<Snupes> Oh, Saddam
<Snupes> They've crammed Darkseid into BvS
<Snupes> What the fucking fuck
<Saddam> Yes, I saw that
<Snupes> How is DC so amazingly retarded
<beardo> problem?
<Snupes> They're just going to use every single villain in that movie
<Snupes> I mean, after Darkseid, who's gonna be the big big bad?
<Saddam> >mfw Snupes cares more about DC than Marvel
<beardo> Well I guess they won't actually fight Darkseid in BvS, he'll just show up
<Snupes> beardo: As will every single other DC character
<Snupes> There won't be a single surprise left in the DCverse
<beardo> and in a final justice league film they kick his ass
<Snupes> inb4 Lobo shows up in BvS
<Saddam> Everyone will accuse DC of ripping off Marvel with Darkseid
<Snupes> I doubt that
<Saddam> Danny Trejo wants to play Lobo
<Saddam> I would see a Lobo movie starring Trejo
<Snupes> I could see it.