Flat Earth Gravity Explained
« on: June 16, 2021, 11:16:44 PM »
Flat earth's gravitational force is caused by the planet's linear acceleration. 

Let me explain by providing examples.

Example 1:
Imagine picking up an apple and holding it up high.  Now release the apple.  Did you see the apple fall to the ground?  If your answer is yes, then you are wrong.  The apple didn’t fall to the ground, rather the ground raised up to the apple.  This is because flat earth’s position is space is constantly changing with linear motion or accelerated lift.  As you stand on flat earth’s surface, the planet’s changing position in space is constantly changing your position in space, similar to that of an elevator.  You do not see this change because your position relative to the planet’s position remains constant.  By releasing the apple, the apple remains motionless in space until the planet lifts to meet the apple.  Once the apple is collected by the ground, the apple’s position in space changes relative to the planet’s linear motion. 

Example 2:
Image you are in a grounded airplane with a parachute pack on your back.  The airplane’s lifts from the ground at an accelerated rate greater than the planet’s linear acceleration rate in order for the airplane to reach a safe jumping altitude.  Once you jump from the airplane, the plane’s position in space continues to lift with the planet’s changing position, so the plane’s altitude remains constant above the rising planetary surface, while your position in space remains nearly unchanged.  The term “free falling” is actually an inaccurate term because skydivers aren’t actually falling through the atmosphere.  Actually, flat earth’s linear motion is pushing the atmosphere past the skydiver.  The skydiver’s body can change to increase or decrease drag as the atmosphere moves past the skydiver.  Once the skydiver lands, the planet’s changing position is space forces the grounded skydiver’s position is space to begin changing at the same rate. 

Example 3:
Imagine picking up a coat from the ground and holding it at eye level.  Do you see the coat dangling toward the ground?  What you are really seeing is the coat being pulled through space which is controlled by the coat’s connection with your hand.  As you're standing on flat earth’s surface and flat earth is accelerating along a linear path through space, you too are accelerating through space.  As your position in space changes, the coat’s position in space also changes.  If you drop the coat, the rising planet will collect the coat, so both the planet and coat rise together through space at the same rate.  This concept of the coat is similar to an airplane pulling an advertisement banner behind it.  The airplane’s lifting motion and parallel movement above flat earth and through the atmosphere stretches out the banner behind it, but if the airplane were to reduce lift and land, then the banner is no longer being lifted and pulled by the airplane.  Instead, the grounded banner’s position in space is changing relative to the planet’s linear change through space.  This means the coat stretches out in the direction opposite the planet’s linear motion. 

Example 4:
Imagine you’re at a baseball game.  A batter steps up to the plate and the pitcher throws the ball.  Once the bat comes in contact with the baseball, the baseball changes direction.  The batter hits the baseball toward center field.    From your seat, you see the baseball fly up into the air and then fall back to the ground because of the planet's linear motion, but that’s not really what’s happening.  What did happen?  The baseball only traveled in one direction and didn’t actually curve back toward the ground.  It is your linear change in position relative to the planet’s linear change in position that gives the appearance of the ball rising and falling.  At first, the baseball’s lift rate from the bat is greater than the lift rate of the planet.  This sends the baseball high into the air along a linear trajectory toward the center field.  Without constant propulsion, the baseball’s lift rate begins to decline against the air that exists along its path.  Eventually, the lift rate of the baseball and the planet become equalized.  This is where the baseball appears to peak before falling back toward the ground.  The baseball never actually falls back to the ground, the baseball continues along its linear trajectory as the rate of motion continues to reduce.  It’s the constant lift rate of the planet that raises up to the baseball which is slowing down.  It’s the baseball’s declining acceleration relative to the planet’s constant lift that gives the appearance of the baseball falling to the ground. 

Example 5:
A balloon filled with helium over comes flat earth’s gravitational force because helium’s atomic weight (3) is less than atomic weight of oxygen (16) and nitrogen (14).  This means that the helium filled balloon is force up to a higher altitude that matches the balloon’s total weight relative to the surrounding atmospheric elements.  This concept can also be applied to air bubbles that pass up through water in a fish tank.  The atomic weight of H2O (18) is greater than oxygen (16), this forces the oxygen air bubble up through the water.  Now apply this concept to rain drops, the atomic weight of H2O (18) is greater than oxygen (16), this forces the planet’s atmosphere to move past the H2O molecule until the rain drop is collected by the ground.  It’s believed that rain falls from the sky, but that is incorrect.  Rain drops are formed, then their atomic weight determines their position in the atmosphere.  The planet’s solid surface then collects the rain drop.  When many drops of rain are collected, they form a puddle.  Sea level is also determined by flat earth’s linear acceleration.  The planet’s constant linear change in space levels out puddled water and oxygen relative to motion and atomic weight or density. 

In order to better understand how flat earth operates as a habitable planet, already known scientific concepts in physics need to be applied in a new way.  Earth as a flat planet can’t necessarily use the same definitions applied to the global heliocentric model because the shape of both models are completely different.  Michael Stevens proved this in his anti-flat earth V-sauce episode.  He applied the global definition of gravity, which is currently defined as a “force that pulls matter to the center of the planet” to a flat earth model.  What Michael proved is how the definition of gravity isn’t a universal definition.  If the concept of earth being flat is to be taken seriously by the scientific community, then a scientific model of flat earth needs to be created with new definitions.  All definitions that are used to define how earth’s global model works may need to be redefined.  Redefining gravity as a “linear acceleration force that pushes matter through space” is a better definition that works with the concept of flat earth.  The next time a globalist asks you how gravity works with flat earth, describe gravity as linear acceleration caused by planetary propulsion called "gravitational propulsion.  Remember, the idea that flat earth is a motionless object in wrong.  Flat earth isn’t orbing around the sun, but it is moving.  Flat earth is traveling along a linear path through space.  As a final note regarding gravity, Michael Steven’s anti-flat earth V-sauce episode did offer some words of wisdom.  He claimed that some flat earthers believe that earth has a lift rate of 9.72 meters per second.  If the global model is wrong, then a superior flat earth story needs to be devised.

Offline Kokorikos

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Re: Flat Earth Gravity Explained
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2021, 04:58:14 AM »
If the Earth is being pushed up then that also must be true for the Sun, the Moon and the stars. Otherwise they would fall just like the apple.
What causes UA? And why does it push the Earth, the Moon and the stars, but it doesn't push the apple?


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Flat Earth Gravity Explained
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2021, 02:24:36 PM »
It sounds like you have, in many words, re-invented the concept of Universal Acceleration, an inseparable element of elementary FET. Please read the FAQ and skim through the Wiki before posting.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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If we are not speculating then we must assume

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Re: Flat Earth Gravity Explained
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2021, 07:52:54 PM »
It sounds like you have, in many words, re-invented the concept of Universal Acceleration, an inseparable element of elementary FET. Please read the FAQ and skim through the Wiki before posting.

True, but they are very good examples on how UA works.

Re: Flat Earth Gravity Explained
« Reply #4 on: June 22, 2021, 01:35:17 AM »
Based on my research, I’ve come to believe that flat earth is an electromagnetic planetary superconductor that generates a strong electrical reaction against the planet’s south planetary dipole to accelerate the planet through space along a linear path.  I’ve also come to believe that stars are actually earth-like planetary superconductors that generate the same type of electrical reaction against their south planetary dipole to accelerate them along their own individual linear paths through space.  Flat earth as an electromagnetic planetary superconductor emits a high expulsion of magnetic flux from the north planetary dipole which interacts with the moon’s magnetic field in order to hold the moon in levitating orbit above flat earth’s north magnetic surface.  Flat earth’s electromagnetic field doesn’t interact with the apple like it interacts with the moon, so the apple’s position in space doesn’t change until the planet rises up to collect the apple.  Actually, the moon has been collected by flat earth, but is being pushed through space by the planet’s electromagnetic field instead of the planet’s solid surface.

The idea that earth essentially acts like a giant magnet was first proposed in 1600, by the English physician and philosopher William Gilbert.  Through centuries of scientific advancements to understand electromagnetism, it’s now known that electromagnetic field lines either extend into infinity or wrap around to form a closed curve.  The electromagnetic field lines that emerge from flat earth’s north planetary dipole follow two paths.  The path that extends into infinity forms the linear electrical axis earth uses to travel along through space.  The electrical axis represents a predetermined path for the flat earth to accelerate along.  The path that forms the closed curve enters earth’s south planetary dipole and exits earth’s north planetary dipole to establish an electrical loop from the north planetary dipole back to the south planetary dipole.  If we apply the magnetic field loop model to flat earth, then it’s clear that the electrical reaction that occurs against flat earth’s south planetary dipole to accelerate earth through space and the magnetic force that holds the moon in levitating orbit above the north magnetic surface are both part of the same electromagnetic loop cycle. 

To be clear, the location of spherical earth’s south magnetic dipole and flat earth’s south magnetic dipole are not the same.  Flat earth’s south planetary dipole is located in almost the same location as flat earth’s north planetary dipole, just on the opposite side of the planet.  If we live on flat earth’s north magnetic surface, then the opposite side of earth’s flat circular surface is the south magnetic surface.   

Superconductors are described as purely diamagnetic and diamagnetism is a repelling force, so its flat earth’s planetary superconductive repulsion force that holds the moon in levitating orbit above the north magnetic surface instead of pulling the moon toward the planet.  It’s this superconductive diamagnetic force that also keeps the dark side of the moon facing away from earth’s north magnetic surface.  Superconductors also have the ability to store enormous amounts of energy, so it’s actually flat earth’s strong electromagnetic current and the electrical reaction that occurs against flat earth’s south planetary dipole, passes through flat earth’s dipole tunnel and emerges from the north planetary dipole that holds the moon in levitating orbit and electrifies the Van Allen radiation belt.  When the magnetic field loop model is applied to the flat earth model, it’s the closed curved loop path of earth’s electromagnetic field cycle that gives the upper atmosphere its curved appearance.  The atmosphere isn’t curved, only the electromagnetic field is.

The mythological concept known as “axis mundi” is one of the reasons why I’ve come to believe that flat earth is a cosmological star and all cosmological stars are earth-like planetary superconductors.  Axis Mundi or cosmic axis was believed to be the point where communication from lower realms ascend to higher realms and blessings from higher realms descend to lower realms to be disseminated to all.  The ascending term “communication” is a reference to positive charged ion particles that emerge from the north planetary dipole to form the electrical axis flat earth accelerates along.  The descending term “blessings” is a reference to negative charged electrons that travel away from the south planetary dipole toward the next planetary superconductor connected in electrical series to the same cosmic axis.  The electrical reaction that accelerates flat earth through space represents an electrical process that removes electrons from the planet’s magnetic field current.  When electrons are removed, the planet’s magnetic field becomes ionized.  Ion particles enter the south planetary dipole and emerge from the north planetary dipole, then follow one of two paths.  Electrons on the other hand don’t pass through the planet’s dipole tunnel following ion particles, instead electrons travel in the opposite direction.  Removed electrons are eventually collected like by the next accelerating planetary superconductor or “realm” connected to the same cosmic axis in series.  It’s the collection of negative charged electrons by the lower accelerating planetary superconductor’s ionized electromagnetic field that generates a secondary electrical reaction.  This secondary electrical reaction represents the electrical process that charges flat earth’s rotating sun.  Consider this, the synonym for the word “disseminated” is “circulated”.  As in, sunlight is circulated to all.

Let’s consider another belief considering axis mundi.  The belief that the cosmic axis is located where the four compass directions meet.  If north and south represents the north and south planetary dipoles located on opposite sides of earth’s flat circular surface, the east and west represents spin.  The cosmic axis of ion particles spins east, following the spin of flat earth’s magnetic field, while removed electrons spin in the opposite direction, west. 

Does the concept of axis mundi exist in modern astronomy?  Theoretically yes.  In the 1970s, astronomer and theoretical physicist Thomas Bannerman Kibble was the first to theorize the existence of cosmic strings.  However, the theoretical concept of the cosmic string has yet to be adapted into the heliocentric model.  Why not?  Actually, why not does even matter because the heliocentric model is wrong and earth is flat. 

Personally, I feel that a flat earth theory that reduces the entire universe of star to a single rotating sheet that exits above the sun and moon lacks imagination.  If the concept of flat earth is ever going to overthrow the heliocentric model, then flat earthers needs to use scientific concepts to generate a superior model.  Currently, the story behind the heliocentric model sounds more enticing than the flat earth theory.  That’s because it doesn’t matter what evidence flat earthers have to support their claim, all that matters is the story associated with the theory.  A stronger story makes the evidence more enticing.  The stronger the evidence appears means that more people will switch their allegiance to the flat earth movement.  As flat earthers, its time we evolve and use advanced scientific concepts to develop a superior story.  Consider this, if flat earth is a planetary superconductor and cosmological stars are also planetary superconductors, and there are over 10 trillion stars in the universe, then there are over 10 trillion flat earth-like planets in the universe to explore.  The flat earth universe just got bigger!!! 

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Re: Flat Earth Gravity Explained
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2021, 05:47:05 PM »
Check out this awesome tool. I think you'll like it. https://timhutton.github.io/GravityIsNotAForce/index.html

It visualizes why objects fall - objects move in straight-line paths that are determined by the geometry of spacetime. All mass warps the curvature of spacetime around it, creating what we understand as gravity. But gravity is not a force!!

It is very intuitive when you use the sliding scale to view an object from outside of the inertial frame of reference (0 m/s) and you can see how all objects at rest (free-falling) take straight-line paths through spacetime.

Re: Flat Earth Gravity Explained
« Reply #6 on: June 22, 2021, 11:37:17 PM »
Check out this awesome tool. I think you'll like it. https://timhutton.github.io/GravityIsNotAForce/index.html

It visualizes why objects fall - objects move in straight-line paths that are determined by the geometry of spacetime. All mass warps the curvature of spacetime around it, creating what we understand as gravity. But gravity is not a force!!

It is very intuitive when you use the sliding scale to view an object from outside of the inertial frame of reference (0 m/s) and you can see how all objects at rest (free-falling) take straight-line paths through spacetime.

This is a great tool. Really makes it easy to visualize. What's interesting is that most people tend to think that it is warping in space that causes "gravity", but really the warping in time is what causes objects to fall. Because of time dilation, different parts of an object move through the time dimension at different rates and change the trajectory.


Offline Pete Svarrior

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Re: Flat Earth Gravity Explained
« Reply #7 on: June 23, 2021, 12:03:31 PM »
True, but they are very good examples on how UA works.
Yes, they may be worth incorporating into our material in some fashion. I'm just wary of people accidentally re-discovering something that's already known, coming up with a new name, and thus diluting accessibility of our research.
Read the FAQ before asking your question - chances are we already addressed it.
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If we are not speculating then we must assume