I'm not doing anything to prepare.
If the world elites really wanted to put their resources into making us dead they could simply put the poison into existing drugs without our knowledge, into our food, into the water, or perhaps the air, and manipulate the governments to ignore it. It could all be done in a less visible and more underhanded way. It is possible that they are doing this as well; but I tend to believe that our rulers are cruel, yet benevolent, and make it possible for you to choose your own fate. If you want to smoke cigarettes, the information is available to you and you are allowed know the risks to the best of humanity's ability to determine it. That is your choice to make.
Clearly, in a cull, you don't kill everything, and want the best to survive. If this is some sort of cull, Covid vaccination is a test of intelligence, to which people may escape the propaganda and media hype by simply not taking the vaccines. While there is some social media censoring on a private level, there is no governmental legal effort going into eliminating the voice or research of the vaccine critics, even though not all countries have strong freedom of speech laws. The information is out there and circulating, available for people to decide for themselves. The situation is that you knew it was rushed and experimental, you knew there might be risk and that it involved novel genetic manipulation methods, but you did it anyway based on hype and fear mongering, so any injury you get is your own fault by design.
The Covid vaccines will never be truly mandated and enforced by the government, as they are doing it through illegal decree, and will always get swatted down by the court systems at the last moment. They could do it the proper legal way through the legal process if they wanted to but it's generally not attempted. In the US the Whitehouse is pushing vaccination by executive decree, while Congress is not making much effort to do it via law (on purpose, IMO).
Per breakdown of the economy, society is set up in a way in which it is too big to fail, so it won't. The central banks will always step in to bail out the banks, erase debt, radically transform the conceptual nature of currency if necessary, as they already have done to the dollar over the years. The existence of the police and the military and intelligence agencies prevents the possibility of any real violent revolution; making it unlikely to be attempted. People don't rebel against their government unless they feel that they have no other choice, and so the government will try to keep it hot but not boiling.
The vaccine deaths and vaccine enforcement and pressure will, therefore, be kept to a level people can accept but not rebel over. They may also be trying to distract you with high inflation; to pacify your attention towards improving your monetary situation instead of thinking too much about the government's tyranny. Probably not a coincidence. Duplicitous governments tend to trick, distract, and finally adapt to an allowable level to please the populous once it has pushed things to the limit, preventing mass conflict. In the end we may be conditioned into accepting the vaccines and vaccine deaths as an acceptable part of our lives, like we accept smoking and the many smoking deaths. No happy ending. No mass rebellion. They are simply too smart to allow rebellion to happen.