I'm breaking my policy of not posting on a work night but these responses will disrupt my sleep patterns if I don't
We appreciate the commitment Mark
I really dislike the bowling ball analogy, not just because it's so loosely related to rockets, but because the only reason NASA use it is because it manipulates the reader's logic and reasoning but in reality it is fundamentally flawed. It even fooled me initially until I really thought about it. NASA know that 99.9% of the population are not going to really think about it.
I don't think it's really manipulating anything, and in principle has nothing to do with rockets either. Newtons laws have been in force (pardon the pun!) since before they were discovered by Newton himself, and well before rockets were in use. The effects of Newtons laws were observed when cannons were fired etc. They may not have understood why the effect we call recoil happened, but it happened and they accounted for it. The only reason we use an example of throwing something heavy like a bowling ball or medicine ball is because it's easy for people to grasp.
Lets use a slightly different analogy that follows the same principal in the laws of motion but doesn't skew the reader's logic and reasoning:
Imagine standing on a skateboard with a bow and arrow. You shoot the arrow as hard as you can but you simply will not move in the opposite direction, you will remain stationary. Don't you agree?
Let say you use an arrow that is the same weight as the bowling ball. You shoot it as hard as you can, but you still will not move in the opposite direction. The action force is in the arrow propelled by the potential of the string on the bow, the reaction force is in your hand on the grip. All the forces are contained internally therefore you will not move backwards.
It is no different with throwing the bowling ball - it's part of your system, part of your weight - the action is in the forward motion of the bowling ball caused by the potential of your muscles, the reaction force is in your hands. Newton's 3rd Law of motion is observed, but since his 1st Law is definitely not observed (neglecting pushing off air) you simply cannot move!
Excellent, a good example to discuss. The thing here is the sheer complexity of forces and motion involved - I looked up a paper on this and there were reams of very long and complex formulas! When the bow is released and the arrow is shot, there is forward motion of the limbs which ultimately vibrate backwards and forwards, and the arrow shoots forwards. The string also vibrates and absorbs some of that energy, and yes, your hand holding the bow absorbs some of that energy.
The key thing here is the term "recoil", and while a bow or crossbow does experience recoil, it's mechanics are different and nowhere near as pronounced as you'd get with a gun (which is analogous to this example here - the gunpowder represents the stored energy of the bow, and the bullet represents the arrow). With a very efficient bow like a compound bow, the effect of recoil is minimal. With recurve bows and crossbows, you get more recoil. The lighter the bow and the heavier the arrow, the more recoil you get.
With an empty bow you can even get "reverse recoil" where there is only forward motion due to the mechanics of the limbs and string. So yes, if there is sufficient energy transfer to overcome rolling resistance on Earth, you absolutely can move on a skateboard by shooting an arrow of sufficient mass. Remove the human element like in the experiment stack showed, you can clearly see that stored energy in the elastic launches the "arrow" forwards and the "bow" backwards.
The reason you keep reverting back to the "stationary" case in space is because it serves to shroud reality even more and skew people's logic in the same way NASA do. The dynamic case that I gave where the spaceman is moving away from the earth really is no different but is easier for the reader to visualize.
As you said, there really is no difference, it's just about frame of reference and Newton's laws don't care if you are stationary or moving. I just find it much easier to visualise and actually observe the effects if you have a static system to start with and then see one part move backwards and one part move forwards, as opposed to a moving system where there is only a change in their relative velocities - much harder to see and quantify.
It seems we also have fundamental differences around the question of work/energy and acceleration. You claim constant velocity in space (despite there being no observed body ever historically, that maintains a constant velocity, only in theory). If the ball is accelerating in your hands but then maintains a constant velocity when it leaves them- at some point it has to decelerate i.e. stop accelerating. At what point does this happen and what external phenomenon in space is preventing this acceleration?
I said constant velocity unless acted on by another force, which in space could mean collisions with the few molecules and particles out there, asteroids, other planets, comets, stars etc.
To be clear in your question, are you asking at what point the ball stops accelerating when you throw it? That answer to that - as soon as it leaves your hands. This has nothing to do with space or a vacuum. Here on Earth if you throw a ball, the only time it is being accelerated is while it is in your hands. As soon as it leaves your hands it starts to slow down (decelerates) due to air resistance and eventually stops when it hits the ground a rolls to a halt due to friction.
Thow a ball in space and it's the same thing, it's only accelerating while it is in your hands. However, unlike on Earth, in the vacuum of space there is no air resistance or gravity to cause it to significantly slow down, so it just keeps going at whatever speed/velocity it was going when it left your hands. Yes it will slow down/decelerate eventually, but would take an extremely long time.
You asked at the end what is preventing this acceleration, which is what leads me to think you are getting things mixed up. The answer to what is preventing any further acceleration once the ball has left my hands is Newton's laws. It's not going to accelerate/move any faster unless something else causes it to. It's either going to stay at the same speed or gradually slow down over an extremely long period of time.
There appears to be some conflict in your argument in how the rocket propels that I hope you can clarify. From my understanding of what you are saying above is that the rocket moves forward by the 3rd law action of ejecting mass in the opposite direction therefore propelling you in the correct direction? But you said previously on post #83 and #86 that it pushes itself off the external exhaust gases. .
In simple terms, correct, and unfortunately I'm going to go back to the "throwing a bowling ball on a chair" model. When I'm sat on that chair holding the ball, the muscles in my arm and the mass of that bowling ball represent a store of energy, much like the fuel in a rocket. You could say at this time, we are all part of one system. When I throw the bowling ball, I accelerate it away from me and at some point it leaves my hands. The ball thereafter is external to "me", but with respect to the system it's still part of the whole energy transfer that took place. Make sense? No energy was created or destroyed, and the laws of motion were respected.
The key is Newton's 3rd law. When I "push" onto the ball, the ball is also "pushing" back onto me with exactly the same force. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, and my school experiment demonstrated that nicely. I'm heavier than the ball so I don't move as far, which you can calculate using his 2nd law.
A rocket burning its fuel and creating a massive pressure difference to shoot exhaust gases out of the nozzle at high velocities is completely analogous. The rocket "pushes" onto the exhaust gases with the same force that the exhaust "pushes" on the rocket, ultimately causing it to move in the opposite direction. Those exhaust gases are external to the rocket body, but not the entire system, to be a bit more clear on things.
But which is it? Newton's 3rd or 1st or both? Or just the 3rd? Maintaining Newton's 1st here is physically impossible, I will always maintain this until I get some miraculous explanation.
Just like throwing a heavy ball sat on a chair, rockets in space respect all three of Newton's laws. Why do you say maintaining his 1st law is physically impossible? For now just forget space and vacuums and rockets then to keep things down to Earth, literally. Have you actually done the experiment of throwing balls of differing weight but the same area, and observed the effects of motion (i.e. ball goes forwards, you go backwards?) If not, then I strongly suggest you try it out to see for yourself that not only does air have nothing to do with it, but also all three laws are respected.
His 1st law basically states that an object in motion will remain in motion unless a resultant force acts upon it, and that an object at rest will remain at rest etc. Agreed? As I explained earlier, when it comes to throwing bowling balls and things like recoil and rockets, his 3rd law is what preserves the 1st.
"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Like I said, when you push against something, it is also effectively pushing back against you with the same force. When I throw the ball, I push against it and it moves forward at a rate determined by the 2nd law. At the same time the ball pushes back against me and I move backwards, again at a rate determined by the 2nd law.
You only have to look at the experiment stack showed to clearly see that to start with, the system was static. After the energy was release and the "arrow" shot forwards, the "bow" moved backwards - no laws broken. The surface area of those things was very small, and they were relatively very heavy, so clearly they were not pushing off against air.
I'm not denying you know someone who studied rocket science - but you can't use this as way of cementing your argument as one that is more valid than mine. Either invite him to the debate or bring some of his justification that backs up your argument.
That's fair enough, but even here on Earth you don't seem to believe the experiments that are being performed are behaving exactly according to Newton's laws without saying air has everything to do with it. Having done the experiments myself at school, under pretty well controlled conditions, I can confidently say that the only things that influenced the amount we moved back was the weight of the object being ejected and the rate at which it was ejected at (which was kept as constant as realistically possible being eager beavers!).
F = MA
All air does is make things less efficient than they would be in a vacuum.