The discussion is fascinating, but it is a bit bogged down in unnecessary detail.
Wiki could use an additional page to simplify matters. A list of fake jobs, based on faulty RE model. People working those jobs should realize the error of their ways and do something more productive (an additional list would be nice).
I have some suggestions to start the list of fake jobs: navigator, cartographer, astronomer, sniper, artilleryman, pilot, astronaut, teacher, physicist, rocket scientist, geologist, trucking company managers (they think they can price the jobs by mileage, lol!)... We would know that personal experience coming from these occupations should not be taken seriously.
It would not be necessary to explain time and again to some navigator that they have no idea about the shape of the earth.
But I am struggling with the other list.
Astronomers could switch to astrology.
Armies of the world should switch from artillery to something more accurate. Just imagine the resources we could save!
Teachers are not really needed, there is plenty of material on the internet to do research, each child can educate themselves. Even to become a rocket scientist, it is enough to solve quadratic equations. All one needs to know from scientific papers is to read the sentences containing words "anomalous", "wrong" and "unknown". Scientific method would be much more efficient if simplified to simple Ctrl+f searches.