You forgot that, according to FEers, you cannot get to the South Pole.
If we are not speculating then we must assume
So I checked the wiki, and found you have added a new model of the FE, although the old Antarctic wall model still has pride of place.
Are you trying to get rid of the old one with the Antarctic all?
And is that because there are now too many tourists who have visited the continent?
On what basis has this new "Bi-polar Model" been constructed?
I'm also not an expert on it, since it's not the model I support.
you're supposed to familiarise yourself with at least the very basics of FET before posting here.
And yet you expect me to "familiarise" myself with it, as it's so basic?
As I can't find out anything else about it, I'll have to stick with the Ice Wall model.
And to my original comment.
... according to FEers, you cannot get to the South Pole. Nobody can scale the wall of ice that blocks access to people, caterpillar trucks and, yes, airplanes...
To our knowledge, no one has been very far past the ice wall
I implore you not to mislead others just because you failed to read up on the basics.
So it seems reasonable to ask questions about this model even if some members don't agree with it.