I propose that a temporary rule in the upper foura be put in place announcing that we are trying to create a modern edition of Earth Not a Globe as a community and that all conversations should be focused around this idea. A similar announcement should be made on the main page. It's going to take a monumental amount of effort to create a modern edition of Earth Not a Globe
When questions are posted for us to answer about FET the discussion should be centered on sticking to an agreed upon format and contributing to the work. RE'ers can provide challenge questions as desired, but two rules would need to be followed:
Rule 1: Stay on topic - All threads should keep on topic. If a question is asked about sinking ships, and the poster asks about the Apollo missions, his question will be ignored and redirected to the rules page.
Rule 2: All conversations must contribute to writing a modern edition of Earth Not a Globe. That doesn't mean we should finish one chapter per thread, but it does mean that we should focus our conversations on providing comprehensive answers, referencing supporting evidence, creating professional sentence and paragraph structure, and finding holes in explanations.
While not part of this vote proposal, I gave a suggestion for how this book should be formatted here: