Questions made purely for understanding perspective
« on: April 04, 2019, 03:14:24 PM »
I have one question for people believing the Earth is indeed flat. This is not made to start any sort of debate.

Why would the government hide the fact that the Earth is round from us?
What benefit is there for having the Earth being flat?
How might the Earth have formed if it is flat?
How thick is the Earth?


Offline ElTrancy

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Re: Questions made purely for understanding perspective
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2019, 03:17:02 PM »
I have one question for people believing the Earth is indeed flat. This is not made to start any sort of debate.

Why would the government hide the fact that the Earth is round from us?
What benefit is there for having the Earth being flat?
How might the Earth have formed if it is flat?
How thick is the Earth?

Not a Flat Earther, but read the wiki first.
Please fucking launch a mininuke at me, I've become hopelessly lost.

Re: Questions made purely for understanding perspective
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2019, 03:27:43 PM »
How thick is the Earth if it is flat?

Offline Yog

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Re: Questions made purely for understanding perspective
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2019, 04:24:01 PM »
Why would the government hide the fact that the Earth is round from us?

Not a Flat Earther, but read the wiki first.

I have read the wiki on this question, because that is what fascinates me the most about the FE belief. You have to be convinced that an incredibly elaborate complex of lies is actively maintained. Not just NASA, but the whole field of astronomy, for starters, has to be a lie.

And why would some sort of nefarious conspiracy come up with such an incredible web of lies? What could be their motivation to write libraries full of elaborate lies about a fantasy universe, when the topic only interests a small minority of people to begin with? What could they gain from it?

It fascinates me how anyone can seriously believe this. So yes, I did read the wiki. Does it answer the question? No, not really. The wiki says, under conspiracy/motivation:

The purpose of NASA is to fake the concept of space travel to further America's militaristic dominance of space.

Some other superpowers are supposedly involved as well: pretending and/or lying about a space program in order to scare other countries.

This could maybe be an explanation for a fake NASA. But if their only goal is to scare other countries, how does it help to lie about the shape of the earth? How does it help to come up with libraries full of internally consistent fake info about a universe, including black holes, galaxies, competing theories about dark matter, all supported by incredibly advanced math, all of these pictures you would have to fake...
And then they would also have to fake every map of the earth, every travel path of every vehicle making a long journey.. and they would need to get so many peoples to cooperate with their scheme... none of which really helps with military dominance.

So no, the wiki doesn't answer the question.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 04:29:49 PM by Yog »


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Re: Questions made purely for understanding perspective
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2019, 05:24:06 PM »
How thick is the Earth if it is flat?

Refrain from off-topic posting in the upper fora. Warned.


Offline markjo

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Re: Questions made purely for understanding perspective
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2019, 08:29:56 PM »
I have one question for people believing the Earth is indeed flat. This is not made to start any sort of debate.

Why would the government hide the fact that the Earth is round from us?
What benefit is there for having the Earth being flat?
The prevailing conspiracy theory seems to be that the government is simply mistaken about the earth being round, but the space race forced them to keep up the charade, lest anyone lose face at being so wrong about something so basic.
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Offline iamcpc

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Re: Questions made purely for understanding perspective
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2019, 08:31:29 PM »
How thick is the Earth if it is flat?

It depends on the flat earth model.

The answers range from a few miles, to infinite.

Some people also claim it's impossible to know because you dig deep enough and hit lava.

I have one question for people believing the Earth is indeed flat. This is not made to start any sort of debate.

Why would the government hide the fact that the Earth is round from us?

Lots of responses. Money, power, greed, corruption, control, Satan. Maybe the Government does not know and it's someone else. Maybe it's a closely guarded military secret. We don't go broadcasting the true shape of the earth just like we don't go broadcasting detailed plans on how to build an atom bomb. It would be giving away information which would give others a military advantage over us.

What benefit is there for having the Earth being flat?

What benefit is there to knowing the truth vs believing a lie?
I guess there really isn't one. I wake up, go to work, and go about my life regardless of what shape the earth may, or may not be.

From a religious perspective flat earth models the flat earth means that we are something more than an speck of nothing in universe beyond our comprehension blasting through a vast empty space waiting our blip of an existence to be eliminated.

How might the Earth have formed if it is flat?

Again lots of answers depending on the flat earth model.

God, Gravity, Big bang theory, the exact same way the earth was thought to have been formed in the round earth model etc etc.

How thick is the Earth?

It depends on the flat earth model.

The answers range from a few miles, to infinite.

Some people also claim it's impossible to know because you dig deep enough and hit lava.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2019, 08:38:42 PM by iamcpc »