Used to be a card carrying Communist. Still have the card, in fact. I am a registered Republican now. Politically, I admit to being a total mess. I despise modern-day liberal bullshit, which is what the Democrats (and the Communist Party USA [CPUSA]) espouse. I don't like all the socially liberal crap.
But on a purely economic level, I am still basically Marxist. So, I guess you could say that I registered Republican for moral and ethical reasons, in many ways, as well as for their firm support of Israel. But economically I would better fit a Left Wing, even borderline Communist approach.
The problem is that in this country, economics and morals have gotten all mixed and muddled. If you are a Conservative morally speaking, you are invariably a Republican. If you are a Liberal morally speaking, you are invariably a Democrat.
It didn't used to be that way. Just a few years ago, you could be what they called a Blue Dog Democrat. A socially conservative, economically Left wing Democrat. You could also be a socially liberal, economically Right Wing Republican.
But at this point, most Republicans are socially conservative, economically Right Wing persons. Most Democrats are socially liberal, economically Left Wing persons.
And then you start mixing the two. So, I consider myself a borderline Communist, but as a social conservative, I oppose race based Affirmative Action. I don't believe in transfer of wealth just because a guy comes from a historically mistreated group of people. That's crap in my view.
I am in favour of social welfare, yes, like any good Communist, but not based on race. And like any sensible human, I believe that hand-outs should be limited. In return for social welfare, a person should be required to get job training, and should be required to look for work, and should be tested for drugs. If you are tested for drugs to keep your job, why aren't they tested for drugs to take your money?
So this country is a cluster-f**k in my view. So I end up a Republican for moral reasons, even though I'm basically still a Communist economically speaking.