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Messages - andruszkow

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As a round earther (whatever) I fail to see how this is even remotely possible.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Upcoming Solar Eclipse in USA
« on: April 27, 2017, 04:37:48 PM »
Been warned not to reply when I have nothing to say, so I'm out of this one. Wow.

Good luck, simba.

I was watching some videos made by flat earthers and they made comments about how nuclear weapons and nuclear power are hoaxes.  Is this a commonly held belief among flat earthers or are those people more on the fringe?  The reason why I ask is I was a Submarine Officer in the US Navy (all submarines in the US Navy are Nuclear) for 9 years and I was frequently in charge of the engine room and the reactor.  I am curious how flat earthers could explain how my submarine could remain submerged for months at a time without ventilating if we didn't have a nuclear reactor.  What power system could move a 7,000 ton submarine at 20+ knots without oxygen?  All surface ship propulsion (with exception to Nuclear Aircraft Carriers) requires oxygen to function.  Other countries use batteries or AIP for their submarines but their submarines are much smaller, weight much less, are much slower and can't stay submerged as long.

Nuclear Bombs = Real
Nuclear Power = Real
ICBMs that can get into space and travel half way "around" the world sub-orbitally = Fake
Why would ICBMs be fake? Are cannons fake as well? If I throw something really hard at a 45 degree angle, it'll basically take a path much like what you'd expect from a suborbital flight, minus the altitude.

I have a really hard time figuring out why this is so difficult to understand for an adult with an obvious ability to read.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Upcoming Solar Eclipse in USA
« on: April 27, 2017, 07:46:06 AM »
Apparently, some "dark object", blocks the light from both the sun and moon on their respective eclipses, wich only appears during eclipses, for the rest of the time, it remains "invisible" [makes wavy gestures with fingers]

How visible would a celestial object orbiting around the sun and always in the daytime be?
How trustworthy is the claim of the existence of a shadow object, following your logics, if this mysterious shadow object is always in the daytime and have never been observed?

Planets are observable during daytime, it's just really difficult. Iridium flares is a thing as well.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Moon and Sun Angles Don't Line Up
« on: April 21, 2017, 06:21:59 PM »
Hello everyone, new here...

I found this video helpful... not sure if anyone else here will

Indeed it is, and such a simple experiment as well. No floppy strings needed.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: If the Earth were really round...
« on: April 21, 2017, 04:44:19 PM »
Rules or not and whether you follow them yourself, junker, you are being intentionally obnoxious. Even to a point that reignites the plausibility of this site and its developers/admins/owner(s) being massive trolls.

Flat Earth Community / Re: Sun is a Spotlight
« on: April 21, 2017, 12:26:27 AM »

With this theory we can explain everything... the season, 24h day at the southpol, just everthing. Don't question those things/thoughts. They are axioms! There are big iron plates which float above earth. Stars startet existing, because this plates got holes. flat earth is real! don't question this!
What causes this phenomenon, how did that get there in the first place, what causes the holes, what is the light behind the plates?
You know, the earth is constantly accelerating upwarts. This is the reason why much iron gathered around one piece of a magnet. And the air is pushing this ironplate upwarts. What do you say against this? ;)

Universal acceleration, an explanation dividing the flat earth community itself.

If the iron is forced towards the center in this model, let's play with that thought for a second. Do you believe in the ice wall flat earth?
of course i do!
So tell me how magnetism works on a unipolar flat earth again?

Flat Earth Community / Re: Sun is a Spotlight
« on: April 20, 2017, 04:53:45 PM »

With this theory we can explain everything... the season, 24h day at the southpol, just everthing. Don't question those things/thoughts. They are axioms! There are big iron plates which float above earth. Stars startet existing, because this plates got holes. flat earth is real! don't question this!
What causes this phenomenon, how did that get there in the first place, what causes the holes, what is the light behind the plates?
You know, the earth is constantly accelerating upwarts. This is the reason why much iron gathered around one piece of a magnet. And the air is pushing this ironplate upwarts. What do you say against this? ;)

Universal acceleration, an explanation dividing the flat earth community itself.

If the iron is forced towards the center in this model, let's play with that thought for a second. Do you believe in the ice wall flat earth?

That's not necessarily true. The amount of energy required to move relatively lightweight materials from Earth to Mars would be several orders of magnitude smaller than the amount of energy required to move even a small asteroid.
That really depends on the size doesn't it? I figure it's a lot easier to settle on, say Mars, than to redirect a mass-extinction event asteroid. The chicxulub crater was done by an object estimated to be about 6 miles in diameter. That's a whole lot of mass.
Oh, pardon me Mssrs. Rocket Scientists...

What fiction do you base your outlandish statements on?
What part of it? That changing the path of an asteroid is hard?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: If the Earth were really round...
« on: April 13, 2017, 10:11:35 PM »

If the earth were truly flat, don't you think we'd accept it?

No. Because you've been lied to since Kindergarten.

I just discovered Flat Earth about a year ago.

Which scenario do you think is more inducive to cognitive bias?

Ok, so that means that you've finally decided?

But besides that, how would a flat earth explain the video?

And to add to that, observation = fact. Interpretation and theory = explanation, the "why" and "how" if you will. Experimentation = Confirming/refuting the explanation of "why" and "how".

I don't see how your methodology is any different than those utilized by the different scientific fields. The difference is how easy all of the flat earth theories are to refute at their current state.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Religion on Flat Earth
« on: April 12, 2017, 11:44:36 PM »
And to reiterate, Poseidon, what does your bigot views on Islam have to do with a religious view on flat earth? What makes your chosen deity the preferred one amongst the 4199 other dieties, and what is its view on the shape of the earth?

Those are not the relevant questions. I stated at the beginning of this thread that I do NOT presume to dictate a person's future location in the eternal realms.

And it is not bigoted to state the truth about the goals of Islam. If you are too stupid to read the Qur'an and the Haadith for yourself and confirm what I am saying, then that is your problem and not mine.

And if you are going to debate with me in ANY tongue, at least DO attempt to appear educated, as I would do if I attempted this in Spanish. The occasional typo is fine and we all make them. But your conjugation and singular-plural disasters are starting to wear on my last nerve, such that ANY error you make is getting annoying.

Do you realize how dumb that make you look?

Can you please list the goals of Christianity, catholicism, Judaism and Buddhism according to the scripture, so we can compare with Islam?

Besides, I've been in Afghanistan. A lot of Muslims fought Taleban shoulder to shoulder with ISAF. Local Muslims risked their lives and their families lives helping ISAF just by merely cleaning or cooking in Camp bastion and camp price.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Religion on Flat Earth
« on: April 12, 2017, 11:21:48 PM »

No sources needed, homosexuality in nature has been known for quite a while now. It is probably an evolutionary step that either works out or doesn't. The balance of the birth rate, for instance with the example of the swans, will decide it in the long run. That's how evolution works.

To be quite honest, and objective, you're the only one standing out as an idiot here. The increasing amount of curse word usage, to either cover for the fact that you're raging because of inadequacy or because the institution in which you have invested all of your beliefs is being subjected to what you define as blasphemy, is a testiment to that.

Oh, please. The fact that you cannot spell would indicate a certain proof of idiocy on your part. And again, dip$h!t, I am NOT relying on the Bible for my opposition to homosexuality. The fact that I have to say that more than once to you simply confirms my estimation of your stupidity.

Again, cite sources, or shut your pie-hole.

Stupid is as stupid does.

You do realize I am debating with you in your native tongue, right?

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Religion on Flat Earth
« on: April 12, 2017, 10:58:59 PM »
And to reiterate, Poseidon, what does your bigot views on Islam have to do with a religious view on flat earth? What makes your chosen deity the preferred one amongst the 4199 other dieties, and what is its view on the shape of the earth?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Problems with the Bishop Experiment
« on: April 12, 2017, 10:56:10 PM »
Still nothing, Tom? I know you're here, you're replying in other threads.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Religion on Flat Earth
« on: April 12, 2017, 10:54:49 PM »
No sources needed, homosexuality in nature has been known for quite a while now. It is probably an evolutionary step that either works out or doesn't. The balance of the birth rate, for instance with the example of the swans, will decide it in the long run. That's how evolution works.

To be quite honest, and objective, you're the only one standing out as an idiot here. The increasing amount of curse word usage, to either cover for the fact that you're raging because of inadequacy or because the institution in which you have invested all of your beliefs is being subjected to what you define as blasphemy, is a testiment to that.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Religion on Flat Earth
« on: April 12, 2017, 06:59:21 PM »
Mind blown. One must resist the urge to go apeshit.

1. A place to live in case an asteroid decides to blow up earth.
A society advanced enough to form a colony on another planet is advanced enough to alter course of the asteroid suspected of colliding with the Earth.

Honestly, the fiction never ceases here.
That really depends on the size doesn't it? I figure it's a lot easier to settle on, say Mars, than to redirect a mass-extinction event asteroid. The chicxulub crater was done by an object estimated to be about 6 miles in diameter. That's a whole lot of mass.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Religion on Flat Earth
« on: April 12, 2017, 01:41:05 PM »
Even I agree the minimum wage issue here IS an issue. But what is the point of paying someone US$20.00 an hour if you are going to tax them at 55%, as Belgium does?

Furthermore, your whining about war simply means you,like most Europeans, are wusses. What we SHOULD do with Islamic State is go to the territory they control and carpet-bomb it so that anything larger than a cockroach ceases to exist. The same goes for Assad and Iran.

Given that in most Scandinavian States, with Finland being a notable exception, the Churches, being a significant PART of the culture and tradition you claim to have, now ordain and marry homosexuals, and tolerate just about every other liberal perversion, I would say your vaunted culture and tradition has mostly been betrayed.

I agree that the USA is a young country, and that carries weaknesses. But at least we are not quite yet at the State cultural-national suicide that most of Scandinavia has gotten to. The fact that our money has that motto on is not my personal preference, and it only started in the McCarthy era of the 1950's.
Again, an entire reply consisting of ignorance and bigotry. I'm not defending Islam. In fact, I hate the institution that is religion in itself.

Yes, I do refer to Muslims as animals. I have read the Qur'an three times, and know some of it in Arabic. I have read the Haadith of the "Prophet". I have attended mosques. I know the threat of which I speak. The fact that YOU are too dim to realise the danger they represent is your problem, and not mine.
"They" - There it is. You're an idiot, at best. Your viewpoints makes you a part of the group you refer to as "they" for everyone not consumed by the level of bigotry at display here. So, I'll just pull an Intikam, put you on ignore and await someone with an acceptable level of intelligence to add something to this thread. For your information, it doesn't take much.

Philosophy, Religion & Society / Re: Religion on Flat Earth
« on: April 12, 2017, 01:10:41 PM »
First of all, telling someone they're ignorant on a subject is not offensive. It merely suggests that you're uninformed. Referring to someone as dense is another thing. I didn't expect a more elegant, respectful, grown up level of debate from you though, so I'll let that slip.

For some reason, I doubt the statistics for NY, KS, and NE, and that doesn't even mention CA and IL, or IA.
Of course you do. Pick and choose to fit your argument. Standard, boring MO.

Your vaunted free health care is such that people who have the money often come here to get medical treatments in order to avoid the delays so common in Europe. This of course in no way justifies the mess of our health system, which admittedly could use reform.
Yes, people go abroad, not only to the US, to skip the queue, which is totally fine. You say "often", I say do your research, again. You're just parroting whatever post shared on Facebook or article read on the internet you chose to base your standpoint on.

We also have free vacation, albeit not as much. If you need that much holiday, you are lazy.
Haha, really? It's not about who "needs" that much vacation, it's about how the system works as a whole. People are generally happy here. Part of the reason for that is not "feeling" over encumbered by labor. We're not lazy. We're progressive, innovative and hard at work. We just have a system that realizes you don't get a happy population paying them a minimum wage of only $7.50 (as opposed to ~$20), and a happy population with a satisfied and rested working force are more productive and innovative. There's always exceptions to this. Again, your view on the European way (especially the Scandinavian way) is tainted with your own definition of right and wrong.

And the fact that your "culture" (I use the term loosely) does not allow a man to protect himself, his family, and his property, but would charge him with murder for defending himself against a would-be rapist and/or murderer, simply implies gross retardation on the part of your lawmakers and the morons who elect them.
We do allow people to protect themselfs. We just don't justify killing other people in self-defence. I actually agree with you on this point though to some extent, but again, it's a mindset that doesn't value ones life over anothers. It's a fundamental difference between Europe and the US, there's no right or wrong. We have different opinions about this, and that's that.

European culture USED to have value and relevance. Now it is a disaster of immorality, cultural filth, and incivility. All you have to do is look at the attacks holding France hostage, in thrall to the Muslim animals she has allowed into the nation, to observe what I am talking about. I realise you may be too dense to do that... But there you are.
Immorality? Where? Cultural filth? Where? We largely honour our culture and our traditions. Mostly because we actually have culture and traditions that dates back centuries, something that the US lacks.

You're offering me an example of what has happened in France. We refer to that as terrorism, a term that is largely regarded as "something about Muslims". How many civilian lives has been lost due to America's invasion in the Middle East since 2001? You call it war, that gives you the ability to write those deaths off as collateral damage. How many lives lost in general does America account for in the populistic pursuit of spreading democracy and freedom? The definition of terrorism is the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims. - Those can be based in religion. Last time I checked, the largest so-called secular country in the world has "In God we trust" printed on their dollar bills.

The fact that you're using the term "Muslim animals" says everything about you. You're not only an ignorant, you're also a bigot. I'll generally disregard any position you take or argument you make from here on out, because you're simply not mentally or intellectually fit to participate in a debate about these subjects, at all.

So, to back up a bit:
It doesn't really change anything regarding religion and flat earth.

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