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Messages - Lord Dave

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Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: May 06, 2024, 09:54:43 PM »
So, an illegitimate "special prosecutor" introduces a bald-faced lie to the court:

Wait... OMG! 

You mean Trump is being prosecuted for mishandling classified documents, yet the lead prosecutor's office is allowed to freely mishandle the same documents?
I'm not sure the article you posted would agree.
I'm not sure YOU would agree.  Unless you think putting objects back in teh same box but not the exact same configuration is "mishandling".

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: May 06, 2024, 02:03:54 PM »
So, an illegitimate "special prosecutor" introduces a bald-faced lie to the court:

Wait... OMG!  This proves everything Trump said was right!  Clearly evidence of a box's contents is inadmissable if the position of the items in the box is different than what Trump put them in as.  Why, how many other so called "criminals" been let off because the contents of their safe full of drugs and money were shifted around after the police were there?    Every single one of those cases were thown out once the judge saw that the drugs were moved to the left side and the money on the right.  And yet, here's Trump, being railroaded for the same thing.  What's next: they'll claim his tie is of a different length from the day of the raid to his courtroom appearance?  Sad.  So sad.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: May 02, 2024, 05:29:21 PM »
Wait... So you're bragging that Trump is less wealthy than he was in March?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 20, 2024, 05:32:21 PM »
I'm just saying that you can't imprison someone with Secret Service protection.

That's not remotely true, especially for a high profile prisoner. Even if Trump were sentenced to "prison" it would likely end up a form of house arrest. Trump isn't going to go to some random state or federal prison. The Secret Service ensure Trump can't reveal things to people just as much as they protect him. Allowing a rambling old man who knows more national security information than most people into a prison is ridiculous.

Even cops have their own special protection and service personnel in prisons. I'd say Trump is quite a bit more high profile than random cops.

I suspect you overestimate what he actually knows.  He's not known to be the most attentive or sharpest president we've had.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 20, 2024, 03:00:29 PM »
Do they want to train and equip the prison guards to provide secret service level security? That is the only way your argument makes sense that they are genuine in this.

The answer is no. They do not want guarantee Trump the same level of security.

Why should they?
If someone ends up in prison then they lose certain rights. Which is something I imagine you generally support. Unless it affects your cult leader.

It’s all moot anyway. There’s no way Trump will end up in prison

This is incorrect in regards to political power. Someone who is in prison can be elected President. They don't lose that right to be elected, or their powers.

Major presidential candidates have been given Secret Service protection to safeguard elections, and as a matter of law:

Who Receives Protection?

The Secret Service does not determine who qualifies for protection, nor is the Secret Service empowered to independently initiate candidate protection.

Under 18 U.S.C.' 3056(a)(7), "[m]ajor Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates," as identified by the Secretary of Homeland Security, are eligible for Secret Service protection.

Title 18 U.S.C.' 3056(a)(7) authorizes the U.S. Secret Service to provide protection for major Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates:

- Protection is authorized by the DHS Secretary after consultation with the Congressional Advisory Committee;

- The Congressional Advisory Committee includes: Speaker of the House, House Minority Leader, Senate Majority Leader, Senate Minority Leader, and one additional member selected by the others;

- Protection under these guidelines should only be granted within one year prior to the general election. Protection more than one year prior to the general election should only be granted in extraordinary, case by case circumstances in consultation with the committee, based on threat assessment and other factors.

The laws above say that major presidential candidates should be receiving Secret Service protection.

Makes sense.  Would you want Joe Biden to have SS protection in Jail?  How would that even work?

Political assassinations have more effect than the benefit of a single party. No, I wouldn't want Joe Biden in his role of US President to be in a jail without Secret Service protection.

Friend of yours, Tom?

Looks like a disgruntled Bernie Bro.

1. Can he even be on the ticket as a republican if he's in jail?
2. Don't you trust the police to keep him safe?
3. Would you say his ideas were liberal?  And lies?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 20, 2024, 08:13:40 AM »
Apparently the Congressional Left has gone from opposing gay marriage and upholding and respecting religious tenets to trying to get their opponent murdered.

Makes sense.  Would you want Joe Biden to have SS protection in Jail?  How would that even work?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 18, 2024, 01:14:18 PM »
So what you're saying is that if Democrats were Republicans, Republicans would vote for them.

Tom gonna Tom.

Yeah but it demonstrates that Republicans don't care about anything except their policies being supported.  Realistically we could put up an AI that just scans conservative sites for opinions and does that.  Would be way less hassle and embarassment than Trump.

But then I wonder: if all that matters is policy and party, why Trump and not someone else?

(Also it shows that any call of dems being immoral isn't a factor)

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 18, 2024, 11:26:14 AM »
So what you're saying is that if Democrats were Republicans, Republicans would vote for them.

Wow... What a Tautology. >_>

Tho I think the issue is that all those who decided that Trump is unfit didn't bother finding a fit conservative candidate.  Or couldn't....

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 18, 2024, 11:12:02 AM »
Correct. Republicans see traditionalism and conservatism as a moral and fiscal vote. This is why Democrats have failed in defaming Trump.

It is not enough to defame him. You have provided something better.

In previous eras Democrats would have taken the tactic to move many of their positions back towards the center, or even to the right, and include their own specific pet liberal topics which have mass voter appeal. This is why it is said that Democrats were more conservative at various points in time. They sought to match the success of their opponents with some added liberalism, largely focusing on the strength and appeal of their positions.
But he is defamed.  You said so yourself that they seem him as unfit and immoral.  It just doesn't matter.  If Satan were a Republican, they'd vote for him.

So what does it say about a group that would vote for anyone except a democrat?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 18, 2024, 05:14:52 AM »
I don't think this tactic of defaming Trump is working out for you guys.

Voters shock CNN when they reveal who they're voting for after saying Trump is unfit for office: 'But I'm voting for him'

APRIL 17, 2024

Democrats love to harp on Donald Trump's moral fitness, arguing his criminal proceedings and moral character render him unfit for the presidency.

CNN correspondent Gary Tuchman recently spoke with voters in Roberts County, Texas, where he discovered that voters agree with that argument. But at the end of the day, those same voters admitted they will still support Trump over President Joe Biden on Election Day.

Voter Kay Swart described Trump's moral character as "terrible," something that "can't get much lower than it is."

"He continues to make crazy comments about being a dictator first day and repercussions against people who he feels have wronged him," Swart continued.

But, to Tuchman's surprise, neither Trump's moral character nor the possibility that he will be criminally convicted will deter Swart or her husband, Ron, from voting for Trump.

"I don't think he's fit, but I'm voting for him," Kay Swart said.

Ron, moreover, agreed that Trump "most definitely" possess poor ethics and morals. But in his view, anything is better than Biden.

"I feel like as wrong as it's going to be to have [Trump] for president, he's still going to be a lot better president for the United States than what we're going with Joe Biden and the Democrats," Ron Swart said. "I really feel like that we are not going be able to survive another four years of the Democrats in charge."

I'm not sure that's the lesson you should take from that, Tom.

What I take from it is that even in a Republican heavy county, Republicans will vote party lines no matter how unfit the president is.  Party over country, morality, and God.

Kinda proves the liberal point.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Covid-19 vaccine two shots
« on: April 12, 2024, 08:19:04 PM »
The V-Safe is where the data screened from VAERS (by the CDC) is presented. That had nothing to do with the VAERS reports.

At this point, the CDC has looked at 780,000 reports of injury from the coof vaxx and has confirmed they are legitimate.

The article linked by Dr. Mittal states a lawsuit needed to be filed just to get access to this data from the CDC.

Sounds like a coverup, uh?


let me literally qouote your own source for you.

It should be evident at this point why the CDC fought so hard to keep this information from being released. They likely knew that if it were made public, they would have better success marketing their shots to a group of penguins.

But don’t take my word for it—comb through the data yourself.

And it wasn't 780,000 reports of injury.  Have you even READ the reports?  Because I think its awfully coincidental that 780,000 MESSAGES were sent to V-Safe and you're claiming the EXACT SAME AMOUT are reports of injury.

Maybe, perhaps, you should show me where these released reports are?  Because you seem to be telling me your own source doesn't have the right ones.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 12, 2024, 08:13:10 PM »
So.... does that mean that some of the non-trump republicans would vote for Biden instead?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Covid-19 vaccine two shots
« on: April 12, 2024, 02:23:14 PM »

"Despite what the CDC says, it’s unclear whether the agency was asleep at the wheel or intentionally steering the Titanic into an iceberg."

780,000...that is a fairly large number.

780,000 people who posted whatever they wanted at anytime.  Yep, totally legitimate and helpful and in no way able to be abused.
I think you fail to realize these are reports that have been screened by the CDC and have been found to be legitimate.

"Talaat says the best source of research stemming from VAERS is the CDC, because they are able to trace the records backward and verify them."

Which hasn't been done.

Read em for yourself.  The raw data (which you are referencing) has alot of "no." "None" "just got the shot" "soreness" , etc...

So its much, much less than what you wrote.

The CDC has screened the VAERS.

ICAN has absolutely nothing to do with the report issued by the CDC.

You are being highly disingenuous with your posts, when there is absolutely no reason to do so except to spread deliberately false information.

Then why did the link you gave us, link to it?
And why are the two excel files showing all 780,000 messages you claimed were all damaging symptoms?

Seems suspicous that the link would claim 780,000 people had damaging symptoms from a "report" but the 780,000 messages don't support 780,000 damaging symptoms.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Covid-19 vaccine two shots
« on: April 12, 2024, 02:14:31 PM »

"Despite what the CDC says, it’s unclear whether the agency was asleep at the wheel or intentionally steering the Titanic into an iceberg."

780,000...that is a fairly large number.

780,000 people who posted whatever they wanted at anytime.  Yep, totally legitimate and helpful and in no way able to be abused.
I think you fail to realize these are reports that have been screened by the CDC and have been found to be legitimate.

"Talaat says the best source of research stemming from VAERS is the CDC, because they are able to trace the records backward and verify them."

Which hasn't been done.

Read em for yourself.  The raw data (which you are referencing) has alot of "no." "None" "just got the shot" "soreness" , etc...

So its much, much less than what you wrote.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Covid-19 vaccine two shots
« on: April 12, 2024, 12:59:50 PM »

"Despite what the CDC says, it’s unclear whether the agency was asleep at the wheel or intentionally steering the Titanic into an iceberg."

780,000...that is a fairly large number.

780,000 people who posted whatever they wanted at anytime.  Yep, totally legitimate and helpful and in no way able to be abused.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 12, 2024, 09:40:16 AM »
It's clearly the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.

Probably not.

I don't know why Tom keeps saying this. It's like he thinks it's the general opinion of liberals, like we've been saying this over and over for as long as he has, perpetually locked in the fantasy that Trump's comeuppance is right around the corner, and obviously that's not the case with most of us. I doubt there are many American liberals that by this point don't have the attitude that nothing is going to hurt Trump because he's invincible, or at least that they'll believe it when they see it.

I believe in heart attacks from high stress, poor diet, and lack of exercise.
But god damnit, if that hasn't happed yet.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 12, 2024, 05:18:08 AM »
It's clearly the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.

Probably not. 

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Trump
« on: April 11, 2024, 04:06:23 AM »
"The former president owns a majority stake in the company and his stake was valued at about $2.9 billion on Monday, down from a peak of over $6 billion after its debut on its trading debut."

It sounds like Trump's stake is still worth billions. This still appears to be his most profitable venture, and appears to be a doing lot better than most business ventures.

Which he can not sell until September.  So its not very helpful wealth to have.

That being said, I think it's telling how $3 billion(after a 50% loss) is his most successful venture.  Of course if it loses more value over the next two weeks, might underperform his casinos.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Covid-19 vaccine two shots
« on: April 04, 2024, 04:11:58 PM »
My only regret is not being wrong about the Great Reset and how billions were gonna die.  Its a sad day when people who can prove we're all gonna die are wrong.

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