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Messages - sandokhan

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 08:19:30 PM »
You are done here.

Here are the images that you have posted just a while ago:

The next dark feature (right next to the dark element pinpointed with the pink dot) located to the right of the dark element (as we view the image) DISAPPEARS COMPLETELY IN THE VIDEO:

While it still can be seen in your image:

Please explain to your readers why there is at a least a 60 degree rotation of Mars in three hours of time.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 07:22:29 PM »
Your tricks don't work with me.

Here is the video:

Look how much further that dark feature on the clouds of Mars is rotating BEYOND the spot on the image you have posted. You are missing at least 10-15 degrees right there.

In fact, your previous analysis will create more FE believers.

There are at least 60 degrees right there, perhaps even more, maybe 70 degrees or so.

I win.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 04:46:44 PM »
If I had to guess, I'd say it looks just slightly past 45deg. I could be underestimating and it could be closer to 60

The rotation is a bit quicker than I'd expect but maybe there's something we're not taking in to account.

The angle featured in the video on the rotation of Mars is at least 60 degrees, where even 46 degrees could not be explained at all.

What is the connection between Mars and planet Vulcan? Mars (Marduk) had fought with Pairika (Mus Parik) before, according to the astronomical observations made long ago.

The fact that now we can see Garuda (Vulcan/Pairika) in broad daylight in the sky means that there is something affecting the entire planetary system, and that something is referring to the first effects of the galactic wave (cosmic rays) which is beginning to manifest itself (just like in the past, that is why I did include those references to the Crab nebula).

Nothing else can explain the acceleration of the rotation of Mars.


Le Verrier, 1859:

Lescarbault, 1959

Russell, 1860

(1876). An Intra-Mercurial Planet. Nature, 14(362):505

Covington, 1860

Lummis, 1862

Coumbary, 1865

Swift and Watson, 1878:

In fact, Swift and Watson (two oustanding American observational astronomers) had declared that they had seen TWO intra-mercurial planets (that's Garuda and its main satellite).

Then, after 1882, there were no more astronomical observations.

In a paper published just three days ago, Michael Lund of CalTech proposes that Garuda (Vulcan) had changed its orbit following the interaction with the great comet of 1882 and also comet Wells (1882):

"Simply put, Vulcan is no longer on the orbit that it was as of the middle of the 19th century, but is on an inclined orbit that would have placed it close to the sun, but outside of the narrow band alignedwith the sun’s equator that Campbell (1909) focused on."

"The first possibility, and the more straight forward one, is that Vulcan underwent a close gravitational interaction that significantly changed its orbit somewhere between
roughly 1880 and 1900."

"This provides the alternative possibility that through the von Zeipel-Lidov-Kozai mechanism, Mercury was able to significantly excite the orbital inclination of Vulcan, resulting in Vulcan rarely being in line with the sun’s equator and outside the region that intramercurial planet searches had deliberately targeted."

He also notes that Einstein did not explain "the observations that had been made of Vulcan".

In fact, Le Verrier's original calculations stand correct, since the equations provided by GTR cannot be used to analyze dynamical systems:

Then, starting about 2003, Garuda became active again and numerous photographs and videos were published depicting the FireBird next to the Sun.

Ancient astronomical text: Muspar (a fiery comet that loiters around the sun).

Definitely the acceleration of the rotation of Mars is related to the direct astronomical observations of planet Vulcan.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: February 01, 2025, 10:11:24 AM »
The rotation is a bit quicker than I'd expect but maybe there's something we're not taking in to account.

This is what it is not being taken into account:
The 3:18 image captured the Winged Disc, the prior and later images did not have this rare capture. Per Skymap, only the planet Mercury should be in the four o'clock position on that day, to the right of the Sun.

Garuda, video and image:

In the video there are at least 60 degrees of rotation, the figure might be even higher than that. Even if the angle of rotation would be, let's say, 48 degrees, the phenomenon could not be accounted for (official data: The Martian rotation is increasing by 4 milliarcseconds per year squared. That means the Martian day is shortening by a fraction of a millisecond per year).

The supernova remnant of the Sagittarius A event is the Crab nebula.

The possibility that high-intensity cosmic ray electron fronts could
travel out through the Galaxy from a source at the Galaxy’s center is a new
idea that was inspired by the zodiac’s galactic explosion message.
Consequently, astronomers had not previously seriously considered the
notion that the cosmic ray electrons trapped in these remnants might have
come from interstellar space. They presumed that the cosmic rays are
spread relatively uniformly throughout the Galaxy and have an intensity
about as low as levels currently observed in the vicinity of the solar system.
Of course, such intensities would be far too low to produce the large
quantities of synchrotron radio wave emission seen to come from these
remnants. As an alternative, astronomers speculated that the cosmic rays
producing this emission might have come from the original supernova
explosion. However, this theory failed to account for the radio wave output
from some of the more luminous remnants, such as Cassiopeia A and the
Crab Nebula.

In the case of the Crab Nebula, astronomers have
suggested that the electrons are being supplied by the Crab pulsar, a
pulsating neutron star located near the nebula’s center, or at least along our
line of sight to its center.

However, the cosmic rays producing the radiation seen to come directly
from the pulsar may not necessarily be the only ones energizing the Crab
Nebula. This much may be gathered by comparing the pulsar’s radiation
spectrum to that of the nebula (see figure 10.7). Whereas both spectra have
the same slope in the X-ray frequency region, their radiation intensities
(flux densities) both decreasing with increasing frequency in a similar
fashion, the slopes of the two spectra differ substantially in the radio and
optical spectral regions. Most of the Crab Nebula’s X-ray emission comes
from a localized region lying within half a light-year of the pulsar; hence,
much of it may be powered by the pulsar’s cosmic ray wind.

Interestingly, the radio map of Cassiopeia A presented in figure 10.8 shows the
remnant to be most luminous on its westward side (right side), which faces
the Galactic center and would be receiving the full brunt of the superwave
onslaught. Furthermore, the remnant is seen to be least luminous on its
eastern side (left side), which is in the lee of this cosmic ray wind. A
similarly skewed distribution in brightness is apparent in X-ray images of
Cas A, such as the one shown in figure 10.9.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 31, 2025, 09:45:32 AM »

Plasma Flux Transfer Events between Saturn and the Sun

A twisted magnetic field structure, previously never seen before at Saturn, has now been detected for the first time ... When the Sun’s magnetic field interacts with the Earth’s magnetic field (the magnetosphere), a complex process occurs called magnetic reconnection which can twist the field into a helical shape. These twisted helically structured magnetic fields are called flux ropes or “flux transfer events” (FTEs) and are observed at Earth and even more commonly at Mercury ...

It is this kind of flux ropes which are the cause of the modification of the rotational speed of Mars. In my opinion it is the start of the reversal of the galactic magnetic field:

This reversal will start in Sagittarius A, and it will affect the silver galactic center (Orion/Gemini):

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 31, 2025, 06:51:25 AM »
We don't care about the martian "sol", that's RET. In FET, the Earth îs stationary while Mars rotates with respect to the Earth.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 30, 2025, 10:00:16 PM »
The Martian rotation is increasing by 4 milliarcseconds per year squared. That means the Martian day is shortening by a fraction of a millisecond per year.

60 degrees in 3 hours = 480 degrees in 24 hours, a gain of 33% in the rotational speed.

Of course, in FET it is the layers of clouds which are rotating, not the planet itself.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 30, 2025, 06:59:27 PM »
The area around the north pole in the video.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 30, 2025, 06:39:25 PM »
If we watch the rotation of the NP, it looks like some 90 degrees. Of course, more observations from amateur astronomers are needed.

Flat Earth Theory / Is Mars rotating faster?
« on: January 30, 2025, 05:37:06 PM »

The footage included was shot over 3 hours using an 11-inch Celestron NexStar GPS telescope and a Blackmagic Pocket Cinema camera.

In those three hours, Mars has rotated by almost 90 degrees. If Mars rotates a quarter of a circle in 3 hours, then it makes a full rotation in 12 hours. However, the official full rotation time is ~24 hours and 30 minutes.

On GLP there is a discussion on this topic, but they are not aware of the discrepancy of the rotation time in the video.

Either the author of the video filmed for six hours (the video is for visual effects, and has little to do with astrophysics) or something else is going on.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: January 25, 2025, 01:08:36 PM »
How did you figure that out? Did you consult your tarot cards?

Chapters 27-30:*/

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: January 25, 2025, 10:05:49 AM »
There are several screengrabs in this thread, all dealing with the August 12, 2026 total solar ecilpse. What I am stating is this: if the Sun will go beyond one of the Tropics before that date (8/12/26) the times listed for the solar/lunar eclipses for the 21st century will have to be modified greatly (they may not even occur at all after the astronomical reset).

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: January 25, 2025, 09:08:47 AM »
1967: "The results were ASTONISHING. The cosmic rays could not penetrate the water saturated limestone blocks of the pyramids."

1974: "In 1974, apparently unaware of the pyramid x-raying of Alvarez, the National Science Foundation launched another attempt to x-ray the pyramids.

This time the results were published.

The limestone rocks were too saturated with water to allow penetration by cosmic rays."

The Gizeh pyramid was submerged under the sea for weeks, up to an altitude of 100 meters:

That is when the last magnetic pole reversal and dome shift had occurred. And where the countdown of the precessional clock began. In my opinion we are very near the end of the Sun's precessional cycle, where it will reach the outer limit of its alloted orbit, and then it will go beyond the Tropic: this event will start the astronomical reset.

The grammatical errors which have been found in the text of the book of apocalypse:

C. Selwynn’s complaint regarding John’s grammar: it would be a “disgrace” to an “English fifth-form school-boy” because it involves “hopelessly bad Greek.” Schlesinger notes that “the solecisms of the Apocalypse remain virtually indetectable to the English reader. English translations smooth out the awkward grammar of the apocalyptist so that the reader of the English is never ‘stopped in mid-course and confounded.”

As Maier puts it: “a reading of contemporary translations of the Apocalypse [does] not reveal [its] complexity. The Book of Revelation translated in modern English Bibles reflects a cleaned-up Greek text and, especially when it comes to translation of verb tenses, a far more orderly account of the things John heard and saw than the original suggests.”

The original text in 13:5 says "new moons", not "months". That is, forty and two new moons. new moons not months,Hisgalus%201&version=ESV;OJB

4. And the moon shall alter her order,
And not appear at her time.

That is, there will be 42 consecutive new moons (40 days or so), not 42 consecutive months.

When the Sun will go beyond the Tropic, everything we know about astronomy will be thrown into dissaray, including the periodicity/recurrence of the solar/lunar eclipses.

The first sign to watch out for will be the massive disruptions in the GPS signals.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: January 24, 2025, 09:46:18 PM »

The original mayan step pyramid on the Great Seal.

But why is the year 1776 depicted on the first step of the pyramid? Why is it so important?


On June 21 1776, Jupiter was on top of the club held by Orion, and so it will be on June 21 2025. Now, in FET we have the westward precessional shift of the Sun, ~1.52-1.54 km/yr.

While the total interval which has been alloted for the solar precession measures 508.8 km, we can infer from various sources that after the great flood there are only 381.8 km left which amounts to some 249 years.

Most researchers refer to this source when they are trying to calculate the date of the astronomical reset:

The sun, moon, and Brihaspati will align in the constellation of Karkata and enter simultaneously the lunar mansion of Pushya (Pushya Nakshatra) at that exact moment the age of Satya, or Krita, will begin.
Srimad Bhagavatam, Canto 12

Karkata = Crab constellation

The problem is with Brihaspati which is Rudra (Betelgeuse), and since Jupiter and Mars were located exactly in that sign of the zodiac some 249 years ago (the date which I believe was related to the last astronomical reset), Brihaspati became planet Jupiter (Vedic cosmology). However, Brihaspati is Rudra. How would Rudra move between the Gemini and Crab constellations from its current position?

And the moon shall alter her order,
And not appear at her time.
[And in those days the sun shall be seen and he shall journey in the evening †on the extremity of the great chariot† in the west]
And shall shine more brightly than accords with the order of light.

And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order (prescribed).
And these shall alter their orbits and tasks,
And not appear at the seasons prescribed to them.

If I knew precisely the date when Sun had started to move precesionally westward, I could calculate the time of the next astronomical reset to the very day.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Solar Eclipse of Aug 12, 2026
« on: January 24, 2025, 12:02:00 PM »
I highly doubt that the world is going to experience the August 2026 solar eclipse. When the Sun will reach the outer limit of its precessional westward shift, it will start to orbit beyond the Tropic, and this phenomenon will happen soon. The first signs to watch out for will be massive GPS signal fluctuations/interferences, which will indicate a magnetic pole shift (reversal).

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: December 05, 2024, 09:51:31 PM »
A. Gullstrand recognized the fact that the Einstein field equations are applicable only to static systems and not dynamical systems. That is why Einstein did not get the Nobel prize for TGR.

As early as 1917 experts in tensor calculus had found out about the flaws in TGR:

A paper by T. Levi-Civita in 1917, one of the inventors of Tensor Calculus, showing that Einstein's pseudo-tensor is nonsense because it leads to the requirement for a first-order, intrinsic, differential invariant, which, as is well known to the pure mathematicians, does not exist:

That is why, in that same year (1917), H. Weyl extended TGR by using non-riemannian geometry:

TGR is an incomplete, subluminal theory. What we need and want is a superluminal theory, which unifies electrodynamics with gravity.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: December 04, 2024, 02:32:22 PM »
It's not what I might not like, it's the definite proofs that Eddington cooked the data (multiple sources).

Now, for someone to say that they have performed an experiment confirming Eddington's data would be to actually confirm his errors. So, the title of the experiment "Modern Eddington X" is somewhat unfortunate.

Problems with the MEE2024:

They used RE stellar parallax and proper motion data, not to mention differential relativistic aberration, using an outside source, namely the US Naval Observatory NOVAS program.

Moreover, FET also states that light will be affected by gravitational waves: both light (e/m) waves and gravitational waves propagate/travel together in double torsion fashion:

If the gravitational wave is influenced by any outside factors, so will the light wave, since they propagate together.

There is only one way to see if the MEE2024 also was arranged in such a way as to "confirm" Einstein's relativity equations. Are the Einstein field equations correct? If they are incorrect, then the data flies out the window at once.

More to the point, do the Einstein field equations apply to dynamical or only static problems? To make the analysis even easier, is there a bounded dynamical solution?

For the dynamic case when gravitational waves are involved, it has been proven in 1995 that the Einstein equation does not have any bounded dynamic solution. This has far reaching consequences.

A. Gullstrand, Chairman (1922-1929) of the Nobel Prize Committee for Physics, did suspect that Einstein‘s equations are invalid because they cannot be derived from the approach of a solution for many-body problems.

he Necessary Existence of Gravitational Waves and the Repulsive Gravitation

Incompleteness of General Relativity, Einstein's Errors, and Related Experiments

General relativity is incomplete since it does not include the gravitational radiation reaction force and the interaction of gravitation with charged particles.  Moreover, there is no bounded dynamic solution for the Einstein equation. Note that the Einstein equation with an electromagnetic wave source has no valid solution unless a photonic energy-stress tensor with an anti-gravitational coupling is added. Thus, the photonic energy includes gravitational energy.

Historically, Einstein's confidence on his theory was based on that he obtained the remaining of the perihelion of Mercury from his equation. However, since the calculation of perihelion of Mercury is based on a perturbation approach to get the influence of other planets, Einstein must show that the perturbation approach is valid. Nevertheless, Gullstrand suspected that the Einstein equation does not have such a solution. Thus, Einstein was awarded a Nobel Prize for his photo-electric effects instead of general relativity as many theorists expected.

Errors of the Wheeler School, the Distortions to General Relativity and the Damage to Education in MIT Open Courses in Physics

The reason, as shown, is that bounded dynamic solutions actually do not exist. For the dynamic case, the non-linear Einstein equation and its linearization also cannot have compatible solutions.

The existence of a dynamic solution requires an additional gravitational energy-momentum tensor with an antigravity coupling.

The issue of dynamic solutions in general relativity existed from the beginning of this theory until currently. The question started with the calculation of the perihelion of Mercury. In 1915 Einstein obtained the expected value of the remaining perihelion with his theory, and thus was confident of its correctness. The subsequent confirmation of the bending of light, further boosted his confidence. However, unexpectedly the base of his confidence was questioned by Gullstrand, the Chairman of the Nobel Prize for Physics. The perihelion of Mercury is actually a many-body problem, but Einstein had not shown that his calculation could be derived from such a necessary step. Thus, Mathematician D. Hilbert, who approved Einstein's initial calculation, did not come to its defense.

The Errors in the Fields Medals, 1982 to S. T. Yau and 1990 to E. Witten

The Repulsive Gravitation and Errors of Einstein's_Notion_of_Weak_Gravity_Einstein's_Equivalence_Principle_and_the_Absence_of_Dynamic_Solutions_for_the_1915_Einstein_Equation's_Unification's_Inverse_Square_Law_and_Unification_of_Gravitation_and_Electromagnetism_--_the_questionable_accurate_gravitational_constant_of_J_Luo_--'s_Radiation_Formula_and_Modifications_to_the_Einstein_Equation


The Question of Space-Time Singularities in General Relativity and Einstein's Errors

The American Physical Society and Errors in Gravitation

Comments on “Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism by Mohammed A. El-Lakany” & Einstein’s Unification

The non-locality of the gravitational wave reflects that the Einstein equation misses a term, the energy-momentum tensor with the anti-gravity coupling.  This missing term is
also the reason that the Einstein equation does not have any dynamic solution.

Dr. C.Y. Lo
PhD Mathematics, Queen's University
PhD Physics, MIT

On the question of a dynamic solution in general relativity

Linearization of the Einstein Equation and The 1993 Press Release of the Nobel Prize in Physics

The Gravitational Wave and Einstein Equation

Dr. C.Y. Lo

A paper by T. Levi-Civita in 1917, one of the inventors of Tensor Calculus, showing that Einstein's pseudo-tensor is nonsense because it leads to the requirement for a first-order, intrinsic, differential invariant, which, as is well known to the pure mathematicians, does not exist:

The anti-gravitational coupling term for the Biefeld-Brown effect was derived for the first time by H. Weyl in 1917:


Flat Earth Theory / Re: Gravity
« on: December 04, 2024, 07:59:37 AM »
Modern physics claims that the electron has a charge of negative 1 or -1. Having seen that an "electron" is made up of preons, it then stated that those preons have "fractional charge".

However, as we have seen in the previous messages, the graviton itself (the right handed subquark) has a charge of -1. Which means that the "electron" actually has a charge of -9. When it is convenient to them, physicists will immediately state that the electron has a charge of -1, yet when they are confronted with the "fractional charge" problem, they will simply ignore the issue.

The same thing is occurring with the proton: we are told it has a charge of +1. Yet, when scientists see that quarks and subquarks have fractional charges, they again ignore the issue. However, theoretical physicists have found out that the smallest possible vortex (graviton/antigraviton loop) itself has the charge of +1 (left handed vortex) or a charge of -1 (right handed vortex)..

So, there are NINE individual "electrons" and NINE separate "protons" in the atom. Nine gravitons, each with a charge of -1, make up the "electron". Nine antigravitons, each with a charge of +1, make up the "proton". Nine separate charges. That is where the 9.86 figure comes from when describing atomic density: nine subquarks + 0.86 (the connecting lines). Each has a separate +1 or -1 charge.

Sin embargo, la teoría de la relatividad general de Einstein proporciona una explicación sólida

Claiming in Spanish that TGR is a "solid theory" will not make it true.

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