Pretty sure the greeks thought it was ok.
No, they didn't. Provide a source. and English theater had only men for centuries. So those steamy kissy scenes were two dudes.
And children didn't go to the theatre.
Not sure your point. They did and they saw it. They knew it was two guys and as you can see, all of England didn't become gay.
And being taught facts about human life isn't wrong. As long as the teacher doesn't try to convince their students that they ARE gay, its fine.
Teachers are encouraging children to be gay. Telling them to consider it. They likely never have until that point.
Pretty sure they aren't. Not unless a student comes to them and say "I'm fantasizing about my same sex classmate... am I gay?" But I'd be happy to see your source for that one.
Its like being taught that there are homophobic people in the world.
Good job men like you are around to talk to young children about gay sex.
We've talked to my 7 year old son about it. Saying that some people's "partner" (The word for boyfriend and girlfriend in norwegian is the same: kjæreste) are sometimes the same gender. And that's ok.
You aren't born having any sexuality.
You are, actually. Or rather the hardwired bits are in your brain already, waiting to be activated. Children gender identify fairly early. aren't thinking about sex until you hit puberty. Now in the same way as a serial killer might become so because of a childhood experience killing small animals for fun, being gay is the same. If a teacher suddenly starts inserting ideas about how you can be together with someone of the same sex, as a kid you are going to think "What me and my best friend? Great, we can play playstation together forever. Maybe me and John should be gay. He's my best friend. I'll ask equally confused John if he wants to hold hands." And the second that happens the teacher is saying how good they both are and that the class should clap them and accept them. That's a formative moment. Now maybe your kid should kiss John. People wildly approve. And that will ruin your kid's life.
.... Do you think people choos to be gay? Do you think its as simple as just getting enough social acceptance or likes on facebook and suddenly you're gay? Tell me, when did you decide you were straight and not gay? Did your mom and day say "Son... remember, you aren't gay, ok? You like girls."
Probably not. (I mean, I dunno... you could have been told that.)
Being Gay is hardwired. Just like being straight is. If I paid you a billion pounds to have sex with a man, would that make you gay? No. If I told you to enjoy it, could you? Nope. You're not gay(as far as I know). You have no desire to be with men (far as I know). And no amount of pressure or social acceptance is going to change that. For you, it'll always feel wrong. Weird. Unusual.
In your example, you assume that you and John enjoy it. They like it. It feels natural.
It won't. Formative years can do alot of things, such as force you to suppress such feelings. Force you to find a woman, get married, have kids... all the while fantasizing about John while you fuck her. Because its wrong to be gay and if you're gay you're sick, a freak of nature, immoral, etc....
But it doesn't make those feelings go away. You just keep them buried. Buying quickies in the mens room while you help pass laws to make being gay illegal.
I wouldn't wish being gay on anyone.
Good thing you can't make someone gay with a wish then.
The myth that they get married and live happily ever after. No they don't they all get left on their own once they lose their looks and no one wants to f*ck them in the arse anymore.
The myth that they will be happy. No, you'll have no family and you'll be on your own.
The myth that there is no risk. Its highly risky and every new sexual encounter brings the risk of assault or disease.
The myth that it is all about love. No, its about hedonism and lust and if you won't let the guy you just met shove his fist up your backside to appease his every titillation, he'll move on and find someone who will.
Being gay is awful. Why liberals keep lying about this and saying how its exactly the same and just great is only in their heads. I know a bunch of gays, now in their mid-40s and they are all miserable. Utterly invisible to other gays now they are older and they are all depressed. You should make sure your child's formative sexual moments are all about hetronormal relationships with mommies and daddies and babies. And not with leather clad perverts in the toilets of a filthy bar in your city.
Who the hell do you talk to? Being gay is no different than being straight when it comes to relationships. How many single mid-40s men do you see being happy? Hell, how many married mid-40s men are happy? Haven't you ever heard of a mid-life crisis? Geeze...
Literally everything you wrote applies to any couple of any configuration. gay, bi, lesbian, moron harem, BDSM relationships, etc...
Fuck... how many men, straight men, expect the woman to put out or they'll walk away? Answer: Depends on how despirate said man is but most if not all hope. God... it's like you assume being straight has none of those exact same things happen.
Well sorry to burst your bubble, but they do. Alot. 42% alot, in fact. So maybe you shouldn't be throwing stones at everyone else's glass house while you're inside your own eh?