I have some questions for FE
« on: September 16, 2021, 02:42:13 PM »
Hey FEers, I just wanted to ask some questions I've had for a while.

1. What about the coverture of the earth you can see with your own eyes?
2. What about the astronauts that have been to space and saw the round earth?
3. Why is the government lying about the earth's shape?
4. How do you feel about the constant ridicule of flat earthers?
5. How do the natural forces of nature come into play?
6. How do you feel when school teaches a round earth?

Thank you!:)


Offline AlephNull

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Re: I have some questions for FE
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2021, 10:45:31 PM »
1. What about the coverture of the earth you can see with your own eyes? --> this is urban legend, there is no curvature that can be seen
2. What about the astronauts that have been to space and saw the round earth? --> they are hypnotized / mind controlled, like Manchurian candidate
3. Why is the government lying about the earth's shape? --> who knows, I think it relates to mind control - if they can convince ppl of a lie about earth's shape they can convince ppl of anything else
4. How do you feel about the constant ridicule of flat earthers? --> there will always be sheep who refuse to think for themselves and ask questions, that is human nature
5. How do the natural forces of nature come into play? --> Forces like electricity are not same thing as gravity - gravity is fake but electricity is real, that is separate issue.
6. How do you feel when school teaches a round earth? --> when ppl grow up they can think for themselves

Offline Simmo

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Re: I have some questions for FE
« Reply #2 on: September 22, 2021, 10:10:59 PM »
I also have some questions

1)the earths curvature can be seen from a plane-how?
2)why if the "sun" and "moon" are 2 huge lights circling 3000 miles apart, do we get eclipses?
3)if these lights rotate once per day, it could plausibly explain day and night, but how do we get seasons if the light source is a fixed distance away every day? and how does somewhere like Norway have constant light for months?
4)what is the circumference of the flat earth?
5)Why, if the flat earth map is accurate would flights from the UK to Australia go via Dubai?, its the wrong way
6)Likewise, going by the map North Africa is wider than the US, so why does it take twice as long to fly from New York to LA?
7)and again, New Zealand is closer to Alaska than it is to South East Asia, So why does it more than double the time to get there?
7)How wide is the Antarctic rim?, and how do you know that, if its guarded and people aren't allowed there?
8)What causes tides? if it was some huge underwater wave machine it would send waves in multiple directions at the same time
9)If there is no curvature why do you see the top of an approaching ship first? it should all become visible at the same time

I doubt i will get any replies but id be interested if anyone can give me a reason how these facts fit in to a flat earth theory

Re: I have some questions for FE
« Reply #3 on: September 23, 2021, 03:38:45 PM »
The hallmark of true science is repeatability to the point of accurate prediction.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: I have some questions for FE
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2021, 08:37:23 AM »
If you have a topic, make a thread on it. Do not start "wow I have so many questions" threads, and, emphatically, do not ADD questions to such threads.

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Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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