Offline jimster

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NASA conspiracy questions
« on: December 20, 2021, 10:17:33 PM »
The wiki states that there is NASA is not an earth shape conspiracy and that they think the earth is round but understand space travel is impossible. The conspiracy is characterized as "small".

NASA has 4 satellites scheduled to launch in 2022. According to the faq, NASA thinks the earth is round. Do they think these will be orbiting the earth? Will they know where they are? Where will they actually be? WIll they be sending back pictures and data? Perhaps the data will be faked?

gps satellites work by calculating the distance to the satellite, the location of these satellites is published to your cell phone.

Does NASA know where the satellites are? If they do, then they know the shape of the earth. If not, how is this successful in any way? How can a small conspiracy fake the data and location? How can NASA have satellites and not know the shape of the earth? How can they fake this with a "small" conspiracy?

Hubble, DirecTV, weather satellites, gps, etc etc etc? How is all this not part of the conspiracy, and how is that conspiracy "small".
I am really curious about so many FE things, like how at sunset in Denver, people in St Louis see the dome as dark with stars, while people in Salt Lake City see the same dome as light blue. FE scientists don't know or won't tell me.

Offline scomato

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Re: NASA conspiracy questions
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2021, 06:43:00 PM »

The conspiracy theory must evolve to be much more encompassing than just NASA. At this time there are 81 Government space agencies around the world, 15 with launch capacity, 3 with human spaceflight capability, 6 with extraterrestrial landing capability.

The conspiracy must also evolve to include the hundreds of companies now dealing in private spaceflight.

Not to mention also the thousands of companies worldwide that deal with geospatial data and GIS.

This is not even including all of the airlines and pilots, the ocean freight industry, the military, functionally all of the academics and scientists, news weathermen, engineers, doctors, philosophers, politicians, from all over the globe. All but a small population of a few million Flat Earth believers should be in on the conspiracy, more than 7 billion people keeping a very tight secret. Must be a scary world knowing that literally everyone is out to get you.


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Re: NASA conspiracy questions
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2021, 09:26:52 PM »
Yes on any day of the week you look over at the economic car driving next to you with the windows rolled up and the driver alone has a mask on and a Plexiglas face shield holding the wheel. 10&2

Yes these are the millions of people running your world.
What kind of person would devote endless hours posting scientific facts trying to correct the few retards who believe in the FE? I slay shitty little demons.


Offline stack

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Re: NASA conspiracy questions
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2021, 11:36:22 PM »
Yes on any day of the week you look over at the economic car driving next to you with the windows rolled up and the driver alone has a mask on and a Plexiglas face shield holding the wheel. 10&2

Yes these are the millions of people running your world.

Yes on any day of the week you look over at the economic car driving next to you with the windows rolled up and the driver alone texting while holding the wheel. 10 (no 2, 2 used for texting)

Yes these are the millions of people running your world.