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Messages - techfreak125

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Flat Earth Theory / Distances on the Flat Earth Model
« on: April 10, 2019, 05:19:43 AM »
I meant to post in this subforum originally. If the Earth is flat, why is the distance from my house to the nearest Walmart 1392 meters instead of the 1530 meters you would expect on flat earth with an azimuthal equidistant projection given the coordinates of my house and the nearest Walmart? D_f is the flat earth distance, D_fs is the "square" flat earth distance, and D_r is the round earth distance. Calculation for flat earth map distance:

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Distances on the Flat Earth Model
« on: March 08, 2019, 05:31:31 PM »
I believe Monopole, but it’s hard to pin folks down to their model.
Monopole seems to get the most stuff on the wiki, so I feel safe in saying it’s the baseline, at least.
How does one calculate the distance between two points given their latitude and longitude on the AE/Gleason map and the Monopole map?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Distances on the Flat Earth Model
« on: March 08, 2019, 06:59:08 AM »
Yes, there are varying models with varying scales.
For instance, the monopole one has the North Pole at the centre, squashing things near the North Pole and stretching things at the South Pole.
Which map is the most accepted one?

Flat Earth Theory / Distances on the Flat Earth Model
« on: March 08, 2019, 06:47:01 AM »
How is the distance between two points given their respective latitude and longitude calculated in the flat earth model? Does it depend on what flat earth map is used?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Distance to the Moon
« on: December 24, 2018, 08:09:50 PM »
Isn't that wonderful? The formula for angular diameter allows us to use the distances to the sun and moon and their respective diameters to find their apparent size!

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Solar elevation angle on a flat earth part 2
« on: December 22, 2018, 01:55:10 AM »
I meant to say solar elevation angle. Sorry.

Flat Earth Theory / Distance to the Moon
« on: December 21, 2018, 11:04:44 PM »
On a flat earth, parallax can still be used to determine the distance to celestial objects. However, the observer baseline distance will not be the chord length but the distance between two points on a flat earth. Using hypothetical simulations, I have concluded that the moon must be 377585 km instead of 4800 km! Isn't that higher than the supposed dome? Why would the moon be higher than the sun in the flat earth model?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Solar elevation angle on a flat earth part 2
« on: December 21, 2018, 10:59:02 PM »
I am referring to the altitude in the azimuthal coordinate system, not the height of the sun.

Flat Earth Theory / Solar elevation angle on a flat earth part 2
« on: December 21, 2018, 07:12:00 PM »
I performed another experiment today. If the Earth is flat, why is the shadow length I measured at a latitude of 40 degrees 23 arcminutes at 12:03 PM on 12/21/2018 46 inches instead of the 33.5 inches that the flat earth model predicts? I used a piece of plywood 22 11/16 inches long. By measuring the length of a shadow cast by a stick, we can take the arctangent of the length of the stick divided by the length of the shadow to determine the sun's angular elevation above the horizon. I have taken the value for the sun's height from the wiki (3000 mi/4800 km). I have also factored in the declination of the sun and the obliquity of the ecliptic to ensure the most accurate predictions for both models. The flat earth model predicts an angle of 34.088 degrees. The round earth model predicts an angle of 26.162 degrees. The round earth model predicts a shadow length of 46.18 inches. Ergo, the round earth model error is 0.38% (0.097 degrees). The error can easily be explained by atmospheric refraction which is on the order of a few arcminutes. Why does the flat earth model have an error of -23.3% (−14.719 degrees) from reality? How does the flat earth model explain the deviation of the sun's angular elevation from its predictions? θsr is the round earth prediction and θsf is the flat earth prediction in the following desmos link.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Sun position on the flat earth
« on: December 21, 2018, 02:59:33 PM »
If the Earth is flat, why is the shadow length I measured at a latitude of 40 degrees 23 arcminutes at 1:40 PM on 12/8/2018 53 inches instead of the 33 inches that the flat earth model predicts? I used a piece of plywood 22 11/16 inches long. By measuring the length of a shadow cast by a stick, we can take the arctangent of the length of the stick divided by the length of the shadow to determine the sun's angular elevation above the horizon. This formula can also be used to determine the predicted shadow length for each model by dividing the length of the stick by the tangent of the model's predicted angular elevation. By dividing the height of the sun by the horizontal distance to it, the arctangent of the result can be used to determine the flat earth model's predicted angular elevation of the sun. I have taken the value for the sun's height from the wiki (3000 mi/4800 km). The sun's angular altitude on a round earth can be found by finding the arcsine of the addition of the product of the sine of the observer's latitude and the sine of the sun's declination to the product of the cosine of the observer's latitude, the cosine of the declination of the sun, and the cosine of the hour angle. I have factored in the declination of the sun and the obliquity of the ecliptic to ensure the most accurate predictions for both models. The flat earth model predicts an angle of 37.578 degrees. The round earth model predicts an angle of 23.210 degrees. Why does the flat earth model have an error of 32.1% from reality? How does the flat earth model explain the deviation of the sun's angular elevation from its predictions? θsr is the round earth prediction and θsf is the flat earth prediction in the following desmos link.

Here's actual output from a 2016 Equinox experiment demonstrating why a globe sun model is highly accurate and the flat earth sun is wildly inaccurate according to human observation and perhaps one could say, reality:

I am arguing for the round earth, not the flat earth.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Sun position on the flat earth
« on: December 21, 2018, 03:43:14 AM »
First, RET is not "reality".

I never said either model was 'reality'. I simply said that the angles predicted by the flat earth model do not mesh with observation.

Per a Flat Earth the two sun models are via Perspective and the Electromagnetic Accelerator Theory.

Let's imagine that we put an observer in a long corridor that is tangent with the flat earth. Let's fix light bulbs to the ceiling every 100 meters. According to the FE's definition of perspective, a horizon would form close to the observer and the light bulbs farther than the horizon would begin to sink below the horizon. Now let's hang our observer by their feet to the ceiling and turn the camera 180 degrees. Where does the horizon form? On the floor? On the ceiling? Now let's strap our observer to the wall. Where does the horizon form now? Now let's position our observer between two infinitely tall buildings. Which building gets a horizon? If the law of perspective explains horizons and the law perspective works in all directions, why do horizons only form on the ground?
If perspective accounts for the setting of the sun, how does the flat earth model explain the above thought experiment?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Sun position on the flat earth
« on: December 21, 2018, 03:13:06 AM »
Is anybody going to answer me? Does anybody even have an answer?

Flat Earth Theory / Sun position on the flat earth
« on: December 20, 2018, 04:45:40 AM »
If the Earth is flat, why is the shadow length I measured at a latitude of 40 degrees 23 arcminutes at 1:40 PM on 12/8/2018 53 inches instead of the 33 inches that the flat earth model predicts? I used a piece of plywood 22 11/16 inches long. By measuring the length of a shadow cast by a stick, we can take the arctangent of the length of the stick divided by the length of the shadow to determine the sun's angular elevation above the horizon. This formula can also be used to determine the predicted shadow length for each model by dividing the length of the stick by the tangent of the model's predicted angular elevation. By dividing the height of the sun by the horizontal distance to it, the arctangent of the result can be used to determine the flat earth model's predicted angular elevation of the sun. I have taken the value for the sun's height from the wiki (3000 mi/4800 km). The sun's angular altitude on a round earth can be found by finding the arcsine of the addition of the product of the sine of the observer's latitude and the sine of the sun's declination to the product of the cosine of the observer's latitude, the cosine of the declination of the sun, and the cosine of the hour angle. I have factored in the declination of the sun and the obliquity of the ecliptic to ensure the most accurate predictions for both models. The flat earth model predicts an angle of 37.578 degrees. The round earth model predicts an angle of 23.210 degrees. Why does the flat earth model have an error of 32.1% from reality? How does the flat earth model explain the deviation of the sun's angular elevation from its predictions? θsr is the round earth prediction and θsf is the flat earth prediction in the following desmos link.

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