Well ... from my recollection of laptopgate (which now seems like an eternity ago, with all the sh*t flying around DJT's presidency .....
it was specifically a dubious account of a laptop supposedly belonging to Hunter
That is a lot of words to say that it was Hunter's laptop... As far as I know, there has not been any denial that the laptop wasn't in fact Hunter's nor that the contents of said laptop are not authentic, but the FBI has the laptop as of a year ago so I am sure it will come out eventually.
As far as I saw, there was never any proof that it was Hunter's laptop, and credible evidence to show it was not.
1. The serial number was published as part of the "horde" recovered from it. Someone looked up the online warranty app for the supposed device, and concluded that one with that serial number would have been purchased AFTER the supposed date it was handed in for repair.
2. It was supposedly a Macbook, handed in to a shop which specialised in Mac repairs. Guiliani later appeared on Fox, purportedly with the 'laptop' involved, and held up an LG machine.
3. The shop owner claimed to have 'removed the hard drive' and sent it or a copy to Guiliani, and later either it or a copy to the FBI. So the story originally has the FBI with a hard drive, not the actual machine. Guiliani claims to have the actual machine, and went on camera, so ... the FBI has the actual machine? Nah... And how did Guiliani get the actual machine, when the shop owner claims to have sent him and the FBI only a hard drive?
Most importantly of all, none of this has anything to do with the investigation into Hunter's taxes.
Given that the full extent of the investigation is not yet known, it seems premature to make such a claim. If Crackhead Hunter ...
Schoolyard insults do not a valid case make.
This recent news does not in any way vindicate Trump's clumsy attempts to smear Biden as corrupt because of his son, nor does it cast a negative light on recent efforts to push back against bullshit fake news stories meant to smear Trump's rivals.
Which story is fake news?
See above. Seems to be a lot of dubious claims from Guiliani and others against Biden
It's so clearly irrelevant that I'm not even sure what the point of bringing it up was.
Given your glaring bias, I can see why you think it is irrelevant. Maybe spend about 30 seconds giving the matter some critical thought on your own and try again.
Right back at you, per the above. Back later with links to back up my recollections, if/when I can dredge them from my history.