One of the first zetetic experiments I tried to perform when I joined these boards last Spring was triangulation of the sun having board participants take compass readings of the sun and provide their general city of observation (to avoid privacy intrusion). It was actually on the other board where I tried this, but the only FE participant who was responsive was some character named Brotherhood of the Dome who refused to take part and subsequently claimed to put me on ignore for using Ankara as his hypothetical location instead of Constantinople. I can't remember if I solicited that effort here or not.
This will relate to sun descent angle, but allow me to work through the triangulation process first since it relates.
Sunset was only a few hours ago in Hong Kong, and according to both TimeandDate and Stellarium, it set at 0946 UTC on bearing of 255°. At that same time, the sun was still 10° above the horizon in Perth, on a bearing of 260°. I marked the location of the sun -- where over earth it was at its zenith; but if you plot straight lines from those two locations along those lines lines of bearing on a standard earth map projection, you get...
...the lines don't intersect at the point where we know the sun to be. How is that resolved?
The above map is a Mercator projection of a globe. The straight lines I drew aren't straight when transformed to a globe. On the Mercator project, global straight lines are great circle lines, which can appear curved when projected onto a flat map, meridians and equator being exceptions on a Mercator projection. If I draw the lines as great circles, originating on 255° and 260° bearings respectfully, I get this:
And transforming the projection into a 2D representation of the globe, the lines now appear wrapping around the globe and straight, just as a string stretched between two points on a ball would look; like this:
That's how a globe earth resolves the triangulation puzzle. Whatever flat earth map winds up being the solution must be able to do that too. The standard monopole FE maps don't. The bi-polar FE map doesn't either. I don't have a solution. If you solve for one set of observations in one part of the world, you ruin the solution for another part.
Which brings me to path of the sun across the sky. I'm just using angle of descent because it's an easy to visualize portion of the sun's apparent path for an observer. Sunrise would work well too.
But as I explained earlier, the sun can appear to travel at an angle as it sets because it's bearing shifts as its elevation declines. The sun is currently sought of the equator on a southerly 13° parallel. It's migrating more toward the south everyday on its way to the Tropic of Capricorn. On the Mercator projection, latitude lines do appear straight and so the sun tracks across the earth as depicted. But if you take the bearing measurements from Perth and Hong Kong throughout the day, you'll find that if plotted on a Mercator projection, they'll appear to advance and triangulate more quickly, accelerating ahead of the sun as it moves toward the west.
But at least observers at both locations will see the proper direction of drift: Hong Kong will observe bearing increasing clockwise while Perth's bearing line to the sun will be counterclockwise. So, as long as the parallel (line of latitude) that the sun is traversing is a straight line on a FE map, it will (mostly) produce the correct bearing drift. But if you draw the earth map with the sun's path curving in order to stay at the correct latitude, as with every FE map I've yet seen, it will upset the bearing drift (angle of descent) for either one location or the other.
But on a globe, everything resolves. Here, on a Mercator projection with bearing lines drawn as great circles:
And here when wrapped on a globe presentation:
A globe earth has a simple answer for how one location can see the sun angle southward during sunset and another location see the sun angle northward.
If this can be resolved on a flat earth, I haven't figured out how or seen anyone else do so.
I take that back. I have seen one person: flat earth critic Walter Bislin modeled a flat earth using a monopole version of flat earth, but he had to make light bend both vertically and horizontally to do it. He acknowledged he didn't know what could explain such bending, but just that that was the only way he could make it work.