That's what hypocrisy is, using one set of standards for your evidence, and another for everyone elses. Is that more clear?
If I was doing that, then yeah...but I am, it isn't.
So you do agree that multiple flat earth maps are a reason to dismiss them?
Why would I do that?
I happily agree that all RE maps are invalid. Unless you have just one you want to settle on.
Because you had an issue with two people giving you different ideas as to the source of noise, and claimed that meant it was invalid.
I never claimed one or the other was invalid.
Quit making stuff up.
You said "Turns out you RE have no solid, definitive explanation at all." as a response to those comments where you told them to make up their mind.
I suppose that means you agree that "Turns out you FE have no solid, definitive explanation at all." as well?
So why won't you do the same with all the conflicting flat earth maps? That's being a hypocrite.
Because I understand that all maps have inaccuracies.
Nothing hypocritical about it.
Maps based on a globe Earth don't have the continents in wildly differing places. Or missing continents.
I've never presented you with two conflicting maps of the world, the single map I use is a globe. The distance between Sydney and New York is the same on every map I use. But feel free to start a new discussion if you want to talk about that.
Yeah, stop introducing nonsense. You don't carry around a globe, checking on your destination as you go along.
First, you don't actually know I don't carry around a physical globe everywhere I go. It's possible.
Second, I carry the dataset of a globe based map in my pocket. Just like you don't carry around a folded map of a flat earth to navigate, you use the same map I do which is based on spherical coordinates. Lat and Lon. Even any flat map you might have in your pocket will be based on those coordinates.
So yes, I have all the data of a globe map in my pocket, and use it to navigate. Just like billions of other people do every day.
Just another instance of the ole "internet etiquette," crap I see.
You are getting your millage out of this one aren't you.

Don't make a statement and then complain when someone picks it apart.
If someone actually picked apart my statement, then you would have a point.
Denial isn't a counterargument.
It is when what is claimed happened didn't actually happen.
It's still denial if presented without argument or evidence. A simple denial in the end is just denial.
Yeah, whatever.
As usual, what you claim happened, did not happen. Just another entry into the list of lies you have presented in this forum.
Again, that is a simple denial now with the addition of calling me a liar. Please present your evidence of my latest 'lie' or stop accusing me of being a liar.
Internet etiquette and this.
Two instances.
That's another circular argument. I lied because you said I lied.