Yet you have been shown numerous times that they are counting people who died "with" Covid and not of Covid, unlike previous diseases.
And every time you have “shown” that it has been patiently explained to you that this is exactly how it works with other diseases.
It’s common for multiple causes to be recorded. In a regular flu season you don’t get young healthy people dying - or it’s incredibly rare. Do you grumble every year that all these flu deaths are really old, ill people who would have died anyway? If they were ill anyway and flu helped kick them out the door then it’s perfectly legitimate to record flu as one of the causes of death even if it was only a contributing factor. A person often has other diseases which will kill them at some point and then they then catch Covid and die. It’s true to say that were it not for the other diseases Covid wouldn’t have killed them. It’s also true to say that Covid was a factor in them dying sooner than they would otherwise have.
These Covid deaths aren’t all people having motorcycle crashes, it’s mostly people who have other conditions and Covid is a factor in them dying sooner than those other conditions would have killed them. Just like in a regular flu season. The difference is that flu has a significantly lower CFR in all age groups than Covid, which is why the data on excess deaths over the last 18 months is so clear.
But you can keep pretending not to understand any of this if you must.