  Teachers are not a wikipedia entry.  They have lives.  Loved ones.  Family.  Often times they have personal items on their desk, like we all do.

And one of the best ways teachers bond or teach lessons is to use themselves as part of the example.

So if you're teaching about "family" and what it means, you might describe your own family first, so kids understand what to do.

The fact that you don't think that is more proof that your opinion is worthless.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #169 on: April 01, 2022, 03:25:48 PM »
Quote from: JSS
Teaching first graders about life isn't part of the curriculum?

Since never. Teaching first graders about sexuality isn't part of the curriculum. Standard sex ed isn't even taught until the fifth grade.

Quote from: JSS
Since when?

 I remember learning...

Teaching children that their own bodies are evil, that's a perversion.

Yes, I don't doubt you that your first grade teacher taught you all about your body.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 03:44:15 PM by Tom Bishop »


Offline JSS

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #170 on: April 01, 2022, 03:41:50 PM »
Quote from: JSS
Teaching first graders about life isn't part of the curriculum?

Since never. Teaching first graders about sexuality isn't part of the curriculum. Standard sex ed isn't even taught until the fifth grade.

This entire thread is a perfect example of why this sort of thing should be taught early.  Children aren't born hating gays and lesbians, they learn it, they are told to hate them. Told it's a perversion, it's evil, that their own bodies and feelings are evil.

Then you have adults who think it's terrifying if a child hears the word penis.  News flash, boys have them, even as children. They aren't ashamed about it any more than they are ashamed they have a thumb. All that shame and self-loathing is taught to them.

Quote from: JSS
Teaching children that their own bodies are evil, that's a perversion.

Yes, I don't doubt you that your first grade teacher taught you all about your body.

Maybe you want to think about what inside you made you say something like that.


Offline Tom Bishop

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #171 on: April 01, 2022, 03:47:40 PM »
And one of the best ways teachers bond or teach lessons is to use themselves as part of the example.

Yeah no. First graders are there to learn about the first grade curriculum. This does not include anything the teacher chooses to do sexually in their personal life, a teacher talking about their drug overdose, or their murdered mother, or anything else. Teachers are expected to limit exposure to children and to only introduce them to certain concepts at the first grade. Parents did not sign up for a perversion class and expect that the curriculum is followed with little personal details or non-curriculum diversions.

Do you understand what educational accreditation is?

Schools are highly scrutinized and regulated in their lessons, and what they teach. These "lessons"  are unaccredited, and is something you are imposing without consent of the school or the parents. I consider it to be profound ignorance that this isn't clearly seen.


Offline Tumeni

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #172 on: April 01, 2022, 03:52:38 PM »
Schools are highly scrutinized and regulated in their lessons, and what they teach. These "lessons"  are unaccredited, and is something you are imposing without consent of the school or the parents. I consider it to be profound ignorance that this isn't clearly seen.

How many children do you have, and what age(s)?

It's been shown recently that many folks protesting the school agenda/curriculum at school board meetings in the USA don't actually have children at the school which they are protesting.

Are you speaking as a parent, or as a bystander?
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.


Offline Action80

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #173 on: April 01, 2022, 04:15:21 PM »
These are the sickos teaching six year olds.

Why does she feel the need to introduce herself by saying she is a lesbian and her spouse is a trans-fem person? I have never had a teacher introduce themselves as straight or tell me details about their relationships. At best I knew if they were a Ms. or a Mrs. Your private life is just that. Private. Keep it that way. It doesn't matter if you are a furry or a foodsexual. That is not part of the first grade educational curriculum. There is no reason to impose that on the children of others.
Yes, there are laws regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, and there is no reason for these to impose that type of information on anyone in the workplace.

I want one of these stupid bastards to come talking about crap having to with their private life. I'll screw them over so bad with a goddamn suit. it'll make their damn head spin.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2022, 04:31:44 PM by Action80 »
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #174 on: April 01, 2022, 04:19:34 PM »
Maybe you want to think about what inside you made you say something like that.
I'd surmise it was a brain.

The internet etiquette thread is tuning up and I just wanted to drop a reminder.
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.

Offline Action80

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #175 on: April 01, 2022, 04:21:39 PM »
It's been shown recently that many folks protesting the school agenda/curriculum at school board meetings in the USA don't actually have children at the school which they are protesting.
More revisionist history from you, uh.
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #176 on: April 01, 2022, 04:24:36 PM »
These are the sickos teaching six year olds.

Why does she feel the need to introduce herself by saying she is a lesbian and her spouse is a trans-fem person? I have never had a teacher introduce themselves as straight or tell me details about their relationships. At best I knew if they were a Ms. or a Mrs. Your private life is just that. Private. Keep it that way. It doesn't matter if you are a furry or a foodsexual. That is not part of the first grade educational curriculum. There is no reason to impose that on the children of others.
Yes, there are laws regarding sexual harassment in the workplace, and there is no reason for these to impose that type of information on anyone in the workplace.

I want one of these stupid motherfuckers to come talking about shit having to with their private life. I'll fuck them over so bad with a goddamn suit. it'll make their fucking head spin.

Ah, lunch time already?
Maybe you should talk to your teacher about it instead of trolling?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.


Offline Tumeni

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #177 on: April 01, 2022, 04:25:19 PM »
One of the US states, Idaho or Ohio, I forget which, passed laws today or recently that forbid trans kids from participating in school sport. According to the source I saw, there's only one kid in the whole state in that category.

The Government of that state considers it fair game to pass a law specifically to bully that one kid.  Just one. 

Links to follow in an edit once I retrace my steps and find the coverage.
They didn't pass a law prohibiting trans kids from participating in sports.

Quit lying.

I said I couldn't recall which. You could have at least waited until I'd confirmed it for myself.   

It was Utah.

"Utah bans transgender athletes in girls sports" by Sam Metz and Lindsay Whitehurst


"Utah has only one transgender girl playing in K-12 sports who would be affected by the ban. There have been no allegations of any of the four transgender youth athletes in Utah having competitive advantages."

So ... as I said - the legislative branch, the senate, and whomever else, of the whole state, was mobilised to bully one kid over his/her gender.
Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.


Offline Action80

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #178 on: April 01, 2022, 04:27:45 PM »
One of the US states, Idaho or Ohio, I forget which, passed laws today or recently that forbid trans kids from participating in school sport. According to the source I saw, there's only one kid in the whole state in that category.

The Government of that state considers it fair game to pass a law specifically to bully that one kid.  Just one. 

Links to follow in an edit once I retrace my steps and find the coverage.
They didn't pass a law prohibiting trans kids from participating in sports.

Quit lying.

I said I couldn't recall which. You could have at least waited until I'd confirmed it for myself.   

It was Utah.

"Utah bans transgender athletes in girls sports" by Sam Metz and Lindsay Whitehurst


"Utah has only one transgender girl playing in K-12 sports who would be affected by the ban. There have been no allegations of any of the four transgender youth athletes in Utah having competitive advantages."

So ... as I said - the legislative branch, the senate, and whomever else, of the whole state, was mobilised to bully one kid over his/her gender.
So, they are not banning trans kids from participating in sports.

Thank you for the confirmation.
To be honest I am getting pretty bored of this place.


Offline Tumeni

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Re: LGBT School Teachers
« Reply #179 on: April 01, 2022, 04:29:24 PM »
It's been shown recently that many folks protesting the school agenda/curriculum at school board meetings in the USA don't actually have children at the school which they are protesting.
More revisionist history from you, uh.

Just one example that I've seen;

Not Flat. Happy to prove this, if you ask me.

Nearly all flat earthers agree the earth is not a globe.
