Indeed EnaG uses the lack off plants and animals as a further “proof” that the sun passes quickly overhead in high southg latitudes, so has much less energy. Without the plants and animals there would be no oil or coal or hydrocarbons inn the south.
Yeah I particularly enjoyed that section... as someone who grew up in New Zealand and goes back regularly. Seems pretty "leafy" to me lol Now I live in Australia... aside from the central desert bit, equally as leafy on the coast
Pretty silly really... given it's light for on average 12 hours a day, regardless of north or south, somehow the sun moving faster overhead means there's less light? So it's lighter for the same amount of time, yet also less light... somehow. Doesn't reconcile. No doubt due to "magnetism" or "celestial gravity"
It’s not that leafy and green here in Dampier, just bloody hot with no rain!
I think what he was getting at is that the suns energy is spread out over a further distance, so less plants. It was just his reasoning for it which was off, but then he had to come up with an explanation that fitted in with his other theories.
He was sort of right, as the higher the lattitude the shallower the angle of the sun, so the same amount of solar radiation is spread over a larger area, therefore less heat, equals cooler. However as New Zealand is slightly closer to the tropics then the UK (on the most part) it is not surprising it is nice and green, plus the rain that falls!
The real difference is lack of land mass until you get to the Antarctic circle, so less land to soak up the suns energy when it is shining. Which is the reason there is lots and lots of Tundra, and great north forests in the north, and none in the high south latitudes.
Anyway the wiki does nothing to adequately explain about plate tectonics, and all the multitude or theories are just that theories, which is not Zetetic in any way! There is a monopole, a bi polar model, but no consensus off which is right, the ice wall was described in EnaG as being to the south, but “might” not be, and if it is not where Antarctica is (bi polar model) then why has no one got any pictures of it, or can describe where exactly it is?
If indeed the monopole is the answer to the flat earth, then how can it explain that people have travelled right across the South Pole, starting at South America (or thereabouts) and ended up south of Australia (or thereabouts)? And planes have flown over it, photographed it, yet no one has got to the edge of the world........