High Resolution Flat Earth top down pictures or maps
« on: May 11, 2020, 07:38:36 AM »
Hello everyone,

I'm searching the internet for good top down pictures of the flat earth. I’ve seen a relatively new post about this, but it didn’t seem to solve my problem.
The problem is, that there rarely seem to be high resolution pictures of flat-earth-maps (with ice-ring all around the edge) to find via google.
Can anyone tell me where to find (or post) high resolution (something around HD) top down flat earth pictures / maps.  I’m searching for a style similar to this map: https://flatearthmodels.com/products/73-12-tiger-eye-frame-with-star-constellations

I hope ya all having a good day and don’t trip at the edge :D


Offline TomInAustin

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Re: High Resolution Flat Earth top down pictures or maps
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2020, 04:04:50 PM »
Hello everyone,

I'm searching the internet for good top down pictures of the flat earth. I’ve seen a relatively new post about this, but it didn’t seem to solve my problem.
The problem is, that there rarely seem to be high resolution pictures of flat-earth-maps (with ice-ring all around the edge) to find via google.
Can anyone tell me where to find (or post) high resolution (something around HD) top down flat earth pictures / maps.  I’m searching for a style similar to this map: https://flatearthmodels.com/products/73-12-tiger-eye-frame-with-star-constellations

I hope ya all having a good day and don’t trip at the edge :D

I find it interesting that the models on that site show the spotlight sun does not work
Do you have a citation for this sweeping generalisation?