I made the statement that he's done nothing of note, career or otherwise, during his life.
Excellent, now we are getting somewhere. Now, all you have to do is provide evidence for your claim.
Bernie hasn't done anything in his entire life.
Perfect, now just back that claim up and we are good to go.
You seem more interested in meme trolling about context rather than having any kind of valid discussion.
I don't think I could have been more clear about my interest in having a valid discussion. I can go back and show you, if you would like. You are the one who resorted to a lazy quip that you ended up being challenged on. I think the real problem is that you would rather deflect than actually back up statements that you make. Actually, that sounds a lot like meme trolling... Excellent, deflecting and projecting at the same time. Very impressive.
I'm not the one who tried to literally compare Bernie to Jesus in the first place.
It doesn't seem anyone "literally" tried to compare Bernie to Jesus. What you were looking at is called a "meme." I do believe you are well-versed in them. Irrespective of that, I didn't compare him to Jesus in any capacity, so your objection is with someone else. You are the one who continued on with the comparison. I am simply holding you to your own words.
One is the centerpiece of the largest religion on the planet and the other is a man who got kicked out of a commune for being lazy.
That is a cool story. One guy literally got nailed to a crucifix because he was a moron, and the other guy raised 6 million dollars for his cause in a day (and that is just his most recent accomplishment lmao).
I meant everything in his life in general, he's been a pretty useless tool. His politics is that of laziness and deferment to other people. When Hillary stole conventions from him right before everyone's eyes, what did he do? Nothing at all. He's weak and useless. This year another "The Chosen One" Democrat will run right over Bernie and he'll turn around and use his donations to buy another vacation home, just like he did in 2016.
This is an excellent opinion piece. It combines all of the latest hot takes from Twitter. Let me know when you actually plan to defend your original claim, though.
Imagine unironically not knowing that the best way to judge the success of a legislator is to look at the scope of the legislation he has authored and passed.
That was a great sentence that shows you have no idea what you are talking about. I would suggest starting from the beginning, maybe taking a look at the claims being made, applying some critical thinking, and then trying again. I know context can be difficult. If you find yourself struggling with anything that has been discussed up to this point, just let me know and I would be happy to help out. Otherwise, maybe let the adults here do the talking.