You skipped my question about 3rd parties.
There is no third party in bitcoin. You have a sender and a receiver. No one else partakes in bitcoin transactions. Miners record transactions, they can not modify them in any way. You don't get to choose which blocks your transaction goes into, I'm not even sure why you would want to.
I am not sure if tis has been covered elsewhere but what inherent properties, if any, of bitcoin makes it a secure currency against counterfeiting and money-laundering?
Bitcoin can not be counterfeited as of today. If for any reason elliptic curve cryptography is broken in the future then my previous statement will no longer be true. However since cryptography is prevalent throughout the internet, bitcoins would be my least worry if elliptic curves are broken.
Money laundering is a different beast entirely. Bitcoin addresses can be traced, so it isn't exactly a good currency to use for theft or other illegal activities in the first place. That said, it has been used for money laundering. The dollar would actually win out between the two as being the best vehicle for illegal activity.