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Messages - Spycrab

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Flat Earth Theory / Re: Question about the lives of flat earthers
« on: May 03, 2018, 01:18:00 PM »
Hi! I won’t try to convince anyone here that the earth is round. But I’m extremely interested in how your lives have been affected by your beliefs
Welcome! I can definitely understand your curiosity, though I hope you won't be too disappointed to find out that most of us are just regular, boring people.

Do you tell your friends and family that you believe the earth is flat?
Some of them. It's the same decision making process as whether or not you'd discuss politics with someone you know disagrees with you? Do I think they'll be a good sport about it, or will the conversation just turn into needless bickering? It all depends on the dynamic between the two people.

Are you extremely religous?
Not religious in the slightest!

When did you start believing the earth was flat?
Probably about 7 years ago. It's a gradual change, so it's hard to pinpoint it on a time line.
Actually if I may join in, what was the defining 'straw that broke the camel's back' as it were, that caused you to become a flat earther?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Garlic bread and the curve of the earth.
« on: May 03, 2018, 01:13:01 PM »
You are wrong. This effect will be present in any camera lens currently in existence...
Could you perhaps enlighten us with the mechanics behind these cameras' lies? Maybe they're all being baid off by nasa. ;)

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: satellite hoax
« on: May 03, 2018, 01:10:12 PM »

Since satellites don't exist what is this thing that the government is calling the "international space station" that I am able to see?

It could very well be an abnormally shaped asteroid-like space object.

It was not there in 1980. When did it get there? How did it get there? If it's man made then it's a satellite by definition.

If it's a natural space object, then it was always there. We just didn't discover it until 1980. Or possibly it was captured by the earth around that time.

OK. I'm outta here. You're either a troll or off your meds or both.
You have the temerity to say there is "no evidence" for satellites (which is bullshit, there's a ridiculous amount of evidence) and then spout a load of conjecture about balloons or natural space objects which you literally have no evidence for.

Also, if they're balloons lauched by the 'space travel conspiracists', then they're satellites by definition.
Also also, if there's an ionosphere, there's an atmosphere, so there's a sphere.
Also also also, how does ground-based gps work? We know the logistics of satellite gps, but mysteriously the """""""true""""""" method is unexplained.
Also also also also,
It's a natural layer of the earth's atmosphere that can reflect radio waves. It's used to send radio signals around world.
seems like you don't believe the flatness you preach.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Observation of the ISS
« on: May 01, 2018, 02:42:02 PM »
What speed have you tracked it as moving?

Personally, not I have.

Schoolchildren as projects it have done.

HOWEVER - I've seen it twice in one night, on more than one occasion. It reappeared 90 mins after the first pass. I'm sure I could work out the speed on the basis of its published orbital height, and this time, but you'd most likely quibble with whether or not the height was correct, wouldn't you?
I'm willing to take that wager.

Earth is reported to have a diameter of 7,917.5 mi.
The ISS orbits at 254 mi.
254*2+7,917.5 gives us the total diameter of 8425.5 mi.
times pi to get the circumfrence, and the orbital distance is about 26469.5 miles. (42598.53101 km if your country isn't stupid. ;))
if it completed that in 90 minutes, then it was travelling 294.1056 miles per minute.
Of course it needs to be visible.
Well, it is. It only orbits 254 miles up, that's practically nothing on a global scale.
Besides, the OP saw it exactly when it was supposed to be visible, where it was supposed to be visible, all that.
It's almost like NASA aren't lying bastards trying to decieve everyone always or something.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: satellite hoax
« on: April 30, 2018, 05:23:04 PM »
These objects could very well be balloons that NASA routinely deploys into the atmosphere in order to give viewers the impression that satellites are real.

Impossible. It is impossible to keep balloons moving in a steady, unchanged direction, like satellites do. Balloons will be moved around by the wind and blown in every direction, you cannot keep it steady. This is not only a problem for those tracking satellites (which thousands do every night), but also those using GPS, satellite TV, etc.
Now hang on there nick, let's play some devil's advocate.
You see, this is plausible in the flat earth model. Whatever force makes the sun and moon spin also could rotate the balloons.
Being lighter than air, they could sit on top of the atmosphere and rotate. (though pressure becomes a problem, they'd pop)
Also there's no wind in space.

In actuality though, balloons cannot replicate satellites.
Plus, if they can send up fake satellites that can hang in the air perpetually, rotating over the earth, couldn't they just send up real satellites?

Since we're on the topic...
I do not wish to insult, but this signature is unfortunate.
Not believing in evolution: wrong but reasonable. It's hard to observe and there's much confusion between the colloquial and scientific meanings of "theory".
Not believing in the globe: wrong but reasonable. It's a flat earth forum after all.
Not believing in the holocaust: wrong and unreasonable. The event was heavily documented and detailed, it was an immense tradgedy, and we need to establish "yes this did happen" so we do not forget the horrors of genocide. Not only that, but to deny it's occurrence it to deny the suffering and death of 6 million people who were starved, oveworked, opressed, burned, and gassed to death for not being Aryan. This is not a matter of 'proof' and 'alternative facts'. It's history.
Get some reading done.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: The "Google Maps background"
« on: April 27, 2018, 05:31:33 PM »
If they're putting a fake station into orbit, that adds more questions than it solves.
What is it made of?
How do they track it?
Wouldn't this be more far effort than just actually launching a space station?
It's the international space station. Wouldn't other governments know it's fake and tell folks?
How does it stay in orbit?
How do things orbit at all on a gravity-less flat earth?
How do they keep it in orbit?
How do they prevent it from colliding with other space debris?
If there's a fake ISS, does that mean you concede to things being able to orbit, e.g. satellites not being fake?
Does it orbit above or below the moon and sun?
If the UA is real, how does it stay up?
Can you prove it is fake without resorting to "the images are fake" or at least provide discrepancies in the photo that lead one to think it is fake?
Can you see the dome from there?
How did it get its momentum without being launched, unless again satellite launches are possible and real?
How would they transmit audio and video from the ISS of the astronauts?
What would the benefit be that could outweigh all of that work and implied bribe money, if it is indeed conspiratorial?
Does this mean they've been sending "fake" satellites up for all these years? How's sputnik doing?
If they can send fake sats, why not real ones?
How do we get satellite weather/mapping without the use of satellites?
Or, possibly, all of that is arbitrary, and the earth is round, the ISS is real along with satellites, and this debate doesn't need to exist.

Also, might I add how we can see clouds but not chemtrails?

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Ice Wall and Global Warming?
« on: April 27, 2018, 04:09:08 PM »
Oh it's real, mi amigo, no doubt there. 98% of scientists agree, and there is measurably more carbon in the air. From what I've heard though, the inhospitable cold from beyond the wall and the sheer magnitude of the structure makes it melt-proof. Of course global warming is still a problem for us, but not for the wall.

Why not?
This is explained in the quoted post. From what I can gather, the wall is too large and too low a temperature on the other side for it to melt.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Pangea and continental drift
« on: April 26, 2018, 04:37:16 PM »
Actually we're talking about antarctica's movement, but isn't it a ring around the earth next to the ice wall? How did it stretch from a continent to a ring? For the record, if it is a disc, how would continents stretch and fold as the moved without creating intense rift valleys and mountains all over? What force would cause them to be molded that way? Surely not sea-floor-spreading
Actually, how would geothermal processes and magnetism from the core work on a static flat earth?
The liquid core is spun by the earth's rotation, so if there's no rotation, no magnetism. And on a gratuiously smaller e.g. less massive earth would not be able to put adequate pressure on the inside to generate enough heat. This is quite the conundrum for FE.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Ice Wall and Global Warming?
« on: April 26, 2018, 03:05:06 PM »
Oh it's real, mi amigo, no doubt there. 98% of scientists agree, and there is measurably more carbon in the air. From what I've heard though, the inhospitable cold from beyond the wall and the sheer magnitude of the structure makes it melt-proof. Of course global warming is still a problem for us, but not for the wall.

We speak of 'winning' debates, but really no minds will be changed, by and large. The RE masses will stay ignorant, the FE truthers will stay ignorant as well. We're all too stuck in our beliefs and closed minded to the other side because "they're all idiots. Look at the proof it's obvious we're correct!". So no, flat heads are not admitting they're wrong. Nor are round heads.
However, having a dissenting opinion is good, as it prevents an echo chamber.
Look at the new wave feminism (it is not actually feminism, the values are very different, real feminism is actually quite respectable). They're all about echo chambers, and they've got all sorts of crazy ideas, because no one is there to give them a reality check. They're talking about how "men are pigs and don't have emotions besides uncontrllable rapist lust and all attempts at romance are just weakening the woman's guard so they can rape them, and all men need to be euthanized immeditely" etc. It's untrue, but no one's there to stop them.
Keep it real my flat dudes.

Fun fact: some quick online shopping can get you a high altitude balloon and a wireless camcorder for less than $160. Prove those round/flat earthers wrong for less!

Flat Earth Media / Re: Best Flat Earth Video's
« on: April 23, 2018, 05:18:21 PM »

Within the first minute he says that the horizon remains flat and rises to eye level no matter how high you go up.
Both of those things have been repeatedly proven to be untrue so I think watching the rest would be a waste of my time.

Most of us have flown in a plane @ 30,000 ft. or so and know your statement to be false. No one has ever seen a curvature of the Earth because it's flat. Trust your eyes and watch the video, who is he? btw. This is a well produced documentary with numerous contributors, squashing the fake news of a globe no one has ever seen. Turn the hubble around, oh in decades you can't. You can't get any pictures of Earth either, nothing but CGI. Thanks for playing, fakery.
What does 'rise' to eye level mean?

It means NASA has never been able to get a real picture of the globe from space in the decades long fakery.

The Flat Earth awakening is happening and while a stigma still follows those who believe, the numbers of views on this tube view proves peeps no longer believe the BS. The demons have been exposed for what they are.
As I have stated before, some brief online shopping can get you a high altitude balloon and wireless camcorder for as low as $120.
If you want to disprove us so badly, do so. If you can get some footage of the dome, that'd be world-shattering news. (or should i say world flattening hehe) Unless of course people dismiss it as fake like you do to every piece of RE proof that is presented.  ;)

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Chemtrails and Toothpaste
« on: April 23, 2018, 02:25:24 PM »
It's not a common theory round these parts. Fluoride in water has nothing to do with flat earth whatsoever.

Round these parts...hmm ok but maybe ignorance plays a role? Anything to dumb one down and not question or be able to think allows, the powers that be, to force feed your mind with garbage, like the round earth quackery. We all know that sleep is important to ones health but some may not know the effects on sleep heavy metals like aluminium have on sleep. Our pineal gland it seems clears bad chems from our brains during sleep by supplying sulfer to it. When these metals are introduced in quantity they stop the sulfer production and the pineal gland begins to calcify, disrupting our cleansing sleep cycle. Studies show things like autism and alzheimers are bi-products of this imbalance (both imo at epidemic stage).

Evil has dumbed all down, made you swallow the drugs, taught you the lies but there is hope and freedom. His name is Jesus Christ !

slash ----->>>>>>> sorry was that your ear?  Chemtrail and toothpaste with fluoride are slow death.

Read all about it:

Primarily, I'm disappointed in you, J-man, if you do agree with this article that vaccines cause autism, which is provably wrong, but also it undermines this site's credibility a smidgen, wouldn't you agree?
Not only that, but you preach that the government is lying to us and that the truth is out there, basically that our blind faith is our downfall, yet you also display that same blind faith in your god. Jesus will not solve anything. he died nearly two millennia ago. Your faith is backed by nothing more than a book rich in cobwebs, not truths.

Granted you are probably stuck in your ways, and my self deprecating text and signature may dilute my contribution's worth to you, but you preach lies my dude. As one of those icky atheists, god has done nothing for me and I do not expect him to, for he is merely an illusion created by sad people looking for an explanation to the mysteries of the universe. No empirical evidence, as they say.

Also, you seem to be dodging my questions. You talk a lot about how nano particles (Chemtrails) are poisoning us but have not responded to my numerous inquiries on the subject.
Well, J-man...
Have you observed any of this?
Can you link to anyone who has?
What are these nano particles made of? Aluminum oxide?
Where are they manufactured? Do they form naturally?
How are they distributed? Are they distributed?
Are they spread equally? By whom?
Where are the most/least of them?
How do they function? Who invented them?
What do they do within the body to poison someone?
How to aviod them if they are in the air? Can they be avoided?

Here's the full discussion:

If you're so knowledgeable on the subject, please enlighten me. ;)

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Question about the earths base
« on: April 20, 2018, 01:49:51 PM »
Well there has been gratuitous mapping of the inside (or base, if you prefer) of the Earth through earthquake data. Think about shaking a box to tell what's inside. The Earth shakes itself. By paying attention to how long it takes earthquake waves to move through the earth, we know there is a liquid outer core that blocks certain waves from shaking some areas of the earth's crust, as S waves are blocked by liquid, and coincidentally do not show up on a large portion of the earth opposite (on a round globe) the epicenter. It's almost like they're being blocked by a big sphere (or what have you) of liquid inside the Earth. Liquid rock heated up by gravitational pressure, maybe? Man, the flat earth is lacking many explainations for things we already know the cause of. 

And yes, this is real.

Flat Earth Theory / Re: Theories is all we have
« on: April 12, 2018, 04:28:07 PM »
we have a much better theory when it comes to flat or round debates, we have more facts, more knowledge of how the Earth actually works.
Can you explain how flat earth THEORY has more facts and knowledge of how the earth works?
WOah there whippersnapper, hold your horses.
Not the most comprelling argument?
That's what you're sounding like.
We don't have theories, we have solid facts. Dr Rowbotham was able to prove how flat earth works. His experiments were solid and this is proved in calculating the true distance of the sun and moon.
True but Theories have facts supporting it, we don't actually know, because a flat-earther hasn't gone into space, but yes I agree with you.
Theories have facts.
If your flat earth is well-off in that department, care to present some?
As for the round home team, we have numerous photos from space, amature balloon footage, retroreflectors on the moon, if you'd care to disute them feel free, but they are indeed factual.
We don't have theories, we have solid facts. Dr Rowbotham was able to prove how flat earth works. His experiments were solid and this is proved in calculating the true distance of the sun and moon.
True but Theories have facts supporting it, we don't actually know, because a flat-earther hasn't gone into space, but yes I agree with you.

A flat Earther can go into space, but a flat Earther can't come back down.

They can't go up in the first place. They'll be stopped by a dome ;)

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: satellite hoax
« on: April 12, 2018, 03:53:39 PM »
The 2000 year old documents suggest the dome is of sapphire stone which we all know has tremendous communication features. Also has aluminum oxide contents, where do we hear of those also? Chemtrails, those nano particles you suck in and eat everyday. Thanks for playing stinker.....
Well, J-man...
Have you observed any of this?
Can you link to anyone who has?
What are these nano particles made of? Aluminum oxide?
Where are they manufactured? Do they form naturally?
How are they distributed? Are they distributed?
Are they spread equally? By whom?
Where are the most/least of them?
How do they function? Who invented them?
What do they do within the body to poison someone?
How to aviod them if they are in the air? Can they be avoided?
When was the dome discovered? By whom?
How long has it been used for communication? What method? Who invented that method?
When was it created?
How was it created?
Who created it?
and please provide proof.

Also, "as we all know" yeah no.
I looked around on google and found nothing about sapphire being good for communications.
And aluminum oxide is most often used as 'corundum' in its crystalline form for sandpaper and exfoliation, as well as an ingredient in dental cements.
It's not poisonous, we use it all the time.
By the way, it turns out the sapphire dome is also made out of chemtrails, as one of Al2O3 crystalline forms is the titular sapphire.
Have fun, J-man.

Flat Earth Theory / Map Mysteries
« on: April 11, 2018, 05:28:41 PM »
Navigation as been brought up before. It's amazing how people navigated for centries with charts and maps of the 'wrong' earth.
Wrong being round in this context of course.
But what did they use to navigate? Maps. What did those maps show? The globe. Did they do it well? No, they were all innacurate, and would bend distances, because there is no way to accurately put a 3d surface on to a 2d surface and vice versa. There will always be some distortion.
Why are they all distorted if the earth is flat and can be represented on a 2d map without distortion?
Why are they successful at navigating despite being about the round earth?
Why is there no flat earth map? Certainly someone would have manfactured one at some point.
Why can the flat earth models not correctly show the southern hemisphere without distortion?
Why, despite the whole planet being mapped, has no one found/photographed/explored the ice wall?
Fun fact: NASA was founded in 1958, while nautical charts go back as far as 1339 with the Portolan Chart, so no conspiracy.
Excited for a response.

Although parallax IS a troll and cannot back up these claims with ANY evidence. Just a thought to bear in mind....

As far as I see he is referring you to Earth Not a Globe for most of what he says. Why not read it if you are so curious about what Rowbotham bases his conclusions on?

I assume you're talking about this:
Conclusions based on 180 years old experiments, recognized as flawed, corrected two years later (that is one (1) year after the coronation of Queen Victoria) and utterly, utterly debunked not only by modern science, but also by the ancient Greek. Why do you believe that Rowbotham was right?
Yes. Dr Rowbotham hasn't been debunked at all, the people that 'debunked' him made flaws in their experiments so produced incorrect results. I trust Dr Rowbothams work.
Y'know, Parallax, you need to step back and take a look at those experiments. Properly.
You're stating they are flawless, and absolute, and the people 'debunking' him are the ones who are wrong.
Rowbotham isn't perfect, my dude, he's a human such as you or I.
Finish following this fella and his fraudulent findings, and frankly, flake from this faker's flamboyant falsehoods.
The fool's findings are far from fact.
Also, if we're frequently fabricating the finding that flat fellas are false and foolish, 'troll' is false, as that's for flapjacks who feign flagrantly and find fun in fashioning folks' frustration.

Flat Earth Investigations / Re: Chemtrails and Toothpaste
« on: April 06, 2018, 04:35:56 PM »
So a common theory around these parts, that happens to coincide with the flat earth is Chemtrails and Geo-engineering.
No, it isn't. Stop being wrong and stupid and conflating us with every idea you personally disagree with.
I'm not conflating mi amigo, just wrong and stupid.
Could've sworn people discussed that on the forums and used it as a FE argument, but my mistake. Sorry Pete.
On the other hand, things are being changed, as the Department of Health and Human Services has reduced their recommendations of water fluoride content from 1.2 to 0.7 mg/L to less than 0.7 mg/L, and many argue it needs to go even lower. Your thyroids will be safe soon.

Flat Earth Investigations / Chemtrails and Toothpaste
« on: April 06, 2018, 01:43:56 PM »
So a common theory around these parts, that happens to coincide with the flat earth is Chemtrails and Geo-engineering.
The governments are seeding the skies with mind-warping chemicals that trick us into believing things, and they're polluting the water with them too.
Yeah, no.
I've heard cases for flouride, flourine, and flourite, though that could easily be some unfortunate typos.
They have a point, the governments are tainting our water supply with flouride in a dastardly plot to reduce tooth decay.
That's what it does. It's a teeth cleaner.
Also, in the actual conspiracy theory, if they did poison the air with this, don't they breathe the same air as us? If anything they'd be poisoning themselves too.
And how does a chemical make you brainwashed? Oxygen isn't whispering dark secrets in your ear. You aren't going to go mad from the Silicon in your computers, and whatever flourine/flourite/baking flour they're putting in the skies doesn't make the earth any flatter.

As for the cloud lines, you're thinking of contrails. It's water condensing behind the wings as the air on top of them collides with the air below.
Clouds form around them, since water droplets in the air want to come together into clouds, and there's already a perfectly good cloud nearby to join.
If you've owned a plane you would know this. It happens to all of them, given the right humidity. Your backyard puddle jumper isn't warping the minds of the misled masses, it's just flying.

Of course, if I'm mistaken, there's a perfectly good reply button to tell me how wrong and stupid I am. ;)

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