1. The Ring Laser Gyroscopes double purpose as a type of seismometer and the earth rotation claims resort to detection of microseismic patterns in the background: https://wiki.tfes.org/Ring_Laser_Gyroscope
Very interesting. Had a read on the wiki link above.
The wiki says:
“The effect of seismic events is to induce frequency-modulated side bands, in the 0.2-1 Hz region, around the 'Earth line', which indicate the presence of
rotational components associated with seismic events.”
(Emph. mine.)
If I'm understanding that correctly, the laser ring gyro does not detect the linear acceleration component of seismic events, but only the rotational component.
Think of yourself on a ship, gently rocking back and forth on the waves. A gyro, of any sort, would definitely pick up the rotational component of those waves.
I picture a laser ring gyro working the same way - picking up the rolling action (i.e. rotational component) from the seismic waves.
The problem is, just like on the ship, seismic waves are cyclic - the rotational component goes back and forth and back and forth but never all the way around. Unless the seas are really rough.
The roughest seas I've been on was leaning the boat up about 30 degrees each way side to side. It was a hoot, Captain and I would jump from the high side of the wheel house all the way to the low side in a single jump, then when the boat tipped back, we'd jump back to the other side. But I digress.
Anyway, I fail to understand how a cyclic non-constant seismic activity could cause a constant non-stop single-direction never-reversing reading of 15 degrees per hour.
Also the wiki says:
"It should be noted that the 'Sidreal Day' happens to be the general time it takes for the stars to return to their spots above the earth. It is the Solar Day, that is in regards to the sun, which is supposedly the true rotation of the earth."
However, I believe the glober's theory is that the sidereal day is how long it takes the earth to rotate compared to stars millions of light years away. The theory is that because earth goes around the sun every 365.25 days, that the length of a solar day is off by 1/365th of a day compared to a sidereal day, which is compared to stars much much farther than the sun.
So they are claiming that the laser ring gyro is actually showing earth's rotation comped to the distant stars and ignoring the angular rate of the sun.
A lot of hogwash obviously but that's what globers believe. The better we understand them the better we can show them the error in their ways.
2. The water convexity experiments are variable because, depending on conditions, light can often bend up and down throughout the day: https://wiki.tfes.org/Sinking_Ship_Effect_Caused_By_Refraction
This one really interests me. Would the sinking ship effect be the same for mountains?
In other words, could I use a theodolite or water level to measure a mountain at 50 miles away, then at 75 miles away then at 100 miles away, and then derive a 3 point curve for the sinking ship effect?
Do we know if it's linear -- or does it increase with the square of the distance?
It would be great if we had a simple accurate formula that modeled this effect.