So do I understand that you are creating a rigorous formalism for a world you know can't exist to explain why everything appears RE but if put through a math transform can actually be FE without specifying the composition and shape of how this transformation is physically implemented?
How would this be helping to lay a foundation for FE if the careful and valid formalism is based on a map that can't be right?
Is this an attempt to subtly mock FE? Or just pointless smarty pants showing off? Not that there's anything wrong with that, just curious.
I am not certain I understand you here. Why can’t a FE exist, exactly? And why can’t a FE map be correct?
I am guessing that you mean to say that you do not think these things.
Why attempt to establish a formalism for an idea? Well Jim, because that is what scientists do. Are you asking why do scientists bother? Well, I suppose there is some ingrained instinct to understand the Universe around us. Really, there is no distinction. The stuff that makes the Universe also makes us. We are it. So in fact, the situation is the following:
We are a piece of the Universe attempting to understand itself.
Hell, it’s worth it just for the bizarreness of that sentence