Consider the acceleration the dandelion would experience at the very center of the merry-go-round vs if the dandelion is placed further towards the edge. The dandelion will experience more acceleration the larger the merry-go-round is, and the Round Earth is much larger than a merry-go-round. That the merry-go-round rotates at "one revolution per day" is an attempted trivialization of the matter and avoidance of the situation.
Well, no, it's just explaining how physics actually works rather than how you are imagining it works.
And it's interesting you're trying to patronise me when you've gone and used pounds in F = ma above, not understanding that the unit of mass in that equation is kilograms
But anyway, here's my maths. At the equator the earth spins at 460m/s
So that's a 920m/s difference over about 12 hours.
There are 86400 seconds in 24 hours.
86400 / 2 = 43200s
So the accelaration is: 920/43200 = 0.0212m/s/s
F = ma
I'm around 69kgs so
69 x 0.0212 = 1.46N
And a Newton is "the force that an average sized apple makes on your hand when you hold it". gary points out elsewhere, that's not just focused on your hand either but throughout your body.
With cars they go on about how fast a car can go from 0-60mph.
60mph is 26.82m/s so at the acceleration rate we're talking about above you'd go from 0-60 in about 21 minutes. I'm not sure that's something you'd easily feel.
Also, there is a problem in all the above. The problem is all the above assumes that the acceleration is in a straight line.
It isn't. That's the whole point, the acceleration occurs because of the earth's rotation so you have to use different maths which takes that into account.
The proper maths is here:"Comparing this to the acceleration of gravity--say 9.81 m/s2--it is only 0.00346 or 0.346%. Effective gravity on the equator is reduced by the rotation, but only by about 1/3 of a percent"
So yes, it has an effect, but not one you can discern.