Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« on: January 24, 2016, 09:28:36 AM »
Flat Earth Theory is the key to understanding the cosmology of the Universe.

Flat Earth Theory is unified field theory, an answer to each of the most important and fundamental questions posed by physicists and chemists.

It encompasses all sciences, from quantum ether mechanics, to the field of the new radical chronology of history.

This section, the Frequently Asked Questions, is meant to provide a basic and correct understanding of the geography, physics and cosmology of the Flat Earth.

How do we know the surface of the earth is actually flat?

The most important and direct proof is the fact that the Tunguska explosion (June 30, 1908) was seen all the way from London, instantaneously (it was also observed all over Europe).

If the light from the Sun could not reach London due to curvature and/or any light reflection phenomena, then certainly NO LIGHT from an explosion which occurred at some 7 km altitude in the atmosphere could have been seen at all, at the same time, on a spherical earth.

Other important proofs: photographs which do show that there is no curvature whatsoever across the strait of Gibraltar, across the English Channel, or across Lake Ontario.

What is terrestrial and planetary/stellar gravity?

Terrestrial gravity is a force of PRESSURE and is not attractive.

This pressure is applied/exerted by telluric currents which fundamentally interact with all matter.

A telluric current is basically a subquark string which travels in double torsion fashion.

The dextrorotatory subquarks cause disintegration, decay and the influence of gravity; the laevorotatory subquarks provide the antigravitational force as exemplified in the celebrated experiments of Lamoreaux, DePalma, Kozyrev, Brown.

Magnetic monopoles are subquarks.

Through the subquarks we have a flow of bosons/antibosons.

In a conductor, which consists of the same subquark strings, these subquarks align themselves to allow the boson flow (what we actually call electricity).

Magnetism is the same phenomenon: a flow of bosons through subquarks outside a conductor, the other (electricity) a flow of bosons inside a conductor.

Planetary/stellar gravity is a rotational type of force: it is the aether/ether itself which keeps the planets and stars orbiting using double torsional forces. This double torsion force in the shape of a vortex is responsible for the movements of the heavenly bodies in a precise fashion.

What does the Earth look like?

The radius of the flat earth measures 6356.21 km.

This is the correct flat earth map:

It is covered by a dome made up of aether and ether, the very reason all Nasa missions could not have taken place as described in the official science.

Aether = medium through which the subquarks strings (ether) flow

How does the Sun orbit above the flat earth?

Rotate the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn by 23.5 degrees, and we get the upper and lower bounds for the orbit of the Sun on a flat earth.

It rises from beyond Japan and illuminates at least half of the entire surface (not a spotlight sun at all), and sets somewhere beyond Antarctica.

Then, it rises again to complete its orbit over the other half of the semicircle (approximately).

The most important part of the Sun's orbit is its precession (the westward shift of 1.5 km/year).

The shape of the Sun (and all other planets/stars) is that of a disk.

Its diameter measures some 600 meters.

It orbits at some 15-20 km above the surface of the flat earth.

There are five heavenly bodies which do have the same diameter: the Sun, the Moon, Jupiter, the Black Sun, and the Shadow Moon.

The Black Sun causes the solar eclipse and also the celebrated Allais effect.

The Black Sun emits the laevorotatory subquarks, the fundamental particle of the flat earth.

The Shadow Moon causes the lunar eclipse and emits the dextrorotatory subquarks.

Most stars and planets have a diameter of some 30 meters and orbit above the first dome (described above), and underneath the second dome (the final dome of the flat earth universe), using aether/ether as a rotational gravitational force.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2016, 09:39:41 AM by sandokhan »

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2016, 08:18:21 AM »
15-20km? Do we need pilots testimonies for this since they've flown only 4-9 km from the sun then? Surely some must be able to say they've been screaming past the sun during a flight in bright daylight.

What about the planes that  can operate in 20km of altitude. Have they been looking down at the sun?

What about high altitude balloons?
Ignored by Intikam since 2016.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2016, 08:34:40 AM »
Well, not only screaming past the sun, but it should also be quite a lot bigger than it actually is, if it indeed was hanging 15-20 km above ground with a diameter of 600 meters, due to perspective.

Also, Felix Baumgartner.. Did he soar past the sun on his way down? Must've been quite hot.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2016, 09:48:08 AM »
My AFET is totally tested in countless debates: how many times do you think I engaged in discussions re: the sun's orbit/high altitude jumps?

No one has ever been able to debunk my AFET, rest assured.

In fact, here is the 20 page thread on the solar orbit: (PAGES 6-8)

Here you will find the ISS solar transit photos/videos:

(Watch the ISS solar/lunar videos and convince yourself that F. Baumgartner could not have jumped from an altitude higher than 12-14 km)

Moreover, we have had ample discussions on how altitude is erroneously measured (amateur rockets/balloons):

You see, my AFET is the ONLY flat earth theory that has been thoroughly tested in debates: it won each and every time.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 09:54:04 AM by sandokhan »

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2016, 10:00:32 AM »
My AFET is totally tested in countless debates: how many times do you think I engaged in discussions re: the sun's orbit/high altitude jumps?

No one has ever been able to debunk my AFET, rest assured.

In fact, here is the 20 page thread on the solar orbit: (PAGES 6-8)

Here you will find the ISS solar transit photos/videos:

(Watch the ISS solar/lunar videos and convince yourself that F. Baumgartner could not have jumped from an altitude higher than 12-14 km)

Moreover, we have had ample discussions on how altitude is erroneously measured (amateur rockets/balloons):

You see, my AFET is the ONLY flat earth theory that has been thoroughly tested in debates: it won each and every time.

I participated in that post, and you didn't win anything, not even remotely close. People stopped commenting on your replies because they were ludicrous, and despite the wall-of-text nature of your posts in general, there were nothing in them resembling a proof.
Ignored by Intikam since 2016.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2016, 10:34:00 AM »
It is a pity that you are living in a delusional world.

Let me wake YOU up to REALITY.

That thread turned into a COMPLETE AND TOTAL DISASTER for you.





A total debunking, destruction, demolition of your fairy world of scienceless science.


Your answer proved that you have no idea about astrophysics, none whatsoever.


Please come to your senses: you have the audacity to come here and post in such a manner?

YOU were not able to answer to any of my points.

YOU were totally and absolutely debunked 100%.

It will happen each and every time you have the misfortune to challenge me on FET.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 09:04:11 PM by sandokhan »


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2016, 10:37:39 AM »
I read the FAQ you posted and I am very confused.

Like if monopole magnets are subquaks, then wouldn't a string of monopole magnets be a string of subquarks?

Also, if boson's flow through subquark strings to make electricity and magatism, how can subquark strings exist if Aether = medium through which the subquarks strings (ether) flow when Aether is only above the atmosphere as the dome?

Finally, if bosons flow outside a conductor to make magetism, then what about a permanent bar magnet?  The bosons should be flowing inside the conductive metal, out into the non-conductive air, then around and back into the conductive metal.  But no electricity flows in the metal.

Also, we see lighting.  Does that mean Air is a conductor?  What about rocks?  Wood?  Plastic?  People?
What is a conductor?
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2016, 11:22:18 AM »
YOU were not able to answer to any of my points.

YOU were totally and absolutely debunked 100%.

It will happen each and every time you have the misfortune to challenge me on FET.

Don't you think that's a tad narcissistic? Considering the state of FET and the different fractions of Flat Earth Societies, do you acknowledge the fact that other Flat Earther's don't agree with you?

You can't just cling on to your own material as if it's the truth. This is exactly what you accuse Round Earther's to do.

I don't live in a delusional world. In fact, I'll even go as far as to say that whether the Earth is flat or round, it doesn't change a thing, except for that very fact. My life will go on as always. I'm not sure what a RE conspiracy would ever gather from me in the long run at all, which is the very reason you should question FET to begin with. When that question is answered, be can begin to disregard known facts, speculate and theorize.

After all, considering that more than 2000 years of scientific knowledge and facts which our ancestors have bled and died for is being confirmed on a daily (hourly, minutely) basis, the burden of proof is really on you. Period.
Ignored by Intikam since 2016.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2016, 11:58:34 AM »
Considering the state of FET and the different fractions of Flat Earth Societies, do you acknowledge the fact that other Flat Earther's don't agree with you?

They do tacitly agree with me when and as they have to rely on my AFET each and every time they find themselves unable to answer even simple questions re: gravity, radio waves, ring laser gyroscopes, axial precession, beam neutrinos, maps, solar/lunar orbits/facts.

Each time I intervene and restore the balance with my AFET means another blow to the other FE "theories".

After all, considering that more than 2000 years of scientific knowledge and facts which our ancestors have bled and died for is being confirmed on a daily (hourly, minutely) basis, the burden of proof is really on you. Period.

Let me remind you how history has been falsified/faked:

lorddave, your questions are very welcome.


A string of subquarks = a string of magnetic monopoles

Aether is everywhere: it is more dense above the atmosphere as we get nearer to the dome.

Lightning occurs when telluric currents (subquarks strings) align themselves to pass the energy (electrostatic discharge).

Remember Tesla's experiments with lightning: the energy propagates itself exactly through the same subquark strings.

The wave-particle duality paradox of official science is finally resolved: bosons (longitudinal waves) travel through subquarks strings (transversal waves).

ETHER MAGNETRICITY (double vortices of magnetic monopoles in magnets, real time photographs):

In a permanent magnet, the subquarks inside the magnet align themselves to allow the boson flow (magnetic flow) to occur; when a ferromagnetic material is subjected to an external magnetic field, the telluric currents near the material will form a double vortex around the object, aligning themselves with the subquarks inside the material.

« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 12:03:52 PM by sandokhan »


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2016, 01:02:48 PM »
Since subquarks are smaller than quarks which are smaller than electrons which are smaller than atoms..

How does so many align spontaneously?  And why?

Also, what about electrons?

And your "diality paradox solution" is a paradox.  A boson is a particle.  A subquark is... God knows what.  Neither is a wave.  And if they are, a wave of what?  Energy?

Also, what about "what is a conductor"?

And if bosons are one wave and subquark strings are the other, how do they impart momentum energy when passing through matter?  (Bosons and subquarks are both smaller than matter thus can't impact it.)
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2016, 02:01:10 PM »
Flat Earth Theory = Subquark Theory = Ether

It is as simple as this.

Sun's Orbit = Solar Precession = A Very Short Chronology of History

These are the two pillars on which true FET rests.





First state of ether: BARYONS.

Second state of ether: MESONS.

Third state of ether: QUARKS.

Fourth state of ether: SUBQUARKS.

Fifth state of ether: AETHER.

Astral state of ether: BOSONS/ANTIBOSONS.


A proton is made up of NINE laevorotatory subquarks - an electron is actually comprised of NINE dextrorotatory subquarks (called now preons).

However, modern science has mistakenly named a SINGLE dextrorotatory subquark as an electron and has ascribed THE TOTAL charge of the NINE corresponding subquarks as the total negative charge of a single electron, thus confusing the whole matter.

How do subquarks align?


"Sound is the highest quality of the fourth state of matter (ether or akasha). The first state of ether arises due to high vibrations of sound. It says that matter has a sound aspect, and when a vibration is caused it generates an acoustical wave which travels through the air working with it concurrently and resulting in oscillations of paticles in the air and this causes the intermolecular space of the air to rise in vibrations and causes the atoms to eventually work into the first state of the ether."

A subquark is made up of strings of bosons and antibosons which rotate at incredibly high speeds, creating a double vortex tornado.

Energy = Sound (we can include here emotions, thoughts, imagination)

Bioenergy = Aether (spirit)

"The photo-electric effect and the Compton effect are
cited as proof that photons are transmitted from source to
destination. Recorded impacts are evidence of the arrival of
the sent photons. However, the same effect can be explained
by waves traveling through the medium of aether activating
aether cells already located at the destination, thus giving the
false impression of the cells actually having traveled there.
Similarity with a line of dominoes provides visualization of
this phenomenon. The first one is pushed into the second and
so on, with the final domino striking whatever is next to it at
the destination. Think also of waves from a ship striking the
seashore. It is the waves but not the water that travel from
the ship to the shore. It is acknowledged that the photoelectric
effect and the Compton effect gained acceptance
because they were able to provide a quantitative evaluation
of the phenomena, whereas the wave analysis did not, but it
is suggested that this was due to the lack of consideration of
an aether supporting the waves."

If needed, I can also explain the physics of a single boson or antiboson.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #11 on: January 26, 2016, 03:16:37 PM »
And this is why your FAQ is terrible.  It requires a degree in levee to understand anything you say.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #12 on: January 26, 2016, 04:20:54 PM »
The FAQ is the very first message: it is absolutely accesible to every reader, and it does answer the questions that the official faq cannot.

What ensued after the first message is a debate.

The readers of the FEFAQ want to be challenged, to go beyond what the official science has to say.

My explanations are pretty clear: please read the bibliographical material, explained by the best scientists in the world (for example, Dr. Stephen Phillips of UCLA).

I have even put at your disposal PHOTOGRAPHS of magnets with subquark flow.

Finally, you don't seem to understand what is going on here.

Other than my FAQ, the reader will not able to get the answers he/she wants re: FET.

Not from the official faq anyway.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #13 on: January 26, 2016, 04:47:44 PM »
The FAQ is the very first message: it is absolutely accesible to every reader, and it does answer the questions that the official faq cannot.
It is not the first message.
Also, what you wrote answers nothing.  I'm sorry but if I can't understans the answers without first understanding how subquarks flow inside the aether (and what aether is) then its not a faq.  (Frequently Asked Questions). What it is, is a book.

The readers of the FEFAQ want to be challenged, to go beyond what the official science has to say.
Or they want answers to frequently asked questions.

My explanations are pretty clear: please read the bibliographical material, explained by the best scientists in the world (for example, Dr. Stephen Phillips of UCLA).
No, they really aren't.  You didn't define a quark or a boson.  I know they're subparticles that make up quantum physics but most will not.

I have even put at your disposal PHOTOGRAPHS of magnets with subquark flow.
How do you photograph a subquark when they are, by definition, smaller than light waves?  Smaller than electrons?  If you're talking about the picture, thats a single subquark string, so not a magnet with subquark flow.

Finally, you don't seem to understand what is going on here.

Other than my FAQ, the reader will not able to get the answers he/she wants re: FET.

Not from the official faq anyway.
I haven't gotten any answer I understand yet.  Do you think a new person will do better?  I at least know you and am familiar with your work.

The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #14 on: January 26, 2016, 06:30:27 PM »
The FAQ is just the very first message, not the debate which ensued afterwards: I am telling you how things are, you seem to  want to be making up the rules on this thread, which is kind of rude, don't you think?

You haven't paid your dues here or anywhere else to be able to tell me what to do.

I have given the best references which do answer your questions (most of them are linked to this very site).

The other references do include the very definition of a quark, subquark, and a Higgs boson for that matter: obviously, as usual, your homework was done superficially, that is why you have no right to complain.

The photographs refer to subquark flow, that is, the magnetic field (Spintronics published these amazing images for the very first time).

Now, do not pretend that you do not understand the answers I have been providing to you.

What I was expecting from you, is to take your time, in fact several days, to go through the ample references I provided: here you are, 15 minutes later with a bizarre request, "simplify".

You were able to understand them when we were debating the DePalma experiment some years ago, no complaints from you then.

Trust my judgment: I know that most of my readers DO understand what I'm saying, and are very dissatisfied with the other faq.

The official faq answers NOTHING at all pertaining to gravity, radio waves and much more: if YOU are satisfied with this state of affairs, most other RE are not.

One of the RE asked a very simple question: how do you explain the ham radio distance to the moon measurements? No other FE was able to answer (nor will they using the official faq). But I was.

My FAQ does answer the important questions, no matter what you say: it has been used for the past  eight years to defeat each and everyone of the best RE (perhaps they understood it much better than you can).
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 06:35:34 PM by sandokhan »

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2016, 06:36:25 PM »
The FAQ is just the very first message, not the debate which ensued afterwards: I am telling you how things are, you seem to  want to be making up the rules on this thread, which is kind of rude, don't you think?

You haven't paid your dues here or anywhere else to be able to tell me what to do.

I have given the best references which do answer your questions (most of them are linked to this very site).

The other references do include the very definition of a quark, subquark, and a Higgs boson for that matter: obviously, as usual, your homework was done superficially, that is why you have no right to complain.

The photographs refer to subquark flow, that is, the magnetic field (Spintronics published these amazing images for the very first time).

Now, do not pretend that you do not understand the answers I have been providing to you.

What I was expecting from you, is to take your time, in fact several days, to go through the ample references I provided: here you are, 15 minutes later with a bizarre request, "simplify".

You were able to understand them when we were debating the DePalma experiment some years ago, no complaints from you then.

Trust my judgment: I know that most of my readers DO understand what I'm saying, and are very dissatisfied with the other faq.

The official faq answers NOTHING at all pertaining to gravity, radio waves and much more: if YOU are satisfied with this state of affairs, most other RE are not.

One of the RE asked a very simple question: how do you explain the ham radio distance to the moon measurements? No other FE was able to answer (nor will they using the official faq). But I was.

My FAQ does the important questions, no matter what you say: it has been used for the past  eight years to defeat each and everyone of the best RE (perhaps they understood it much better than you can).
If you by photograph mean illustration, and by answers mean you're the only person in the world that cracked this mystery, yet you have zero credentials. Doesn't do you well for credibility. But we've had this discussion before, so let's not go there. I'll wait for someone here who actually seems to know something instead
Ignored by Intikam since 2016.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2016, 06:39:37 PM »
What you are doing here is called trolling.

You were completely defeated on each and every thread you participated in.

I have told you before, you live in a delusional world, of your own making.

My proofs are complete and very sound: they include, among other things, the Biefeld-Brown effect.

You think you are up to it to debate this with me here? It takes less than 30 seconds to debunk any of your drivel.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2016, 06:41:52 PM »
Now, a question for all of you here:

Are you satisfied with the official UAFE faq?

It answers nothing, it provides no proofs at all: it has been tested again and again, a total failure (three FE forums, no less).

I have never been defeated using my AFET: and people do want to read it because it works.


Offline Lord Dave

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Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2016, 07:07:54 PM »
The FAQ is just the very first message, not the debate which ensued afterwards: I am telling you how things are, you seem to  want to be making up the rules on this thread, which is kind of rude, don't you think?

You haven't paid your dues here or anywhere else to be able to tell me what to do.

I have given the best references which do answer your questions (most of them are linked to this very site).

The other references do include the very definition of a quark, subquark, and a Higgs boson for that matter: obviously, as usual, your homework was done superficially, that is why you have no right to complain.

The photographs refer to subquark flow, that is, the magnetic field (Spintronics published these amazing images for the very first time).

Now, do not pretend that you do not understand the answers I have been providing to you.

What I was expecting from you, is to take your time, in fact several days, to go through the ample references I provided: here you are, 15 minutes later with a bizarre request, "simplify".

You were able to understand them when we were debating the DePalma experiment some years ago, no complaints from you then.

Trust my judgment: I know that most of my readers DO understand what I'm saying, and are very dissatisfied with the other faq.

The official faq answers NOTHING at all pertaining to gravity, radio waves and much more: if YOU are satisfied with this state of affairs, most other RE are not.

One of the RE asked a very simple question: how do you explain the ham radio distance to the moon measurements? No other FE was able to answer (nor will they using the official faq). But I was.

My FAQ does answer the important questions, no matter what you say: it has been used for the past  eight years to defeat each and everyone of the best RE (perhaps they understood it much better than you can).

If I need days to understand an answer, then it really shouldn't be in an faq.

As for paying my dues, not sure which ones those are.  Activity?  Upper forum activity?  FET promotion?

Finally: ok.  Your readers trust your judgement.  Fine.

Let them speak your praise here.  In fact, if they do, its likely you'll win the vote and have your faq put up.

As for if I'm satisfied with the current faq: yes.
The conviction will get overturned on appeal.

Re: Advanced/Alternative Flat Earth Frequently Asked Questions
« Reply #19 on: January 26, 2016, 07:15:52 PM »
Flat Earth Theory is a complex theory encompassing many disciplines: yes, it does take a lot of time to master a certain subject.

My FAQ answers, in a very simple way, the most obvious questions: gravity, FE proofs, sun's orbit.

If you are satisfied with the official faq, NAME A SINGLE THREAD WHERE IT HAS BEEN USED TO EXPLAIN ANYTHING pertaining to questions on gravity, radio waves, solar orbit.

You won't be able to find it: how, then, can you put your name and signature next to something like this?

Have the UAFE ever provided any kind of a proof that the Earth is accelerating upwards in the universe?

None whatsoever.

I, on the other hand, can provide immediately several proofs of the existence of ether.

That is one of the big differences between the official faq and the AFET faq.

My praise comes from the fact that my theory has been tested again and again successfully, unlike yours.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2016, 07:17:45 PM by sandokhan »